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View Full Version : Super awesome question & song! Fantastic Rain is the name!

March 26th, 2006, 07:28 am
Hey all, I've been playing piano for quite a while but I just started composing my first piece two days ago with some random midi-composer thing I found online.

Anyway, all I've learned to do so far is add whole notes, half notes, quarter notes....,64th notes. I don't know how to change anything else and before I go off learning how to fully use this program I was wondering if any of you might recommend a better (best) midi program specifically for piano?

....Infact it'd probably be better if you could only add a piano voice, I'd just get too distracted with putting too much cowbell in my compositions.

Anywhoo, here's my 30 second work in progress, so far it's only 30 seconds long, so if you don't like it hey atleast you only you wasted 30 seconds.....I mean, it doesn't even go the entire 30 seconds soo wow...yea..not long.

oh btw, what's the difference between the trial version and the full version in most cases?

March 26th, 2006, 05:23 pm
It's really good for a first composition. The song sorta loses itself ocassionally, and why did the left hand stop? x_x

March 26th, 2006, 06:16 pm
Even though it does not support MIDI, I believe the best music notation software is Finale Note Pad 2006. It is sort of like a trial version yet it isn't. If you wanted to go all the way you coulf spend 600 dollars on Finale 2006. Then you can save things as MIDI files. But if you arn't willing to spend that much, you can download Note Pad at...

March 27th, 2006, 10:41 am
This is just me, but I personally felt the left hand got way too redundant. I find that the songs I like are the ones constantly moving, not just playing the same chords over and over. Some good "moving" songs are Pachabells Canon in D Major, maybe even Yuki Kajira's In the Land of Twilight. Also, the melody, for me, was not catchy enough, and it looks like you were going for a catchy song. So it's a 5/10.