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April 22nd, 2006, 06:25 pm
:lol: i added 3 attachments to this and yea im only 13 so my drawings aren't top line quality... But I'm gettin there. lololol i did these things out of heart so i hope u like em!! plz be honest in ur comments cuz i need to know how to improve

Neko Koneko
April 22nd, 2006, 08:16 pm
Your drawings are tiny.

April 23rd, 2006, 02:21 am
Your drawings are tiny.

April 23rd, 2006, 04:58 am
yea i dont know how to uh put a big one on u know?

April 24th, 2006, 08:18 pm
alright here i fixed the prob. better view now srry hope u like it!http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h1/xTxBLOODY_DRAGONxTx/IM000296.jpg

April 24th, 2006, 10:55 pm
The proportions aren't too great and the quality... well, that's not your fault, now is it? Anywho, I think with some practice, you'll be great! :)

April 25th, 2006, 12:03 am
You said not to criticize and to be honest. thats kinda hard.

But yeah Marlon is right the proportions aren't to great. but other wise there ok. you should keep practising

Zero X
April 25th, 2006, 01:40 pm
You know?
Practice makes perfect! :lol:
My friend drew for about 8 whole years!
(yeap, that means he started to draw anime at the age of 10 years old.)
So, practice makes perfect!
(Man...I should practice too!) :heh:

1)Try reading mangas or watching anime, and discover it! You'll learn new things.

2)Ask your friend for suggestion. (I know some suggestion might hurt your feelings, but some might be useful to your improvement. :D )

April 26th, 2006, 04:33 pm
Mmm... it's not bad for 13... I definitely think that the proportions could use some work... For example, in the last one, the character's bottom half are too small compared to the top half... And, I would try using a pen for outlining... It makes everything look much cleaner...

April 26th, 2006, 08:30 pm
Yea i figured that colored penciling was like.... egh for me. So i bought some new set of markers becuz it was closest thin to photoshop and i know it should be a lot better now. And yes i do use pen to outline. But yea yall r right about the practicing and trust me..... i do... lol ehhh ^^' Anyway im startin on a FFVII drawing right now so i can test out the markers. And last of all.... ive been tryin to get my scanner online so everythin would be like wow! so yea ive got a lot to do ehhh ^^'

April 27th, 2006, 03:23 am
Yea i just got photoshop and started fixing up wat i could :)http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h1/xTxBLOODY_DRAGONxTx/IM000296_edited.jpg

May 4th, 2006, 07:07 pm
Yea i drew this as one of my dream cars, its a self designed product for my own produced company... Apex Generations Inc. Hope u like it!http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h1/xTxBLOODY_DRAGONxTx/IM000347_edited.jpg

May 7th, 2006, 05:56 am
I like the car... but there's no side mirror (or whatever you call it), on the left side... x_x Meh, it's just a tiny little detail.

It's still awesome! :)

May 7th, 2006, 07:08 pm
ther is, is just u cant c it. I tried to make it bigger but photoshop was bein ghetto and cut the original pic in half, srry

May 23rd, 2006, 02:02 am
http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h1/xTxBLOODY_DRAGONxTx/th_IM000352_edited.jpg (http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h1/xTxBLOODY_DRAGONxTx/IM000352_edited.jpg)


This is another drawing of Sonjouri. Ive planned to digitalize this with GIMP. And have alrdy attempted twice but, in 1-4 of the way i tried it kept freezing up on me. I was just so pissed at that, and becuz i kept forgetting to save it in between. So this time ima save it mor. I hope itll look good cuz this will be my first digital to a drawing :)

May 23rd, 2006, 08:52 pm
Your Art drawing is really good exspecially that dragon one. I think you should improve the pika-chu one because i think it's to long
and skinny, Pika-chu should be more fat in shorter then it will look so......ADORABLE!!!!!!:worship:

May 24th, 2006, 03:00 pm
lol thanx for the compliment

Distant Dreamz
May 24th, 2006, 03:32 pm
Hey, cool, I like the pics, but u have a couple demensions or something off... I do the same thing too, looking back at some of my drawings now, they just look so weird to me, lol, I'll give you a tip though... try measuring things on your characters to get distances right, like for example: the size of the hand to the size of the face or even the distance from the end of the arm to the knee cap, etc.

May 24th, 2006, 08:13 pm
soo ur sayin the size of diff regions is the prob? yea i have that a lot, ive been workin on it an i think im gettin a bit better

May 25th, 2006, 04:45 pm
Here... is the new Nissan Skyline GT-R 2008 that is to be the first skyline to ever be released in US.. I made one with a personal made body kit. and vinyl that was a dragon with a samurai sword behind it if u couldnt c.. enjoy :) and wahoo SKYLINE!!! i posted the orginal photo


June 6th, 2006, 01:20 pm
WHy do i look so funny in that pic XD

June 6th, 2006, 02:56 pm
You draw well, in the very better truth that I who if want have conditions of postar my drawings here! If a little missed will be written is because I am Brazilian!

June 6th, 2006, 03:34 pm
They're awesome! And what everyone else has been saying, yes, work on the proportions. I kinda want to see the edited version of your Pikachu! ^.^ You did a really good job on that one. Keep it up! I started drawing when I was really young, so I might know some insider tips, and stuff... lol:sweat:

June 10th, 2006, 12:44 am
Hey guys hehehehhe i did this for a friend on myspace. Hope u like it! tell me what u see in the pic.EDIT: YAY!!! my scanner works!!! its much more detail now!... a bit too much though, this means id have to work on GIMP more to clean up.. :/

http://ser4.imgdump.net/images/s4_aec9dacb8a905.jpg (http://www.imgdump.net/)

June 10th, 2006, 02:18 pm
It's ... uhhhh.... neat. Though personally, I don't like it. The one beside me does.

June 22nd, 2006, 07:56 pm
Here's another, Yeah I know... it looks a bit too much like cloud hair, actually, the whole drawing itself. But a bit different. I made the hair through free thinking. I'll show the head example when I got up with the idea. I thought it look better then the full scal body because the head version was bigger. I'll get head version on later..

http://ser2.imgdump.net/images/s2_df2063555420a.jpg (http://www.imgdump.net/)

June 23rd, 2006, 03:51 am
:D Great drawings. Keep practicing and you'll get better. I give it a 7/10 because you can improve more.

Here's my own 2008 Skyline GT-R drawing. I "modified" it a bit but I kept it a stock look, but drawing it with a pen was indeed nerve racking. :P


This car is incredible.

June 23rd, 2006, 11:31 am
it's cool.

June 23rd, 2006, 01:29 pm
Very well done, I like it.

June 29th, 2006, 05:11 am
LoL. The Pokemon one had me in stiches. It's absolutely ridiculous. XD

(Not that it's badly drawn, just that the idea seems so stupid)

I just think you need to keep drawing. You'll get better as you go along. Online tutorials might help, too. ;)

July 10th, 2006, 09:39 pm
you need more practice.....i mean alot more practice....

that is all....

July 11th, 2006, 11:16 am
Crimson I think your bigges "flaws" are that some of your drawings look short legged (might wanna sketch random poses for practice). and sometimes your accesories seem to hover over the drawing (pikachu's hat and Blastoise's knife).

Practice makes perfect so keep at it, hope to see more drawings soon.

July 11th, 2006, 10:02 pm
Ehh, I had a big fight with my friend about that, I thought my last drawing had pretty good proportion, but I guess yall proved me wrong. I'll work on it. I'm working on a Initial-D type of portrait right now and I;m hoping it is for the best. Wish me luck on it. AND WISH ME LUCK ON THE ART CONTEST!! -.^

July 12th, 2006, 09:33 am
Good Luck!!! And in 3 years, your drawings will improve ALOT! (If you draw reguarly).

July 12th, 2006, 11:47 am
Wow wish i was so determined.. -_-
my drawings are on and off... i think it leans more towards off too...

I wish you all the luck in world!!!

July 13th, 2006, 02:48 pm
Thanks for encouragement. And to luck of those in the art contest weeee!! AND THEY'RE OFF!!!

November 27th, 2006, 02:35 am
Wow, have I not been on in a while, well, here's a recently drawn picture, well... kinda. Drawn a while back but it took me a while to figure how to upload it right.

http://ser8.imgdump.net/images/11262006/s8_9c445fcbfc326a1.bmp (http://www.imgdump.net/)

November 27th, 2006, 02:52 am
Ok, here is a picture I drew in Social Studies class to keep me awake (I have sleeping problems in there you see, you try doing the same exact thing everyday of class until the end of the year, you'll see) tried to brighten the picture to get the best quality I could get. NOTE: this was done in a #2 BIC mechanical pencil. Everything, even shading, shows how much boredom does to ya.

http://ser8.imgdump.net/images/11262006/s8_e2ee9716c1dfc76.bmp (http://www.imgdump.net/)

November 27th, 2006, 03:34 am
A few of your images seem quite familiar. So if I can recall, a long while back we had a devianART thread and I endeavored to check yours. And it was. Interesting.
In reference to the first page of this thread, you have resizing issues. My internet is on steriods right now but the page took three minutes to load. And your block letters could use serious some work. And your style needs to be more refined, it all seems too random. Art needs to have meaning and feeling in it. Well, to me at any rate.
Oh, but those swords and nunchakas you drew are quite nice. I like much.
Am I being too harsh? Forgive.

November 27th, 2006, 08:27 pm
No no, don't hold back, I need all the criticism I can get to improve more in my art career. The weapons drawing, again I'll say I did that one in Social Studies class so there's an excuse for that one. As for the dragon drummer, it was aimed at being a logo for my bass drum head. But yeah, I am working on the proportions, and I have a recent drawing of Sonjouri with a much more improved style of proportion, but the color seems a bit high in depth. Witch I intend to fix with the computer. Don't hold back yall, artist need criticism to improve on their works more. What's and artist without a trusty audience?

November 29th, 2006, 04:07 am
The dragon with the drum set looks nice. Pinoy Pride :P
I too am trying to improve my drawing skills. LOL even though I can't draw if my life depended on it. But online tutorials helped me a lot, give them a whirl :D

December 5th, 2006, 07:59 pm
I have, and they have helped some.

January 22nd, 2007, 02:00 am
Ok, here's I commission I did for somone on DeviantART, his name is Werechu, and he's a were-dragon I guess, the original look looks better than this one, the scanner really made the shading deep in depth, I mean they aren't even that dark on my original drawing. But, o' well it's the best I can do. ENJOY!


January 22nd, 2007, 02:07 am
Damn! How long has it been since I've done a Sonjouri drawing, what was it... like... last year? Yeah! last year! wow... that's a while. Anyway, here's an update on Sonjouri, I changed it a lot as you can see from the last image, I figured changed the hair the hung over his eye, and altering it into bangs makes him look more authentic, although I've looked over it many times now, and I'm not overally satisfied with the look, I'm rethinking about the bangs and swithcing it back to the "hang over" style, but in a different way, also, I've been thinking about changing his hair from blonde because, well because it doesn't really fit him. If yall have any ideas, I'm wide arms open for them, need all the help I can get. And I'm trying to get off my lazy ass more and draw, so I need all the encouragement I can get.

Thanks! And ENJOY!


January 26th, 2007, 04:33 pm
Urm. The dragon is quite good but I think the mace on his tail is overdoing it a bit. Need to work on your shading too, or maybe your scanner sucks. XD

And that dude. The way you drew his hand and arm and the gun is very nicely in proportion. But his face, especially the hair thing, is a tad messed up. And his neck is too short. I think that's all I have to say on the matter. Otherwise, good effort. ^_^ Better than me by a long shot. XD

January 27th, 2007, 05:13 am
Yeah, as I said, the scanner is really..... I don't know, wierd. It seems that when the light thingy scans the paper, it makes the picture come out shadowy like that. The unscanned version looks way better and detailed than that. I think it's because the light is very dim. * O' and about the mace thingy, that was what the dude I drew it for wanted for it, I thought it was kinda wierd too, but he's the dark,evil type...

Thanks the compliment of the new pic of Sonjouri, yea, the head I found out was too much at an angle compared to the position of the body when I looked back at it. But it was too late to fix so...... Hey at least it's better than my earlier ones.

June 6th, 2007, 05:44 pm
Well, I've got a graphic update for the Sonjouri drawing. I'm still working on the cell-shading and a good background, I'm open for any ideas for the background if anyone has any. This is my first color graphic of one of my drawings, so my coloring may be kinda noobish, but I'm still practicing and reading loads of tutorials.

Any Advice is gladly welcome.



June 7th, 2007, 01:15 am
his head seems a little big and out of place the hair line needs to go up some more becase it looks like he doesn't have a forehead. need to work on the hands a little. keep working on it. you'll get better i'm sure oof it!

June 7th, 2007, 04:51 pm
:O The fingers and gun perspective is awesome! =D Other than that, Mistrust is right- and there's also the neck and shoulder part that seems a little off. Maybe it'd look better if he had a bit more neck. Other than that, keep it up! :)

June 9th, 2007, 12:53 pm
hmmm...i think...your drawing(for a 13)is not so bad...
tips are:you should give your drawing some light....
and backgrounds...if you can't draw background,than it's ok.
oh,also try practicing drawing the folds on clothes.
for example,the guy holding the gun,
the belt there,the jacket should have a fold on top and below the belt.
if you know what i mean.... sorry if i'm too honest!!
*even though i can't draw pretty well*

June 17th, 2007, 04:09 am
Nononono, critisizm is a crucial part in learning how to improve. Learning by experience is much easier to remember than just by watching someone else. Thank you for the compliment and I am now 14 about to turn 15 in Sept. by the way. As for the folds, yeah I've been trying to practice that, I got some really good info from a book made by tokyo pop on how to do simple things such as that. I'm working on it. And now that I look back I think it would have been wise to put like a cave in from the jacket where the belt is placed.

As for a background, I'm still working on a graphic background on my computer that is best fit. Any suggestions are glady welcomed.

June 20th, 2007, 02:00 am
needs work. you could look at some pictures...stock pictures are th ebest. if you need something to look off for bodies then tpye in stock photos and thereyou go! it help me a lot. i wish i could show you but the only i can is if i pm....well might as.

October 9th, 2007, 12:31 am
Just got Adobe Photoshop a yesterday, I look foreward to experimenting and having lots of fun and learning in it. Though, I'll still work with gimp every now and then just to hold the memories and to show other artist that it is not at a cheap useless software. I might even mix the two softwares on my drawings with the features that each has the other doesn't.

October 9th, 2007, 01:03 am
awesome! can't wait to see what you come up with! =D

April 15th, 2008, 03:43 am
Alright, so I've been dead for quite a while now, but I've finally got a drawing completed... Again it is my star character for the manga that I've yet to initiate... And I've also began thinking about renaming my character because it sort of doesn't hold its ground.

And hopefully at the most, I'll be able to produce some of the other characters (especially the women, oh man what I'll have with those...).

But I was so surprised to see how well i've improved for the past 2 years since I started drawing manga style... And I was very pleased to see that I really improved on my proportions. I found that it is much much MUCH easier to get the proportions correct if you just do a half body. I plan to just do full bodies on a much larger scaled paper instead. And I listened to much of yall's support and advice about proportions.... And hopeless, I gotta admit, drawing a million hands does bring out the best lol.

And with my new Photoshop program, I can clean up my drawings much better than I could with GIMP.

I look forward to meddlng with it in the near future.

Again, thanks for the support everyone, I'm glad you really do care, and IT DOES help my integrity and strong will to improve....

Thank you...

And I hope by summer time, I'll be able to put up more drawings and actually get some digital art done.... (And maybe a tablet too!)



April 16th, 2008, 12:21 am

And with my new Photoshop program, I can clean up my drawings much better than I could with GIMP.


April 16th, 2008, 12:36 am
lol, it's true, well... kind of... Gimp requires a bit more work....

April 16th, 2008, 01:22 am
Correction: Gimp requires you to do things differently.

Every thing in Photoshop is in Gimp, with the exception of Color Management; which, if you're not a professional graphics artist, which no one here is, does not need to worry about.

April 16th, 2008, 01:54 am
Actually, I think there are some wandering around the art forum here somewhere...

But anyway, that's not the point ><

April 18th, 2008, 10:10 am
Wow,you've improved a lot!
Your folds are also getting better..but..you can still make it better.. :D
Like the details on the gun..

April 18th, 2008, 12:16 pm
Wow,you've improved a lot!
Your folds are also getting better..but..you can still make it better.. :D
Like the details on the gun..

Thanks!! hahahaha, finally, a real comment. Yeah, I finally (finally!) realized, that the more folds indicate a contraction in a body part... more precisely at the joint. And I've also taken in information from a very valuable "how to..." book of mine on different type of folds.

The gun was especially what I was proud of... I'd say that they were the most pain in the a$$ in this case because it's kinda hard to make two guns that mirror each other and have the same approx. length.

But thanks! That really did warm me up. ^_^

April 18th, 2008, 02:32 pm
Wow...you read books?
I usually just take my brother and tell him to pose for me.
It gives a more...realistic view...haha..
You should try it..
Oh and the gun...it doesn't have to be the same..cause usually that's what makes it cool..:D

April 19th, 2008, 03:54 am
Well yeah, but it just a bit more formal that way....

And I don't truly read the books, I just get smalls strips of info that I need to improve my drawings. I would usually use my own body parts to depict the correct proportions... Though I'm quite a small guy so I'm thinking otherwise. And to me, asking somone in my family to pose for a drawing seems a bit....strange...

June 10th, 2008, 03:57 pm

Yea, so its been a couple months since I updated, so here's what I've been working on recently.

I just completed this, it's my sister's boyfriend's 2006 Subaru Impreza WRX STI
Though, after I finished it, my sister told me that he done more exterior work on his car XD.

But here it is!!! And I'm proud to say that I took this drawing from a different perspective, angle, and what have you.

I also tried to improve my shading skills by comparing my drawing to an actual photo of the car so as to get the lighting and fading correct as possible, but in the end, it's still an attempt in progress.

I also stole a bit of the shading techniques from xspeed if you haven't noticed already XD XD XD

So I thank you for being a model for my strive to reach a higher goal xspeed :D... not to say that I'm trying to steal your style, but more of a way of telling you that you are a great drawer and I inspire your work and strive to do something similar. :P

So enough chatter!! Here's the car already @.@


June 12th, 2008, 08:37 am
Page stretching kills a kitten every time you do it.

Smaller images please >_<.

Nice drawings though.

June 12th, 2008, 05:27 pm
Yeah the previous pics were quite large, maybe I'll get by minimizing them soon

June 13th, 2008, 09:17 am
Your drawings are awesome, but even more, I love your handwriting =o

My handwriting bears resemblence to something with ink on its feet dying on the paper ><

June 14th, 2008, 01:47 am
Lol I thank you good friend

June 23rd, 2008, 09:59 am
I have never drew a car that great before!
Although..one thing..the seats in front.
It's a bit tall I think and if you sit inside it your head won't fit..
And I think putting a backseat would make it look more great!-er...

June 24th, 2008, 02:12 am
Well the seats, I put them that way because

1) To show the seats in a way that they seem to be farther away from the dash board, but I guess it got taken wrong... sort of like Xspeed's Lexus with the back tire.

2) I had the car at a sort of vertical 30 degree and a horizontal corner angle view.
So the roof of the car sort of covers some of the space in between the space because of the angle I have it in, plus, the fact of the seats being set back aways

And about the backseats... I would do it, but again, as I said in the description... I was sort of using some of xspeeds methods of making the car look good with "simplicity". Which, in this case, just fill the whole space behind the front seats shaded in. I would usually put in the back seats, but seeing as how clean and good xspeed's cars usually are with the back filled in sort of got me into doing it. It saves time, but mostly makes the care look cleaner and saves me the risk of messing up the angle view and proportions

June 24th, 2008, 03:53 am
Ooh..I see...great then :)

August 1st, 2010, 08:01 am
Wow, 2 years.... haven't been here in 2 years and my my a lot has change. I haven't really drawn much since then to tell the truth. I kinda turned off to my drawing hobby so that I can spend more time with my band, music, friends, and xbox 360 ><.

But I have drawn something. A care more in particular, since that art skill is the more experienced area of my expertise. It's a 1967 Shelby GT-500 Eleanor edition. And if the special name doesn't ring a bell. Then I'll inform you that it is the Shelby GT-500 from "Gone in 60 Seconds" Driven by Nicholas Cage. It is a much much much bigger improvement from my previous car art as I sat down and calculated the angles, perspectives, and application more carefully. So I was really really impressed with the overall result. I shall of the image uploaded soon.

