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April 3rd, 2006, 04:10 am
Everytime I get a girl to like me (whom I also like), I end up ignoring her or walking pass her when she says "HI!".

Once, I was so close! Me and this girl were alone in the auditorium. This was an odd occasion (I was with another girl I liked, but she ran off when the other girl came) So... then, we fooled around -- I stuffed her in the curtains. Then, she said she didn't want to class... I told her "Go to class!" - when I should have convinced/agreed for her to stay with me... for some fun time >.>

And now, I just ignore her... why am I like this? I'm such a chicken (or a pussy for lack of better term).

... what is wrong with me? ;_;

PS. This girl - I was eyeing for some time. And coincidentally, when I was playing the piano (beautifully, she comments), she approachs me and then afterwords, writes in her blog that she likes me.

And I also did this with another girl... I keep making the same mistake. I'm not strong enough.

April 3rd, 2006, 04:36 am
Maybe you're afraid of falling in love. Did you ever think about that?

April 3rd, 2006, 08:45 am
Make your own blog and have her get word of it! It may sound lame, but if you can't be direct, why not be indirect? Personally, I can easily talk to someone over MSN or AIM rather than face to face, and with more benefits too. Maybe email her?

April 3rd, 2006, 09:52 am
I use to have trouble talking to people. I ended up using msn to tell people how i feel, giving people mixxed messages. I'd just say take it a bit slower, sart email, then msn, then say one thing ur less confident about each time u have a convo...realy i have no idea. You seem to have a fear of some aspect of what is happening

April 3rd, 2006, 07:08 pm
dude different experiences get different results and opinions. mine is i got shot down so many times now if i like i girl i think ahhh stuff it. I ask them out or start chattin them up and if i get reject its nothing new. see now my example is look at playas. you may see a playa with a different girl for each month of the year but look how they done it. they'll go out to a club or group of girls or whatever and he'll try chattin up about 50 different girls. 1 of them is likely to be interested. so for every 49 that shoots him down 1 accepts him and he'll just walk up to them without bein scared of bein shot down. so some girls like the confidence.

so when it comes to us if we like say 5 girls and get rejected by all of them we think something is wrong with us. nah we just aint been around enough to get the girls.

lol this sounds really bad cause i sound like your gonna get rejected. what i mean is just go for it son. what have you got to lose. do it with a smile on your face confess with a smile on your face and try to do it without making the mood feel awkward. that way even if you get shot down if you keep on smilin she'll start thinking about it and think maybe she's missin out on a great guy to take such bad news so lightly.

April 3rd, 2006, 09:06 pm
Yeah, now that I think about it. I'm very afraid of the future. I love to linger in the past/present by thinking they like me and brushing them off like flies. I have no respect for women -- I'm an asshole. ;_;

I do talk to her occasionally on MSN. But we used to talk forever -- all night, nonstop.

Lol. Seph, I just met two new girls -- gave them my MSN. And heh, I was actually able to joke and fool with them... it was pretty hilarious. Maybe I'm good at the initial spark but then screw up later. But some of your statements didn't make any sense, it's not that easy to gain confidence. =S But for some reason, I had a lot today -- Thank god.

I haven't seen this girl for a while now... =(

April 3rd, 2006, 09:40 pm
haha dude i understand its not easy to get confidence. i was single and never had a gf until i was 17. the constance rejection made me not to give a damn anymore so im more out goin. that initial spark is what you need to keep going think about it. you try your luck because you couldnt care if you got rejected its for a laugh and your interested. but as emotions flow you tend to like them more things die down correct cause now your getting nervous. keep the nerves low and things should stay smooth

April 4th, 2006, 09:40 pm
Maybe your just nervous.

April 4th, 2006, 11:07 pm
that would be my first guess...it's the same with me, but I try so hard to tell her. All that coms out is
"Hmm? What is it?"
Erm...uhh...nevermind! *runaway*

Dead Panda
April 6th, 2006, 12:01 am
Aim is the best way.
Or email.
Or love letter.


April 6th, 2006, 05:03 am
I used to have the same problem. It used to take me 3 months to intoduce myself. But worse came to worse and I had to move soon. I ended up swallowing my own pride and fear to go and talk to the ladies. The thing is, most girls are also to scared to come talk to you. They feel the same thing most times, so if neither of you ever make a move the game goes on either forever or until time runs out. Just get past yourself and go talk to them. It's that easy.

Now before you say ' that's not easy!!!', take a walk down the fantasy land of 'what if'.
" what if" she has to move?
" what if" you know someone else is going to go ask her out in the next few hours? Minutes, even!
If you use some things like that and still don't go, you don't like her THAT much.
You're a selfish cur and don't deserve a girl anyway. I haven't met a girl that liked a selfish guy. Now if you think I'm just shooting you down, trying to break your confidence, that's not my intention at all. You might just let her walk by one day, that's okay. Everyone misses opprotunities. But if you let that go on for weeks THEN the selfish cur and things like that come into play. You have nothing to lose, and if you win? You win the girl that you want. That easy.

