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April 24th, 2006, 11:54 am
You may have (or not.. *sniff*) noticed that I've disappeared for a few weeks without notice. Yes life outside sucks. Most of My Time disappears into some gap in space time continuum.

Therefore in an attempt to stay commited to ichigos (plus getting rid of all the frustration) I present to you; Kou's RanT of the Day!

I'll be making random RanT(©)s on a almost daily basis, ranging from serious rants to minor curiousities over all kinds of topic, sensitive material or not.

They'll be strictly my opinion and most of the time, not overly serious. If you for any reason whatsoever take offense to any of the content, go have a cry in the corner (there - so blunt)

You're free to post your viewpoints on my rants(don't post your rants here, go throw them elsewhere! this place is mine I tell you!), beware that when you do so, you're giving me permission to use you as a future ranting target.

RanT of the Day :mellow:

Why does the bread always drop on the buttered side? I mean, why can you only think of crappy things to say when you need to say something really good? (see, the first line here is also an example too! I need to think of a better RanT!)
Men and cheesy talk. Waaaaaaaaay too hard. Hope my GF calls back?.. Its "fate" that pulled us together anyway. *pukes at all the cheese*

Damn smooth talkers, they made it so hard for normal people to communicate

April 24th, 2006, 01:14 pm
hmmmm logical explination is that tehre's more weight on the buttered side of the bread so as it falls down it naturally gets pulled down by the weight which generally turns it. but otherwise its some supernatural phenomenom thats just there to piss us off when you was looking forward to that slice of bread and now the butter is half gone and now you gotta clear up the mess as well.

this should be an interesting and funny thread.

April 24th, 2006, 06:26 pm
hmmmm logical explination is that tehre's more weight on the buttered side of the bread so as it falls down it naturally gets pulled down by the weight which generally turns it. but otherwise its some supernatural phenomenom thats just there to piss us off when you was looking forward to that slice of bread and now the butter is half gone and now you gotta clear up the mess as well.

this should be an interesting and funny thread.

well, actually, if you were to simultaneously drop a pool ball and a bowling ball, both from the height of 2 meters, both would hit the ground at the same time. so, if a slice of bread was buttered, it wouldnt necesarilly turn the slice. however, yes, that also pisses me off.

April 25th, 2006, 01:05 am
Why does the bread always drop on the buttered side?

In one of the computer programs I use, one of Murphey's laws shows up whenever I turn it on. Your rant is one of them, and it appears that this event is correlated with how expensive the carpet/rug is =P

April 25th, 2006, 01:58 am
well, actually, if you were to simultaneously drop a pool ball and a bowling ball, both from the height of 2 meters, both would hit the ground at the same time. so, if a slice of bread was buttered, it wouldnt necesarilly turn the slice. however, yes, that also pisses me off.

Yes, but the bread is one object, along with the butter. The heavier side falls down. That's how shuttlecocks in badminton work...

April 25th, 2006, 02:28 am
Butter likes the floor enough said. MORE RAN TEES!

April 25th, 2006, 02:42 am
But the shuttlecock is aerodynamic!

Bread isn't!

See? There is a mystery there I tell you!!

RanT of the Day :realmad:

R-rated content today(in the spoiler), sexual content may offend or scare little children. Content may offend the ladies of the forum.

Quoting off an IRC quote;

My sister caught me jacking off in my room and she calls me a pervert.
A few days later I catch her jacking off in my room and she calls me a pervert.

(And I tell you again, its an IRC quote. I wish I had a sister - well not one that's like the one mentioned in the above quote)


I mean come on - it's so unfair.

I can give you other examples, like "Ladies first" and "Girl power" etc.
You women out there! Stop calling for Equal Opportunity!! YOU HAVE THE ADVANTAGE!!

Look at another example. During our highschool days the guys had to work their ass off to impress the chicks and then THEY got to choose. Just cuz' they had the enticing bumps on their chests they made us work our asses off(in both cases of earning money to pay the dates and keeping in shape), and then guess what - after all those times you spent together they go off with that other guy down the street who's been to the beach and has a tan(unless you're the guy that's been to the beach and got a tan, which in case damn you!!).

