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View Full Version : This Year's District Arts Festival...directly from the 7th chair in Honors Orchestra!

March 8th, 2006, 08:51 pm
Hi, peeps! Let me tell you about the District Arts Festival this year... of course, it's theme is about Mozart turning 250 this year. Okay, anyway, right before we play Happy Birthday at the very end, there's this little jazz rap about Mozart's life where the singer actually dresses like Mozart, wig and all! It's called Rock Me Amadeus....(If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, you're a sick minded person.) And suddenly, right after the festival is over, the Spongebob Squarepants theme song breaks out over the loud speaker, and all of the high schoolers (inclding myself) sing to it, but none of the elementary schoolers do...is there something wrong with us? We have another performance tonight, please don't let us butcher the ending of the song like we did last time...:heh: