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April 23rd, 2006, 02:23 am
That I like Gravitation? I have watched 9 eps. so far. (1-5 english 6-9 fansubs. I like the fansubs better)

April 23rd, 2006, 04:28 pm
oh what the heck! who cares if ure a guy who likes yaoi!!!

I luv gravitation, wicked anime! It's is so heart jerking, cute, funny! whatever you name, it's got it!!!
YUKI IS THE BEST!!!!!! -cheers-

XetroxIV- you must watch the ova's! there's two of them. and also you could imagine the music playing in some gay club it's quite catchy! :P

April 24th, 2006, 12:28 pm
Thanks for someone to think a guy can like Yaoi. My friends think jujst because I'm a guy I can't like Yaoi, I must like Hentai. (I also like hentai) Can you post the link to the OAV's.

::EDIT:: I like it cause it is so kawaii. Shuichi(sp?) is so kawaii.


Neko Koneko
April 24th, 2006, 02:33 pm
kawaii? What's that? :mellow:

And of course it's not weird if you like Gravitation, only homophobes would think it's weird to watch when you're not gay =/

April 24th, 2006, 07:57 pm
Kawaii- Cute in japanese, i think!

Shuichi is REALLY CUTE!! ^_^ [btw right sp] Yuki can be really mean... but he's soo kl!!
Shuichi- pink hair. Yuki- blonde
Ryuichi [sp??] is soooo cute when his chibi! soo innocent!
one with the pink cheeks!

You can find the 2 ova's here. btw they come as two eps.
happy watching!! btw the drawings aren't as good as the series!!

April 24th, 2006, 08:41 pm
Can I post in other languages besides English?
The rule is designed for two purposes: First of all, this is an English forum, so it's expected that if you can understand English reasonably well you can participate in discussions. This means you shouldn't be posting in German, Japanese, ig-pay atin-lay or any other non-english language. Secondly (and here's where we've been running into a problem) noone should be interjecting words for the sole purpose of having the word there.

This is just fine: "I polished my katanas last night."
This isn't: "My katanas are so kawaii!"

Obviously, katana is a borrowed word from the Japanese language what is not in the English dicitonary (I think..) Yes, you could say "curved, Japanese sword" but there's no reason to. However, there is no reason to use kawaii. It is obviously being used for the sole purpose of the existance of Japanese in the sentance. Why can't you just use cute? And why are your katanas cute anyway!?

There's no way to explicitly define this as a rule. However, we take two big steps to solving this problem. First, ask yourself if you are putting a foreign word in your post "is it really needed to convey the meaning?" If it's not, use the translation. If you REALLY think it is, provide a translation. If it's a loan word, like katana, it's fine. Second, if you get called out or warned for using it by a mod or other member, don't get offended. Edit your post, apologise (don't say "gomen nasai") and don't worry about it!

Hope this helps... and by the way, Ichigo's is a proper name, so don't pick on that please...


April 25th, 2006, 08:25 pm
I watched the 1st episode today and I was quite impressed, I loved it.

May 1st, 2006, 03:58 am
I have seen all the episodes and is a very huge fan! ^__^ And the OVA's are very funny OVA #1 is my favorite. I just wish that Shuichi could sometimes get a grip on things and start thinking before he decides things *sighs* guess he's very implosive.
Yuki on the other hand is laid back and mellow- kinda like Hiro.Hmmm now that I think about it HIro is the only straight guy in Gravitation XD oh boy that's just great. hee hee