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April 17th, 2006, 03:35 pm
Hi. I just started composing like a week ago. I don't think that my compositions are very good. Being a Clarinetist, my music seems one tracked. If you know what I mean. You could say that it would be random also. :heh:
Me and my friends are writing a musical. (After a musical movie night binge thing.) Revolations is simple so I can put it in the musical. The Quartet was my first composition. <3

April 17th, 2006, 03:43 pm
Hmm... they are a little random, especially the quartet -- too many notes. >.<

April 18th, 2006, 04:14 am
Argh, I'm sorry, but "too many notes" always reminds me of that line from Amadeus as being pompous yet uneducated criticism.

April 20th, 2006, 02:39 am
Argh, I'm sorry, but "too many notes" always reminds me of that line from Amadeus as being pompous yet uneducated criticism.

Your post has too many words! ><

April 20th, 2006, 05:43 pm
Argh, I'm sorry, but "too many notes" always reminds me of that line from Amadeus as being pompous yet uneducated criticism.

Same, that's probably where's he's getting it from... :P

Anyway, I voted the Quartet (if I had to pick one). I am glad you didnt do any fast switches from the usual places (Bb to C DIE, A to B, DIE) Anyway, the clarinet solo was perty OK for a first timer.

The Quartet needs a lot more knowing of Music Theory basically. It seems like the notes were random and the progression through the notes were.. ehh... I think you know. And the ending chords didn't sound like an ending. I think you were looking for a G Major chord, instead of C. Although I think the piece was in C, doesn't mean the ending should always be. The ear was used to that "G" sounding main going on throughout, but just no F# (which was noticed).

April 21st, 2006, 01:55 am
Okay, Maestro I tried the G Major Chord. It sounded weird. :\ So I think I'll stick to the C Major. Uhm I tried looking through the songs for some randomness and stuff. Took them out and put in more predictible rythums. I'll try to post the changed compositions soon.

April 21st, 2006, 02:08 am
Your post has too many words! ><

Anyways, I actually thought the opposite, at least for the quartet piece - there's a lot of places that you can fill up with more notes, particularly for establishing more of a harmonic center. Right now, there's a lot of octaved intervals and parallel movement, sounding very questionable in terms of whether you've intended it like that, or you just done it like that due to lack of musical theory/intuition.

The solo isn't looking too bad though - rhythmically, it sounds somewhat unbalanced at parts, and a countersection would help make it more interesting, but overall it's servicable as is.

April 22nd, 2006, 12:35 am
I feel like I should give up on the Quartet. I tried changing it, but I think I only changed it for the worse. I composed a new piece because I feel kind of like 'new'. Like I was kind off getting over the other songs. I think it's my best composition yet. Of course it isn't done although I'd like to know what you think. ^_^

April 22nd, 2006, 01:39 am
Hmm... it's certainly better than the quartet but I still don't like it. There are a lot of dissonant notes and chord progressions that don't make sense to my ear.

April 27th, 2006, 12:39 am
Okay I totally gave up on the Quartet. Although I gave my entire energy to Forever. Although I am a band nerd, I'm friends with the orchestra teacher so she looked at my work and helped me with some chords and stuff. She said it was good. Felt kinda embarrassed after that... :unsure:

April 28th, 2006, 09:50 pm
Hello carmelli! It's so nice to see so many fresh composers pop up on this page! About you song forever, When I listened to it, it had the feel of a song someone might play in band class instead of a piano solo piece. Some chords were not right as well. For example, in measure 11 you have mixed a C 6th chord with a D chord...they don't get along. Try to avoid 2nds, they sound like the begining of chopsticks. If that was what you wanted though, don't let me stop you from you creative flow!! It was also a bit repetative. I felt as if the style was in A form, MAYBE A A' form, but not really. But keep it up!! You have to start somewhere right!?

April 29th, 2006, 02:49 am