As for the manga realm, I've really been on and off with it to tell the truth. The most I've drawn is heads. I just got so frustrated with how my proportions would be off and usually the character would end up looking wierd. And on a side note, Sonjouri is pretty much dead. He was a really nice idea at his creation and evolution. Really a Matrix/Sephiroth( yeah that's right, if no one didn't notice it with his hair color and the shoulder protection, then that's is half the inspiration of his creation).

But as of now, I really don't like the idea of it and how he'd come out in a comic.

So I've decided to start from scratch and redesign another character to spotlight in a comic. Hopefully one that will actually go through. I aim for a more simplistic, yet, interesting, and collaborated type project. I threw away the trench coat. It too much and would only get in the way realistically speaking as my character is a bit energetic and all over the place so to speak. I also want to limit him to probably just one gun. Just to add to the fantasy-real world transition would fit in a bit more. I mean, two guns is cool and all, and really is popular in mangas and animes alike. But it is really unnecessary and only shows that you're cool and you got, or looks like you got more ballz than the other guys. But in all actually, it is quite hard to aim with two handguns, it's hard to aim with one without the proper training. So I limited him to one. And I kinda took the idea from Cowboy Bebop with Spike and how he works his badass attitude and how his tools of trade is really anything he can find from a gun, to a obstacle, to an ancient-flying-gone-superfast-spacefighter-kamikazee type thing. And he really doesn't prize his tools much and looks to them as, well, TOOLS. But what makes him badass is that the tools he uses don't define him. It's his personality and how he manages to adapt to the situation so well.

And that's what I aim to do with my character, with my own tastes added as well of course. So one gun it is, and to make it more realistic there will be times where he runs out of ammo and will have to adapt. Unlike most mangas and animes where bullets and ammo seem to just fabricate into reality and instantly into the barrels of the shooter.

But I did add another ego and personality to him, or rather, an addition to his personality. One that really shows and relates to old Japanese methods. Methods of honor, self-reliance, humbleness. So I plan to give him a katana, but... not one that you would think of. Not one unique such as Inuyasha's Tetsaiga, or Kenshin's reverse blade, or any other special awesome sword in any other popular manga. As again, it makes it seem like the characters rely so much on these tools in mangas. Especially in Inuyasha (I love it don't worry), where he just freaks out if it gets in the wrong hands or he is disarmed from it.

And I do not want that sort of perspective for my character. So to set the simiplicity bar I wanted to give him something along the lines of a plain wakizashi katana. Mainly for defense as again, this isn't his main tool of trade, but more of a resemblence to his character, but not one that completely sculpts it to its ends. Something that can resemble his honor and respect for the old samurai code. And I plan to make certain points in my comic where this resemblence is signified and is clearly stretched out so as the reader can more understand his personality and learn more about the character.

So that's sorta what I've been doing these past 2 years since my absence in this forum. For as years pass by a man's value and views on life change until he can have a final perspective of his destiny.

And hopefully I can get in the drawing mood again. As I feel I've lost a lot that I had gained in the past, so I'm going to have to recuperate and regain, as well as improve, those skills.

Thank you, good to be back,

and hopefully I'll be able to do more again.

August 12th, 2010, 02:58 am
Ignore this post.

August 15th, 2010, 06:27 am
heheh no worries. I've been a ghost for a while and decided to come back to life.

August 15th, 2010, 06:23 pm
Yeah...I looked through this thread once last month(didn't look at the dates then either), and was waiting for you to post something new...then you posted on the 1st, after two years...didn't see the date...yeah, I got confused, lolz.

Anyways, so you wrote a lot about a character you were working on, but then stopped because you had a block?...

August 15th, 2010, 09:20 pm
Nah, I pretty much summarized all that I've got right now for the character. I have a clear picture of what I want. But it's difficult for me to transfer that on to paper. I haven't drawn in a year and I'm trying to get back in the groove again.

I just finished another drawing of a car so I can probably go back to working on him again.

August 15th, 2010, 09:23 pm
Oh...yeah, I know exactly what you mean when you say you have a clear picture of what you want, but have trouble transferring it onto paper. Just have to try to relax and get back into the mood for drawing...

And if you have another drawing, regardless of what it is, why don't you post it? I'd like to see some of your more recent works :D.

