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April 2nd, 2006, 03:47 am
So what if I am a girl with obessions? :sweat: Games seems to fit my obessions and I have been obsessed with Tales of Symphonia...

I think its kind of short... and that you don't get to continue the game at the end and collect the rest of the exspheres... But its still an AWESOME game! :P

April 2nd, 2006, 04:41 am
original topic ^_^
It seems that I'm not the only one in here who likes Kratos

April 4th, 2006, 11:06 pm
:heh: At least I'm not alone

Am I becoming THAT predictable ALREADY??

April 11th, 2006, 12:52 am
Give them no quarter! (How about a penny? Dime? Nickel?)

Are you ready for this? (Umm...ready for what?)

First aid!! (-a huge bandaid comes at her- Nuuu!!! -runs away-)

I love Tales of Symphonia! I just gotta beat it. :heh: Only 9 hours into it. If only I'd put as much effort in ToS as I do in Kingdom Hearts 2.

ToS - 9 hours
KH2 - 18 hours and 27 minutes.

I have no life......oh well! At least I'll get time to play both games during Spring Break! It's only 10 days long, but I'll just spend all-nighters playing video games. -evil grin- Only 3 more days until Spring Break! WOOHOO!!!:lol:

April 15th, 2006, 09:02 pm
Kingdom Hearts 2... is it a good game? (Obvious question right?)
I have beat TOS 4 times now and my current game time is 60:10:07
Woot! Go me! My brother took my game so I am playing Full Metal Alchemist and the Broken Angel (Something like that)
*sob!* TOS is GONE!!! *sob* *sob*


Yuan: And just who the hell are you?
[Yuan charges lightning ball from the palm of his right hand]
Lloyd Irving: Give me your name, and I shall give you mine!
Yuan: Ha ha ha! You certainly have guts. But I'm afraid I don't see the need to introduce myself to a miserable little creature like you.
Lloyd Irving: What a coincidence, cause I don't see a need to introduce myself either to a moron who doesn't realize how pathetic he is.
Yuan: Why, you little...

Lloyd Irving: Da... Kratos? Are you really okay?
Kratos Aurion: ...Looks like I failed to die once more.
Lloyd Irving: You stupid jerk! You can die any time! But when you die, that's the end.
Yuan: You want him to live in eternal damnation?
Lloyd Irving: Who said anything like that?! What will you accomplish by dying? Nothing! There is no meaning in dying!
Kratos Aurion: ...You're...right. To think, I had to have my son teach me such an obvious lesson.
[Kratos passed out]
Lloyd Irving: Kratos!
Yuan: Kratos will be fine. Form the pact with Origin.

April 15th, 2006, 10:57 pm
I hear there are people who can beat Abyssion on Maniac (Mania?) mode at/before level 70 WITHOUT using an All-Divide o_O (and without using GRADE bonuses for the Mania file) How is that even possible?

April 16th, 2006, 12:56 am
yep, that's me...Abyssion is sooo easy!

April 16th, 2006, 03:36 pm
Abyssion annoyed me. I was level 55 when i faced him.

Took me an 1 hour 10 minutes and 6 seconds

April 16th, 2006, 03:47 pm
wasnt for me, i did manage it until second time round with higher titles, i think i did it on manoc, was trying to get massive stats

April 16th, 2006, 04:05 pm
I was doing it on normal. I didnt know about titles then-_-

April 16th, 2006, 09:17 pm
I beat Abyssion in the most humiliating way possible XD
Zelos' swimwear while having a pink toy dagger equipped, It was a funny match from beginning to end

April 18th, 2006, 03:07 am
i beat it, idk how many times, but i never fought abission cause im to lazy to find the weapon things:heh: its a good game and all but i HATE the voice acting, it sux more then some of its dialog

April 18th, 2006, 05:50 am
it's not bad. I kinda like it

April 20th, 2006, 04:06 pm
The voice acting is great. I dont see where its gone wrong. And the graphics are just beautiful..............

April 21st, 2006, 01:56 am
Gahhh! You dis something about TOS?! Arrgh! {Me chases you with knife with crazy evil face on} {You run away laughing} {Me: Damn... u 2 fast... {Fwump! <-- Me hits ground}}

I personally loved the voice acting, well, because... umm... I... really... love... TOS:think: ?