April 6th, 2006, 05:45 am
hey i have the similar problem as you
Like i can get along really well with girls at the beginning.
but later on as time progresses, the feeling just dies away or something.

It's like me with this girl right now...but let me tell you this
"Fast come fast go"

try to EASE in, and take it easy..establish friendship, then slowly ease into Love..in the beginning you might just like her for her outside personalities, and you don't really know her inside personalities yet. You have to discover that before you truely know if you like her or not.

It's not respectful to girls if you "brush" them off after like couple weeks of "HOT" relationship if you know what i mean.

Just take it easy on yourself and on the girl

April 6th, 2006, 11:46 am
haha nightmarevc hit it on the head.

Thing is man i have said on many other threads about the saying "nothing pursued nothing gained" if you go for it you have at least a chance of getting it where if you just sit back thinking nah i wont ever get it well yoru right you wont because your doing nothing about it. at times my man you gotta think ahhh stuff it what have i got to lose and just go for it. being honest my man I have some nerve problems now. id go to a club and there'd be a fit girl dancing next to me. I'd be thinking ahhh man I wanna dance with her but im nervous and scared. then I think hang on a sec its gonna be even worse if I go home thinking what if ahhh man she was so fit what if, so many things could of happened if only.

get rid of the if onlys and what if's and go for it. that way you can think ahhh well i knew where i stood. she's not gonna get a megaphone and go ahhhh get away from me. they'll just let you know where you stand and that way you can go home thinking i tried but it just wasnt going to happen. THEN MOVE ON. thats the thing it helps you to move on. how many girls have you missed out on because you've lingered on 1 girl.

and at times my man it's stupid to wait a few months before asking someone out. "well they're shy as well so its ok" well what if she meets someone who isnt shy that makes her speak out more that asks her out. the amount of times ive missed out on girls because i waited too long only to find out I would of got in there had i of been that lil bit quicker and actually had the balls

April 13th, 2006, 03:04 am
Sephiroth, it's not the initial encounter that I'm worried about. It's what's after. I met a few new girls and yeah, I end up just saying Hi and walking by -- nothing special.

And about the Jenn, we just stare at eachother strangely when we walk by. I guess it's all over for us now, haha. Oh wells. =S

Thanks for the suggestions though... I'll definately learn from this mistake. If that's possible... if I could get my other self back. Ugh, I think I have multiple personalities. =S

April 13th, 2006, 03:44 am
Okay, the after math. If it's after the friendship is made that you have problems, and judging by your " expericance", I've had problems with that also. I can sum it up in one four letter phraseStop being an ass
There. That's it. Basically for me it was that I thought,'' Hey, we're friends. She'll come to me now" or," Well, I know her so now that that's done there's nothing left for me to do." Mainly it sounds like you think that since you've already done the intro thing, you just don't know what to do. You're completely blank on ideas of how to move forward in the realationship. Here's a few ideas:
1. Ask her out( if that's what you want)- Just go talk to her. Do what I told you before. Make little scenerios where if you don't, she'll be gone. It all comes down to you. If you don't make a move, some one else will.
2. Take the advice in the spoiler to heart- Just get over yourself. It seems like you also act like your better than her or are too good for her. Stop. Just stop. If you don't think you are, talk to one of your friends and ask. Or anyone that sees you a lot. Esspecally if they see you when you're walking down the hall and she's there.
3. Apologize- Since you blow her off, she probably hurts. It would hurt more if she likes you more than a friend. Because you have been blowing her off, use this advice in addition to ideas 1&2; or by itself. This is the only one you need to use. You probably don't know how your actions affect her so it may not seem a big deal. Do it anyway. It hurts. She might have stopped liking you so much because of your behavors. But you'd be surprised how far saying " I'm sorry" will get you. As long as you mean it. To end this post, I'll give you words of wisedom( that I don't remember all myself):
" When a stranger says something bad about you, it hurts like a slap on the wrist. When a loved one says something bad about you, it hurts like a stab in the back"- Wise man once said( NightmareVC-ized)

April 13th, 2006, 12:58 pm
See for me its stupid.

There was this girl i liked for a while. and she liked me. And i was too nervous to ask her out, and then the liking went away, and i realised i got more important stuff to worry about. So if you got a lot on your mind you dont like people as much.

(Speaking from my experiences only)

April 13th, 2006, 01:06 pm
O.o wow im never THAT lucky if a girl liked me i would go crazy for her >.> o whell just try acting nicer maybe

April 13th, 2006, 01:11 pm
when you find out she has a bf and do nothing about it and the time comes she's married you'll most likely say "if only i..."

i say go for it before you have any regrets ;)