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View Full Version : Can you help me?

March 21st, 2006, 06:22 pm
Okay, I've been trying to find an anime. But I haven't been able to find it for a few reasons.
#1. Don't know the name of it.
#2. I don't know the name of any of the people in it.

All I really know is a little part of one episode and a little of the story pulled together partly from what I know for sure and partly from what I assume. Now I don't really expect much help, but if you have anyidea at all please post.

There's a boy in this train that flies. He's also with a young woman and a robot or 2. The boy is trying to find his parents or something. He find another boy in the same situation he's in. They already feel like friends because they're in the same spot. But they decide to split up. The boys friend says,' Don't die on me!' (I assume it's because the earth as we know it has a lot of robots that want to kill the humans... Anyway!). That's all I remember from that episode... I remember part of another one... The boy goes and while trying to find his parents, hears gunshots. He runs around a corner and sees his friend lying on the ground. Bullet holes going through his body. The boy runs over and delicately cradles his friends head in his right arm. The friend is bleeding from his mouth and has a blank stare on his face. The boy yells something at his friend. The robot that know's the boy and the young woman come around the corner and run to him. The boy is crying and says,' You can't go dieing on me!!!' and the young woman stand by the boy. The robot says something to the effect of,' I've never had anyone care for me... If I die no one will miss me' so she rushes after the people that killed the boys friend and she( the robot was a girl) got blown through.

I know I said I only remembered 1 episode but I remembered more as I went on. Sorry it was long, but I really like this anime even though I hadn't seen more than 2-3 episodes. Please help shine some light on this for me. Remercie un groupe!

April 19th, 2006, 05:12 pm
wow wish i could help. when you find ouut lert me know: i wanna see it! -_-