April 21st, 2006, 02:31 am
The voice acting was good in some spots but it needed more work in others. I liked the voice acting for Zelos but only because it was Shiloh Strong.
:drool: Shiloh Strong. :drool:

April 21st, 2006, 01:09 pm
Well, my absolute favorite character is Sheena, but Lloyd's up at the top with her, as well as Kratos, Yuan, and Martel, even though she does nothing. Does anyone like Colette? And I think the voice acting is pretty good; it gets you more in depth with the storyline. Jennifer Hale does well as Sheena. :D Now, if there ever were any characters from games that were hot, they're Kratos and Riku from KH2. Yes, KH2, cuz he's not hot in KH. I even drew Kratos in a picture with the other eight main characters and he looked REALLY gay to me, but my friends, who don't even know what ToS is, said that he looked hot! Personally, I thought I drew Lloyd the best, but oh well. All's well that ends well.

::Warning:: Spoilers Ahead
I was looking up stuff on ToS and telling my brother random information while he was playing, when I came across this bit of information: DID YOU KNOW, TO GET KRATOS'S ENDING, YOU HAVE TO KILL ZELOS???? Isn't that kinda scary? But, if you get Zelos's ending, no one dies. I don't like Zelos either way. He just gets on my nerves. One more spoiler:

"What is this ominous light that threatens to engulf us?"
-Regal Bryant

Dude, that sentence is so, like, "What?" But it's still funny. Not a big fan of Regal either.

April 28th, 2006, 04:25 am
I don't like Colette at all. She's just so... whats that word... umm... pricky? no... clumsy? na... thats me... umm... slutty? something like that... My fav characters in ToS would be... (In order) : KRATOS!, Yuan, Lloyd, Sheena, Genis, and Zelos... my other fav characters from a diff game would be, Dante and Virgil from Devil May Cry!

Yuan: So you've come, like moths to the flame!
[Yuan and Botta appeared at the scene]
Lloyd Irving: Do you ever say anything original?
Zelos Wilder: You gotta admit... that line is seriously clichéd.
Yuan: I see your attitudes haven't changed! But your impudence ends here! Prepare to die!
[Lloyd's group starts fighting Yuan and Botta]

This next one is kinda cliched... don't ya think??? Its too typical...

Regal Bryant: W... where am I?
Lloyd Irving: You're our prisoner. Don't try anything funny.
Regal Bryant: I like to think that I'm smart enough not to start trouble when I don't understand the situation.

July 12th, 2006, 04:15 am
:sings: I'm alonnnnee... In this FORRRRUm... so alooooooone.... unbearably alooooone!!! :stops:

July 12th, 2006, 12:11 pm
Spamming will get you nowhere, however.

July 12th, 2006, 04:05 pm
So what if I am a girl with obessions? :sweat: Games seems to fit my obessions and I have been obsessed with Tales of Symphonia...

I think its kind of short... and that you don't get to continue the game at the end and collect the rest of the exspheres... But its still an AWESOME game! :P

HmMmMmMM....a gurl that like playing games.......it's pretty hard to imagine one becuz you rarely see one these days......

i'v always wanted to play a gurl in a versus game.....:lol:

July 13th, 2006, 03:09 am
Spamming will get you nowhere, however.

Spamming?? nvm. @_@ so confused.... I'm not the brightest i'll tell you that, but, I WAS fairly bored.

July 13th, 2006, 03:12 am
HmMmMmMM....a gurl that like playing games.......it's pretty hard to imagine one becuz you rarely see one these days......

i'v always wanted to play a gurl in a versus game.....:lol:

a versus game eh? I would LUV to play one with someone other than my brother, or my sister/best friend...

Wow... if you rarely see us game girls, where are YOU from?? In leduc Alberta, you see MILLIONS... okay not exactly millions but, you see quite a few.

Most of my friends are game fangirls as well. And yes. Tales of Symphonia IS for PS2 but, it isn't out in canada, cuz, I want it too!! :heh:

July 13th, 2006, 07:27 am
please don't double post and use the edit button if you want to add something to your post if no one posted yet

July 13th, 2006, 10:08 am
Fav Charac : Kratos
I think I did mostly everything minus arena.
On the other hand you'll all be happy to kno this is comming to america soon if yuo havent already heard.
MY fav so far by what I have read and watched is Asch (the Main antagonist. has long red hair , you see him near the end of the video fighting Luke). Luke is pretty cool too (the main character with long/short red hair in the white outfit). And Guy ( The blonde samurai/fencer ) looks like a badass XD -edit- ALso like JAde (he looks like a chick yet has the lowest voice ive heard) Hell Ill just say they all look pretty awesome.