Hey don't complain that you get treated a little badly at work. All you have to do is get married and then you're set for life. Don't gimme that evil look, you know its awesome escape plan. WE WANT YOU to stay home and look after our children. YOU'RE RESPECTED for being a housewife(at least you will be, later.) Your kids turn out excellent, then its your work. The media interviews the MOTHERS FIRST. Actually, they bother with the fathers only about half the time, and only if its got something to do with rough sports. If the kid is screwed up, then voila - Its the fathers who get the blame for 'not being there to support them during tough times'. Hey, we were at work drinking coffee bitching about our lives. Not only that, when children are scared, they cry for "mommy". SO WHERE THE HELL IS "DADDY" ???!!!

Coming back on track, guess what - if its the other way around, guy babysits and girl works, the guy is pathetic. He's making the lady work! What the hell is he!! A good for nothing loser!!.. Meanwhile the Matriach enjoys even greater priviliage as the one who brings home the bacon plus her default "mommy" status which gives her +25 to commanding bonus on children and her husband. (Hey.. "daddy" is lucky to get your son to listen to you once in a while.. let alone your daughter)

Equal Opportunity!! We need it!! Improvements for the Y gene!!

Speaking of the Y gene, its even biased against us there too!
The Y gene is steadily decreasing in size (once upon a time, it was bigger/almost as big as the X gene! but now, its only like 1/3 the size it used to be (in terms of chromesomes)... If my memory serves me correct that is. I read it in New Scientist a few years back.. Hey a girl would've remembered such things, they're much more capable of handling memories than us)

Its also the "mutant" gene. We're responsible for evolution, but we're also freaks. Freaks with an annoying wang hanging between the legs that which is so inconvenient. (Okay, so we don't have to sit down to take a piss. That's one advantage against maybe a hundred disadvantages to having your vital area exposed)

Ok I'm kinda tired of ranting now. I'll just go cry at mommy. Daddy's gone fishing with his friends.


April 25th, 2006, 02:45 am
families think alike. it's the easiest answer

April 25th, 2006, 04:14 am
why is that the case? why are us guys treated unfairly? ive got the answer:

because girls are soft. and we guys like to hug soft things. so we pamper them and give them things like "women's rights" so we can more frequently be allowed to give hugs to the soft gender

you know its true

Neko Koneko
April 25th, 2006, 07:49 am
Women are just evil bitches. They want to be treated equally but when there's some dirty work it's "a man's job".

April 25th, 2006, 09:48 am
Not to me! If I wanna be treated equally then I'm damn well being involved in the dirty stuff too

@Kou: damn you for the title of the thread XD I went whaaaaa? And had to come look.

April 25th, 2006, 10:12 am
What most people fail to understand is that the dirty stuff is FUN!

And as much as you complain about having to work so hard to get the girls to go out with you the girls have to work just as hard. It probably works out to be an even amount of work on both sides but nobody wants to look like they are trying so they don't talk about it.

April 25th, 2006, 11:38 am
woah dude i never thought you'd be that open and honest. good on ya. well as much as it's not fair on equal rights most men would prefer it that way as being part of the gentlemanly way.

April 25th, 2006, 01:30 pm
I find most women okay. But I recently ran into an issue with my cousin.

First, she worked at a McDonalds, and she claimed that she was sexually harrassed. I can believe it. Many crazy people work at McD's. Then she started to work at a doctor's office (and endoscopy specialist). Once again claimed that she was sexually harrassed, and is taking the case to court. Mind you, she doesn't have any witnesses for these claims and she refuses to have her body checked out for any form of proof. She got 1 000 USD from the case WITH NO PROOF!

And what does she do now for her job? Sell sex toys.

Now on the man side, what happens when he claims he was sexually harrassed? They laugh and say go home. This is equality at it's best.

The playing field is not exactly level.

April 25th, 2006, 02:16 pm
Especially on most things. I miss the good old days (Before I was born) when a woman would try to get a viewpoint from a mans perspective. I remember hearing about Susan and how she committed a crime and asked for the same punishment a man would recieve.

Good ranT Kou.

April 25th, 2006, 05:05 pm
To the bread question, I saw the answer on some children's programme. It's because of the height of the table. It's at the perfect height to only let the bread rotate round to the buttered-side down. If your table was twice as tall, it'd fall the right way up.

