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View Full Version : Reo's (Not Aleatz's) Compositions

March 24th, 2006, 09:24 am
Greetings. I'm fairly new to the site, but I'd love to share some of my compositions with you and get some feedback from them. I mainly do compositions for the piano, but occasionally I may do a flute piece as well (you'll probably never hear a french horn one though!). They're pretty simple, but I love them none the less ^.^ . If you happen to listen or play them I'd love some feedback. If you enjoy them I may post more in the future.

Here's my piano piece Stranded, which I had to write for an assessment. I've also added a new one which is a flute duet called Untold Ending. Hope you enjoy them!:)


Toodles from Reo:lol: .

March 25th, 2006, 04:23 am
They're simple but beautiful. I like them very much. Keep it up!

March 25th, 2006, 06:16 am
Very lovely songs you've composed there. I think in the second piece with the Duet of Flutes, you should use some chords between them-it ties the phrases together at the end, instead of playing the same note, eh?

March 25th, 2006, 09:28 am
Thanks for the advice. I've tried to put more harmony into this time. I've also made it longer with an extra 'movement' on the end (I don't know if it's really a movement). Tell me what you think, or if I should stay with the old version.



March 26th, 2006, 12:14 am
I've got this intro to a piano piece I've had in my head for a while. I still need time to finish the rest of it. There's a lot of movement in the left hand which I think is pretty^_^ . Tell me what you think.


Toodles from Reo :lol:

March 26th, 2006, 12:17 am
I like this newer version better, it has more soul to it.
One thing I would suggest is that at measure 16 you should get rid of the long rest to keep the momentum of the song going.
Other than that good job!

July 12th, 2006, 04:44 am
Wow, it's been a long time :unsure: I'm back though! This time I have a fair bit uploaded, and most of it is real (me playing on an untuned piano) :lol: . I know I'm not as amazing as a lot of people on this site, but I'd like to put this stuff up anyway.


These two are part of a Fire Emblem medley I'm currently working on. My digital camera only records 30secs a time, so there's not that much to go on. It's quite sad that I have to record my music with a digital camera, but it still works quite well (with the exception of the fact it can only record 30secs of sound). The first part should sound like the intro to Blazing Sword (if I did it right) and the second is further into the intro I believe.


This is the real of Stranded. The tempo on the sheet music isn't exact, this is closer to it.


This is the beginning of a piece I composed ages ago for a music assessment. It's simple, but I love it :wub:


Finally, the Prelude to Final Fantasy. I know the harp is wrong in certain parts (infact, I know exactly where it's wrong), but I'm yet to figure it our exactly, but it is quite close. This may actually already have been transcribed by someone, but if it gets me into practise then I don't care too much ^_^

July 18th, 2006, 11:51 pm
I like the smoothness of the flow in your music. One question I have is that you seem to just barely stay within limits of what a flute is capable of if not gone over in some of them. Will this actually sound as good if played by the real instrument? Perhaps changing it to a piccolo might work better?