July 13th, 2006, 10:14 pm
*sigh* I feel like almost every freakin' girl loves Kratos. ....where's the Zelos love?! And Colette is a cool character. Hmph.

YAY Tales of the Abyss! *points to avatar* That's ...self explantory, she's an awesome healer with some extra offensive magic, and *points to sig* that's Regret, one of the Rokujinshou, and she's the one who taught Tear how to use magic. Regret is a gunner, by the way :D.

I can't wait to use Guy :D. He's supposedly quicker than Luke. Or Anise (Fever Time XD!).

And...it has a great opening theme :D.

July 13th, 2006, 10:41 pm
Huzzah for the Rokujinshou! Akashic Torment!

July 14th, 2006, 03:21 am
I have to admit... Zelos is ALMOST as hot as Kratos, but, Yuan beats them all!! (ixnay on my screen name! :P )

July 14th, 2006, 10:58 am
Guy seems like the arrogant guy that beleives he can do just about anything. And if thats true , I like 'em already.

July 14th, 2006, 11:01 am
just like Zelos

July 15th, 2006, 02:45 pm
Traya: Well...technically that fits more of Luke's personality in the beginning. And Asch.
The only thing I know about Guy's is that he's afraid of women!

July 16th, 2006, 11:55 am
Hahaha thats seems interesting... Too bad its not like Laharl from Disgaea

July 20th, 2006, 09:51 pm
I've done the arena for everyone apart from Genis and Raine. how the hell do you kill the monsters without depending on luck. I only manage to get a few mid magic spells in and an advanced one if I'm very lucky. If you've done one round with either, what's your strategy?

July 20th, 2006, 10:27 pm
when you're fighting the flying dragon, go under him while casting Indignation, get the EX skills to make Genis cast spells faster

July 21st, 2006, 07:53 am
with genis i waited till i got mis most powerfull wepon. the one you get from winning redlight geenlight after youve witnesses the bit at mithosis castel before you uswe the final transport.

the dragon is weeak against ice (monster guid came in handy. so for first match equip the summon spoirit of ice stone and holfy symbol to recover HP, then switch over for next match, turtle just use thunder blade, and so on. the final dragon is quit easy with genis. when hes doing his fireball thing if your standing right infront he cant hit you. so swing away, when he starts flying get under and use a lv.2 attack

rain wasnt as hard but i'll type it later if you want

July 23rd, 2006, 09:06 pm
I never bothered with the Coliseum the first time, and right now I'm not up to that point yet T.T Yes, I'm lazy.
Actually, I'm title-collecting. Has anyone gotten Zelos 'Gigolo' title and/or Colette's 'Dog Lover' title?
And how do you get the Paw Mania skit? I mean...I want to see little sad Presea get all happy ^-^.

Edit: Can't wait for Tales of the Abyss -.-. And they better get the real Tales of Destiny 2 on PSP over here...

July 29th, 2006, 01:51 am
Hm...here's something interesting to note...a Tales of Symphonia (http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=1177) thread was made a long time ago, and this thread technically shouldn't even exist! In fact, come to think of it, I could have sworn I saw yet another at one point...

Edit: Oh yes, there is! There was a link to it in that thread, with someone doing the same thing I'm doing now...


Edit 2: And someone even pointed that out in the second post of THIS thread! x_x Why is it still here??

November 22nd, 2006, 10:49 pm
Tales of the Abyss is out right now, if you didn't know! XD Playing my guts through it! The antagonist simply will not die... JADE IS THE BEST AND SO IS GUY!!!!!!!!! They're like the best friends I will never have; one who can match my sarcasm and one who'll wait for me. :) Uh, BTW, I'm also a girl who plays video games... I mean, who hasn't at least finished a Pokemon game?

December 5th, 2006, 07:55 pm
with genis i waited till i got mis most powerfull wepon. the one you get from winning redlight geenlight after youve witnesses the bit at mithosis castel before you uswe the final transport.

the dragon is weeak against ice (monster guid came in handy. so for first match equip the summon spoirit of ice stone and holfy symbol to recover HP, then switch over for next match, turtle just use thunder blade, and so on. the final dragon is quit easy with genis. when hes doing his fireball thing if your standing right infront he cant hit you. so swing away, when he starts flying get under and use a lv.2 attack

rain wasnt as hard but i'll type it later if you want

ooh ok, damn i have to do that green light/red light again! yeah could you type out the strategy for raine too please. Or is that just photon photon photon? For the genis thing, its the multiple enemy issue that gets me on the first one.