Also, men get paid more for doing the same amount of work as a woman does in the same job so that might even things up a bit.

Dark Bring
April 25th, 2006, 11:35 pm
In the USA,

For every 100 male university students, there are 140 female university students.

Things aren't looking good for us supposedly dominant lot. =/

April 26th, 2006, 09:54 am
RanT of the Day

R-rated content today(in the spoiler), sexual content may offend or scare little children. Content may offend the ladies of the forum.


Seriously though - why was she in your room?

April 26th, 2006, 09:54 am
the male population is decreasing apparently, we are being out numberd...hope thats just a natural fluxtuation...but im not complaing about that.

i do hate the whole girl power thing. Feminism, well quite alot of it is ok, but its some of the hard line feminists that give women a bad name. Most girls i know say 'yes i would like to have a child' why deny nature in that respect. They also put women down more than most men do. ahhh im rambling i blame you kou

April 26th, 2006, 12:00 pm
Well, the reason why there are slightly more females is because men are more likely to die because of doing reckless and dangerous things. It's just what we do. Plus we have less chance of surviving before we are born because of this nature as well for some reason. It's all biology and I can't be bothered to go into the whole detail of it but that's just a brief outline. Why complain though, women can't live without men and men can't live without women. It's a basic instinct to reproduce the natural way. where's the pleasure of inseminating through tubes?

April 26th, 2006, 12:01 pm
hey hey guys what is wrong with you. why are you complaining about there being more girls than guys. that is a good thing

April 26th, 2006, 12:04 pm
I wasn't complaining.

April 26th, 2006, 12:18 pm

Seriously though - why was she in your room?

How would I know?.. ain my story

hey hey guys what is wrong with you. why are you complaining about there being more girls than guys. that is a good thing

Because they don't like us back! OTL

RanT of the Day :think:

Einstein's theory of relativity (was it Einstein's?.. Maybe I'm on totally wrong track but after a bottle of vodka, I'm too wasted to care. anyway) states that (etcetcetc) with the classic examples of "times seems to fly by when you're with hit chicks" but "times freezes when you're doing homework (unless the homework is due first thing tomorrow morning)"

I'm surprised they don't call it the law of relativity yet, cuz it so well seems true.

I've been away the whole day at friends house for a game of poker and some movies (Battle Royale and Cube 2 - Plus the game was Texas Hold 'em and drinking poker. See the theme? LAST MAN STANDING(sober) WINS!)

It lasted from 1 till 11. That's 10 hours. Although if you break it up..

Movies: 1 hr 30 mins ea, total 3 hours (+- 10 mins)
Poker: 30min~1hr max
Dinner: 1 hr
Poker round 2, Drinking rules: 2 hr

We wasted NO TIME whatsoever. But somehow this 7 hr occasion ate up 10 hours. Where did the 3hours go? We'll never know. Those hours aren't coming back. (Maybe they fell into the 4th dimension Hypercube while we were watching Cube2: The hypercube :think: )

Next time someone's having the time of their lives, watch the clock closely or something. Once we find the truth about this phenomenon we could possibly lengthen our life expectency to beyond measure.

April 26th, 2006, 04:01 pm
sound totaly acurate too me. I'm spending hours looking at a blank sceen which is actually only about 30mins max. i then start working and BOOM, 2 hours gone. No more toime left for coursework and its off to job. I want my time back!

April 26th, 2006, 04:21 pm
you know all this just reminds me of grumpy men complaining about stuff lol

April 26th, 2006, 04:33 pm
Well its at least grumpy me complaining about stuff. So far I'm getting more than quite a few nods :P

April 26th, 2006, 04:39 pm
Grumpy Old Men, haha (TV show in England). Great show.

Dark Bring
April 26th, 2006, 10:07 pm
Cube 2: Great With Alcohol (Two vodkas and a whisky adds up to four drinks).

April 27th, 2006, 03:38 am
Now here's the catch.. We played a little game during the movies too.. Basically, pick a chara and when she/he dies, you take a drink. The earlier the death, the stronger the drink..

What we DIDN'T know.. was that people die multiple times in Cube 2.

And I picked Jerry. The nice guy who's the first one out, and dies most often.