August 15th, 2010, 10:10 pm
Laziness is a bitch XD

August 15th, 2010, 10:18 pm
XD Lolz...then just get something up eventually, haha. (Speaking of getting something up, I wish my brother would get off his computer so I could scan :mellow:...)

August 18th, 2010, 01:00 am
Here's an update on what I've been drawing lately.

This first one was done last year. It was then that I sorta changed my style and focused more on realistic perspective and shading. Trying to emulate the reflections and refractions of light on the car better.
It is a 1967 Shelby GT500 "Eleanor" featured in the film "Gone in 60 Seconds" starring Nicolas Cage. It is a very sexy car worth the draw. Sorry if it's a bit cut off the paper was a bit too big to fit into the scanner.


This next one was done just recently.
It is a Nissan Skyline R34 V-SPEC Mine's tuned.
It is tuned by Mine's, a popular auto-tuning company based in Japan. They are well-known for their "custom" ECU chips that are sold worldwide. Though they tune different types of Japanese import cars to sell to both daily drivers, as well as professional track drivers. The skyline line of cars are their more popular and efficient cars of which they tune.

This skyline can be seen in action on youtube here: As told in the comments, at around 6:40 the skyline sounds like a jet engine zooming by. Just shows how much power it can push.


And here's the long awaited drawing of mines (teehee).


August 18th, 2010, 01:44 am
o.o Nice. XD Looks like you were able to overcome your laziness!

For the first one, you have the shape down. But I also noticed that you didn't draw the passenger seat...and the front tire's plating(I think that's what it's called?...) and the back one's are indented at different spots.

The second one...based off the Youtube video you posted...I'm thinking that you tried too hard on the perspective and ended up messing up the proportions...because even from a first glance, it looks a bit...tall and skinny. Kind of weird...

For both(and previous realistic drawings)...if there's anything I learned from HC, that I can pull from the top of my head, about realistic drawings, it's that there are no lines. Lines are just an illusion. Realistic drawings require a lot of work on the tones...try contrasting the dark colors from the light colors more.

Other than that, I can't draw cars at all(or maybe I can now, I haven't tried in a few years so I wouldn't know), so good job! :D

August 18th, 2010, 01:54 am
The first one I just didn't feel like drawing the passenger seat and wanted to give it more of a racing car type feel. Also, don't know what you mean by the front tire plating... unless your speaking about the wheel or rim within it, I did draw it, just poorly. And as for the second one. I based it off of a reference picture I did. Though I didn't do it exactly as the drawing. And the car actually is pretty tall and skinny in real life. The front end is a bit long, but it's coveted because of the angle. And the cab has a tall, boxy type form. But I can kinda see how it is a bit tall.

August 18th, 2010, 01:58 am
Yeah, I probably mean the wheel/rim inside it. Like I mentioned before, I know nothing about cars XD.

Btw, what kind of pencil(or pencils) do you use?

August 18th, 2010, 02:03 am
All done in 0.5 mechanical pencil. I lost my art pencils and I know I would do a hella lot better with shading if I had em, bute meh.

August 18th, 2010, 02:10 am
Art pencils? o.o I also use a 0.5 mechanical pencil(and occasionally a 0.7 mechanical pencil), but my shading is fine...it's not so much shading that I'm talking about, but the tones. Like...black and white contrast.

August 18th, 2010, 02:11 am
did you use a ruler at some point for the last piece you submitted? cause some of your lineworks are awesome to me.

August 19th, 2010, 02:01 pm
The more recent one I used a ruler with. And was quite pleased with the lineart myself, a lot cleaner.

August 20th, 2010, 04:11 pm
I like them! Maybe work on making the lines a bit more strait. ^-^

August 21st, 2010, 01:06 am
I like them! Maybe work on making the lines a bit more strait. ^-^

His lines are fine...you can't get straighter than a ruler XD. Maybe you meant less sketchy? (Although they are already pretty clean...)

Henrik Davidson
December 30th, 2010, 10:53 am
Wowww !!! Unbelievable are you really 13 ?? Great Job man .... Although all others are right you need some practice buh honestly telling for a 13 year guy its a great work .. I love it ... Dude keep making and one day you will have success and big name :)