December 6th, 2006, 12:42 am
Raine is easy. You're right basically, just use her offensive spells and healing spells when needed. Equip an accessory that heals you at a steady rate and let your staff fly! XD

December 31st, 2006, 01:21 am
Tales of the Abyss isn't as good as Tales of Symphonia... Luke is such an @$$... poor muew (i don't know how to spell it)

Even though i've completed Tales Of Symphionia so many times, I only beat the arena with Kratos/Zelos or Lloyd. I haven't bothered with anyone else. Is it worth it?

December 31st, 2006, 01:56 am
Well if you want their second best (?) weapons then you should complete it. Also, if you're the perfectionist, you have to complete the Collesium to complete the Collection Book and Monster List

December 31st, 2006, 03:31 am
Tales of the Abyss isn't as good as Tales of Symphonia... Luke is such an @$$... poor muew (i don't know how to spell it)

Even though i've completed Tales Of Symphionia so many times, I only beat the arena with Kratos/Zelos or Lloyd. I haven't bothered with anyone else. Is it worth it?

Luke gets 'better' later...but his emo-ness get annoying XD.
If all else fails, listen to Jade. :P

Oh, guys: there's a commercial for the ToS anime~! I can't find it though...

December 31st, 2006, 03:50 am
oh right! The ToS anime will be released in 2007, though I'm not entirely sure when

December 31st, 2006, 06:55 am
This game wasn't really short... <.< If you try to get everything or just want enough grade for the NG+, (in my case) it took 100 hours to beat... <.< I got lost trying to find Palmacosta, even in my third run, so I was level 56 before I got there... :heh:

December 31st, 2006, 08:42 pm
Luke gets 'better' later...but his emo-ness get annoying XD.
If all else fails, listen to Jade. :P

Oh, guys: there's a commercial for the ToS anime~! I can't find it though...

^^ At least I don't have die from his ego!
Listening to Jade is really handy... I found that out already.
Even though he seems to be the bad guy by his attitude, he really isn't... i don't think...
You can probably find the commercial for the anime on YouTube... you can find anything there.

January 9th, 2007, 09:08 pm
does the tales of symphonia anime come out 2007 in canada or japan?

January 10th, 2007, 01:31 am
it comes out in Japan. No news about an NA release, and don't hope for one either. ToP and ToE OVAs didn't get one so I don't see why this is different

January 10th, 2007, 03:30 am
I hope it does just to see how much they can mess it up... The messed Eragon up so bad i dont want it... and I LOVE Eragon... :sweat:
ToS is suppose to come out in Canada late this year, but i doubt it will... they say sooooo much now and they never carry it through...

Asch rules... I love him...

January 16th, 2007, 12:05 am
Can anyone tell me where to find the commercial for the anime. and please tell me its actually a series and not pictures. If they do this it better be good. Theyre makin one for phantasia as well.

January 16th, 2007, 12:18 am
It's somewhere on youtube. Though it shows the actual trailer, the angle in which it was taken was bad.

January 16th, 2007, 07:00 pm
If anyone can find the link???<_<

January 18th, 2007, 01:21 pm
wow.........ive never seen someone so addicted to tos. i love that game too...XD cept i cant play it anymore cuz my gamecube broke:(

but still...its funny XD

MOD EDIT: Don't double post.

January 26th, 2007, 09:11 pm
Just finished it. Great game.

I would play it again but I lent it to a friend. Meh, I guess I have to wait another couple of weeks. XD

January 27th, 2007, 03:30 am
ahahahah, that was a fast one Sondagger!
Maybe you should pick up Tales of The Abyss if you liked ToS

January 27th, 2007, 01:27 pm
Gotta save my money. Once I get a job I'll think about a new game.