April 27th, 2006, 06:37 am
almost as good as following the Lord of the rings drinking game...full rules so you drink for stupid things like wide angle running shots...way for playing on the extended adition XD

April 27th, 2006, 11:51 am
RanT of the Day :ranting:

You know sometimes when you talk for a while about something HIGHLY important of the UTMOST URGENCY, and then the person you were talking to kinda randomly interrupts you and say "what's this?"


If they said they weren't insterested from the first place, It would've saved me many hours and a lot of effort.

April 27th, 2006, 12:16 pm
im sorry, i wasnt listening.

April 27th, 2006, 12:50 pm
@Kou: Every. Fucking. Day.

April 27th, 2006, 03:54 pm
That happened when I started ranting about pretty much everything to someone, and she was kind of in another dimension. I wasted so much energy on a rather long ranting session.

April 27th, 2006, 03:57 pm
sorry, it's because people like me space out before processing the content in their brain.

April 27th, 2006, 08:53 pm
I tend to do that to one guy, thats because he needs a reality check...but in general i dont see much of this

April 27th, 2006, 08:54 pm
I just noticed today I do this; Mobile phone goes off *ring ring*. The person on the line takes priority over anyone talking to me at that very moment in time.

Needless to say, the person who was talking to me in person wasn't very pleased.

April 28th, 2006, 02:41 am
Not only that, when children are scared, they cry for "mommy". SO WHERE THE HELL IS "DADDY" ???!!!

Full of win. XD

April 30th, 2006, 02:13 am
Can you please put more rants.

April 30th, 2006, 07:12 am
I know a girl that talks about stuff. But all the stuff is irrelevant to the surroundings and she still goes on. Know one has the heart to tell her to shutup @_@.

April 30th, 2006, 10:27 am
RanT of the Last Three Days :death:

Guests came over for the weekend. For 72 hours they have enslaved me into entertaining the kids, drinking with the teens and sitting with the adults.

After three days, Yes, My Highness Is Royally Tired.

So on the Third Day, I Rose Again and have posted my RanT of the Last Three Days. But then the browser decides to screw up the moment I click Submit Reply.

Life Is A Fucking Bitch. D.C.

[The rest of the Lost RanT of Rantlantis was redundant and therefore omitted or was never bothered to be recovered. Either way Thou Shalt Not RanT at My Highness for not having a long RanT.]

May 1st, 2006, 11:39 am
RanT of the Day =_=

Lectures resume. What else do I need to say? Apart from "I've got 2 labs, 3 assignments and a test coming up on Friday and I'm messing around at this moment with something that's entirely pointless"

Don't we always leave our stuff to the very last moment? WHERE'S THE THRILL OF HAVING TEN MINUTES TO HAND IN AN ALMOST COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT?.. And then the wiping sweat off your forehead congratulating yourself for a job well done. Maybe a drink afterwards to reward yourself..

So I wonder. Can I pull it off again this year?

May 1st, 2006, 10:38 pm
Depends what kind of science you're doing, but I'm sure that you can pull through.

May 2nd, 2006, 01:33 pm
i can sympathise with handing stuff in last moment. thats what ive done this year and every other year of my life. i recon i'll continue to do it rest of my life. not late but 10 mins away from it. th4e anderaline rush and stress is what gets my work done

May 3rd, 2006, 01:55 am
Procrastinators of the world, unite...tomorrow


May 3rd, 2006, 01:58 am

May 3rd, 2006, 03:45 pm
I don't see you saying anything funnier

May 3rd, 2006, 07:00 pm
Should I?

May 3rd, 2006, 07:03 pm
Procrastinators of the world, unite...tomorrow

Can't we do it later?

May 4th, 2006, 03:49 am
or eventually?

May 4th, 2006, 09:21 am
I agree with an-kun. I was only funny the first time.

May 4th, 2006, 10:57 am
RanT of the Day :lol2:

There are two types of people in the world: Sour losers and sour winners.

Played a game of chess at the town square today, and First of all I'd like to state (and showoff :P ) that I was a member of the New Zealand secondary school chess championship winning team. This may or may not have much relevance.. but anyway

Usually I like to play without much thinking(hell why waste energy... these guys are crap), so I did end up getting in a tight spot - (the chess players out of you guys would know how dangerous it is to be stuck in the corner castled, with two rooks and one queen attacking you but all you have is a pawn in the way plus a rook - "forced mate in three") And then he claims victory and leaves. People approach to clean up. What.The.Fuck.