February 23rd, 2007, 04:19 pm
oooh. i played tales of the abyss. i never finished it though. its a great game too.^.^

February 23rd, 2007, 07:33 pm
Tales of the Abyss has the best spell incantation ever:

Anise: "I'll smash you with a giant hammer! Miracle Hammer!" :D

February 24th, 2007, 03:51 pm
ya lmao. i liked that too. it has a really great story line and seems long too.XD

February 26th, 2007, 01:44 am

February 26th, 2007, 04:28 pm
lol. im not too interested in buying the soundtrack. i found the anime for the whole tales seires on ebay.XD

February 26th, 2007, 11:08 pm
I assume you mean Tales of Phantasia, because the anime of Tales of Symphonia isn't even out yet...

February 26th, 2007, 11:14 pm

February 27th, 2007, 02:48 am
ahahahah, that was a fast one Sondagger!
Maybe you should pick up Tales of The Abyss if you liked ToS

My sister got me TOTA for my birthday. It is awesome! However, if you pin the two games against each other, :unsure: I can never decide which one is better... Symphonia or Abyss... she has tried many times to get me to answer the question with a definite response...

March 4th, 2007, 12:11 am
the anime of Tales of Symphonia isn't even out yet...

theres an anime?!

Divine Shadow
March 7th, 2007, 04:15 pm
If they're making an anime series of that awesome game, I'm not sure if I'm gonna be happy to see it created from past experiences. With the way these games are being turned into anime, it's sad you can't really be happy about that without thinking someone is going to mess it up. (the real life movie versions count too) I'm still sore with how they handled Disgaea. How in the world is the trailer of it on the Disgaea 2 game (and the bonus anime scene when you get Laharl) more fun to watch than the actual show? Not to mention better looking too (the show looked like crap compared to the trailer). Also, you just know it's gonna follow the Collette storyline which is something I hope it doesn't do. (Sheena/Lloyd fan)

March 7th, 2007, 08:39 pm
I agree with Divine Shadow. There isn't a point to watch the anime if you already beat the game. I hope they add things into the anime to make it more interesting.

March 10th, 2007, 03:09 am
ya lmao. i liked that too. it has a really great story line and seems long too.XD

It's plot and storyline was really addictive, I thought. They certainly put alot of thought and effort into the planning of it and in my opinion, it REALLY paid off!
The only game I thought they messed up was Tales Of Legendia. The story, characters, plot, you name it, it sucked. I hate it! I own it and everything, but I will never play it! well, i might just to see the end, but thats it.
any news on when the Anime for TOS release in America yet?

March 10th, 2007, 07:05 pm
no news on an American release, and I doubt there'll ever be one since they haven't released the OVA of Tales of Phantasia OR Tales of Eternia in NA
so I doubt they would suddenly choose to release ToS

March 17th, 2007, 12:37 am
That's a good point but I do hope your wrong. Even though I beat both Symphonia and Abyss, I wouldn't mind seeing the anime... Just to see who they messed up and what I can complain about...:heh:
I've emailed Namco requesting them to continue the Symphonia legend along with the characters... like Llyod collecting the exspheres and so forth... but, I don't think ONE email will change that... so maybe if they got enough emails about the same thing, they might be persuaded... So, as both Kratos_Girl and BlackDevil, PLEASE email Namco and try to persuade them!!!! :cry: PLEASE!

March 17th, 2007, 02:56 am
Even if the anime totally bites, the idea of just watching it sounds good. For me, at least, I like to sit back and watch sometimes instead of always doing the work. Yes, I'm a cutscene fan.

April 2nd, 2007, 12:30 am
Best gamecube game rpg until zelda XD. Doesnt anyone else (besides me) hate when raine leaves the party? you've gotta love her healing spells..
My favourite character is zelos... hes sorta like me :P

Divine Shadow
April 3rd, 2007, 01:33 pm
Yeah, I hated when Raine left the party. but you do get her back.-. just sucks when you need a heal and only got Kratos or Zelos to do it but they can do well at a high enough level, just not as reliable. I'm more like Lloyd anyway..... except I have a brain and know when a girl is checking me out. .-.

April 6th, 2007, 04:35 pm
I used to hate raine when first started playing, then I found out I could turn off certain spells.

(I bought the game used, so the manual wasn't in the box.

April 6th, 2007, 05:40 pm
Raine's TP granting move drove absolutely crazy. :frusty:

April 10th, 2007, 01:59 am
Crazy good or crazy bad?

She never used it on mine. :(

April 10th, 2007, 04:21 am
Crazy bad. She spent up 25 TP, but only granted 15. It pretty much wasted away her supply, until she couldn't cast any other healing spells.