Game isn't over yet, I get the people to hold (the wanker left already but fuck him) and then I show them one move that wins me the game. Basically he wins in one move, but its my turn and I make moves which forces his king into a spot where I kill it before he can kill me.

Everyone else asks me how the hell I pulled it off. I've done this shit for ages. So comes the applause etc, but THE FUCKER STILL RAN OFF THINKING HE WON. THAT IS SO DAMN AGGREVATING I MAY RANT ABOUT IT FOR WEEKS TO COME. Aw well, people might laugh at him next time he turns up.

Just goes to show, don't pretend to be awesome, especially when the game isn't done yet. But.Still.I'm.Pissed.Off. Does that make him the winner? >_<

May 4th, 2006, 11:07 am
Nein. Thats all I'm going to say.

May 5th, 2006, 02:21 pm
Am I allowed to rant? or should i make my own thread. I know everyone loves to hear me talk. I wouldnt want to dissapoint you all. :Heh

May 5th, 2006, 02:37 pm
it was stated at the start that if you want to rant it has to be a thread of your own i suppose the only ranting you can do is if it goes along with rant of the day

May 5th, 2006, 03:37 pm
Should I?

It would be more interesting if you did rather than just moaning about something someone else has said.

May 7th, 2006, 09:12 am
RanT of the Day :\

Stunning and yet another golden weekend wasted thanks to ASSignments and exams.

Can't believe I spent a good 300 hours during the past weeks preparing for a 90minute test which I finished in 25 mins and had to sit through it bored for 65 mins =_=

Why is it that your motivations for work seem to evaporate the moment you sit in front of your own computer.. feh.

Only managed to get like 10% of the work done, 2 more weekends until the ASSigment is due. All this for a stupid piece of paper called "Bachelor of Science".. more like you BECAME a bachelor STUDYING FOR THIS SHIT. (They say the B.E is a degree. B.Sc is a piece of paper. and apparently, B.A is a piece of toilet paper. Anyway, we're all gonna end up in queue for part time application at the same McDonald's except the engineers. They get PAID to be trained. Fuckers.

An Entirely Different and Arbitary Observation :think:

I always find it ironic that "this" and "shit" are the same letters arranged differently. Its just like that. find some object, "what the hell's this?".. its so untidy and hard to recognise, you end up calling it "shit"

May 7th, 2006, 10:52 am
Bah, i cant revise for test even if i wanted to.

And i know exactly what you mean about motivation. for me its half an hour going

'I'll finsh it today'

I sit on the computer. 'MMMMMaybe ill finish it tomorrow i still got time.'

And about this and shit. That is interesting. its also like hits but thats just stupid.

May 7th, 2006, 11:29 am
RanT of the Day :\
Only managed to get like 10% of the work done, 2 more weekends until the ASSigment is due. All this for a stupid piece of paper called "Bachelor of Science".. more like you BECAME a bachelor STUDYING FOR THIS SHIT. (They say the B.E is a degree. B.Sc is a piece of paper. and apparently, B.A is a piece of toilet paper. Anyway, we're all gonna end up in queue for part time application at the same McDonald's except the engineers. They get PAID to be trained. Fuckers.

Funny that I was thinking of studying engineering once I finished college (assuming the UAI is right). What kind of science are you studying?

May 8th, 2006, 08:06 pm
Comp sci. "The rare and elusive creature who only comes out of its den to get the occasional beer and cold pizza from the fridge"


Banned off the computer for a few days for sleeping in a lecture by accident. Parent went golf and when they came back, I was still sleeping. shit yes.

RanT of the Day therefore shall be back on... maybe tomorrow :lol2:

May 8th, 2006, 08:58 pm
HAHA!!! :lol:

Joking, thats dread oh well.

I want to play you at chess so badly. You seem to be really good.

May 14th, 2006, 06:28 am
RanT o' the Day :mellow:

Back on the hotseat, and Life's all good... except assignment's due on 25th and I made 0 progress from my last RanT about assignments.