April 12th, 2007, 06:46 am
yea, turn off that spell. It's useless. If you don't turn it off, she uses it whenever you almost run out of TP

April 13th, 2007, 12:35 am
I'm currently working on the Novelization for TOS, TOL, and TOTA. I'm looking for some really really good pictures to add to the website. Anyone got some I could use? I WILL give you credit for them.
Email Me:

I'm more like Colette... A klutz... A BIG klutz...

April 13th, 2007, 03:16 am
Google Images> Tales of Symphonia

60% of the time works every time.

April 17th, 2007, 02:29 am
Ok, I'll try that. thanks for the tip.

I'm trying to get Namco to consider creating a TOS 2. Can you guys email Namco and try to convince them with me???

April 17th, 2007, 11:23 pm
^^ I did... if they come out with a TOS 2, I would be the first person in a store trying to buy it... Haha i would spend my life savings on it :)

One of the funniest skits I thought was the "Nicknames" skit and when you go to the hotsprings and Lloyd earns himself the title "Peeping Tom"... I couldda died laughing.

April 18th, 2007, 11:40 pm
I don't know...I'd rather have a prequel then a sequel for Symphonia. But more than that, I want a new Tales game! [You hear me Namdai? You guys haven't made a decent new game since Tales of the Abyss, and that was over a year ago! Just remakes! Although the Tales of Destiny Remake looks awesome.]

I love the Peeping Tom skit. Zelos owns.

April 20th, 2007, 01:17 am
I love the kendama skits, especially the one where Raine gets hit in the head. :P

If there was a sequel, than they would definitely need to make Noishe evolve to the next form, (like they talk about in the elf village, in which case Noishe would become some legendary hero type person.) They should also kill off Zelos!!! :shifty:

April 21st, 2007, 11:16 pm
THAT is why I NEEEEEEEED people to help me convince Namco/Bandai!!!!! Prequel, Sequel, WHATEVER! It has to be done :cry:
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm begging you all! Symphonia characters ruled the stands! The story behind it was well thought out too!
I'm making a site right now, and if you guys email me or add comments to the site saying that you want another Tales Of Symphonia game, I will email my site to Namco and get them to read it.

check it out and help me out! PLEEEEEEASE

May 21st, 2007, 01:47 am
Okay...I stopped playing ToS after 10 playthroughs and 200 hours...getting every ending, completing the monster book, Collector's book and the Figurine collection...Yeah - I kinda went overboard...but after trying Tales of Destiny, Eternia, Abyss, Legendia, Narikiri Dungeon (1-3) and Destiny 2...and returning to Symphonia, I realized that it's a rather easy game...I can pull a speed-playthorugh of about 20 hours on Mania difficulty without getting one game over - It was fun while it lasted, and it was a great introductory Tales game, but it's a bit over-rated...

I still do have a small obsession over Kratos...and I still have rants about how they didn't localize skit voices or the PS2 version, but there are still tons of good games for me to play out there.

(Random note - Tales of the World (the Radiant Mythology sub-title is being omitted) is getting released this summer in the US! and the ToS OVA volume 1 is getting released in a couple weeks!)

THAT is why I NEEEEEEEED people to help me convince Namco/Bandai!!!!! Prequel, Sequel, WHATEVER! It has to be done :cry:
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm begging you all! Symphonia characters ruled the stands! The story behind it was well thought out too!
I'm making a site right now, and if you guys email me or add comments to the site saying that you want another Tales Of Symphonia game, I will email my site to Namco and get them to read it.

check it out and help me out! PLEEEEEEASE

We don't need one, and I'm not saying that because Kenta is plotting to kill anyone who wishes for one. Try Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 (for GBA - in japanese, but it's rather easy, and handhelds aren't regionally locked, it has all Tales characters up to Symphonia), or Tales of Phantasia, the first Tales game, of which Symphonia is a prequel of - you can also try any of the other Tales games...They're all good enough, and in my opinion, all - except Tales of the Tempest - surpass Symphonia...

(Especially the Tales of Destiny PS2 Remake - That made (spoiler name ommited)'s death so much cooler, and the battle system, while it still is on one plane is 20 times faster than Symphonia's, omits TP and adds a different system that is quite interesting. It's defined as AR-LMBS, it allows you to constantly juggle your enemy in midair if you have enough C.C. (?))

June 18th, 2007, 11:47 am
Have found a ToS ova if anyone is interested?