Went to friend's house today, and saw him play Sims 2 : The uni.
Made me so sad. Those idiots got to pass their history papers by learning how to clean a marble toilet. I wish I could pass comp sci by learning how to cook spaghetti.

Which brings to the question: Waaaaaaay back at my "beginning o' the year LAN", we had spaghetti. Actually, we always had spaghetti at every LAN. We're all uni students. See the connection?... WHATS UP WITH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND SPAGHETTI? I don't even like that stuff. But every damned time I meet up with mates and I don't cook, we get spaghetti. They must be hooked on to that stuff.

At least it looks better than Curry... (but yeah, curry tastes good. Pasta doesn't)

May 14th, 2006, 10:17 am
hmmm i wonder why spaghetti. and i'm 99% sure its because its the only thing they know how to cook XD

May 14th, 2006, 11:46 am
yeah it's pretty much the only thing they can cook well without anyone else puking up.

May 15th, 2006, 01:57 am
That and Ramen noodles.

May 15th, 2006, 02:22 pm
why do you say ramen noodles. ramen is noodles so way say both. it's kind of like saying this is me to and angelic. *to meaning and in japanese

May 15th, 2006, 07:24 pm
Toast and Baked Beans. Genius.

May 15th, 2006, 08:21 pm
ahhh don't when i went to stay over at my mates place in wales. thats what i had to have. I was like mmmmmmmm the poor life

May 17th, 2006, 10:16 am
RanT of the Day :ranting:

Yup, assignment progress is still 5%. And now there's only 1 week left. I'll do it this weekend.........................................ta bun :mellow:

So hard to come online these days, went over my monthly bandwidth limit of puny 10 gb's on a 3.5mbps line. Seriously, these cheap ISPs need to die or something. Who the fuck places bandwidth allowances on internet these days?.. Apparently things are supposed to get better, but its still the same old piece o' shit here.

Death to New Zealand Telecom and Xtra. I would so switch to another company if it wasn't for the $99 they charge on ALL line changes. The wankers own the lines and overcharges us, shit.

May 17th, 2006, 02:30 pm
well if you think that's bad, i survive on 2gb a month shared between 4 people...

May 17th, 2006, 05:36 pm
I have unlimited!! (yay for me!)
I feel bad for you guys... but maybe I wouldnt be so distracted if I had a limit.

May 20th, 2006, 07:40 pm
I have unlimited!!!!!

589 kb/s

May 20th, 2006, 08:09 pm
Im advertised for 1mb but I think om only getting like 800 kb/s
and that is between 4 laptops.

May 20th, 2006, 09:52 pm
why do you say ramen noodles. ramen is noodles so way say both. it's kind of like saying this is me to and angelic. *to meaning and in japanese

yeah but there are different types of noodles like udon so maybe that's what he meant.

May 20th, 2006, 10:34 pm
i doubt it. you'd say udon noodles wouldnt ya. that neko cat is really kawaii. lol meh im just bein bitchy

May 22nd, 2006, 10:54 am
RanT of the Day :halo:

First I'd like to start by telling a joke:

Medical advancements of mankind - "I have a sore throat"

2000 BC: Eat this root
1200 AD: That root is heathen, say this prayer
1500 AD: That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir
1800 AD: That elixir is snake oil, have this pill
1900 AD: That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic
2000 AD: That antibiotic is artificial, here why don't you eat this root

No shit.

Now for the real thing - "Doing a COSC assignment":

12:00 PM - Do step 2 using Arrays
4:00 PM - Using Arrays is slow, do it using Lists
5:00 PM - Lists didn't work, do it using Stacks
9:00 PM - Wait, you're not allowed to use Stacks, do this using Arrays.


WorD of the Day

Heathen: Means not Christian or Jewish, but in context it sounds like an intellectual word for "sucks". i.e: Your car is heathen

May 22nd, 2006, 12:35 pm
That's what bothers everyone cause first they say do this then they change it until later on they use the same one again.

May 23rd, 2006, 03:57 pm
Thats like me and ice cream flavours:\

May 23rd, 2006, 04:14 pm
is this an excuse to do nothing with your life because whatever you do will lead you in a complete circle?

May 24th, 2006, 01:38 pm
is this an excuse to do nothing with your life because whatever you do will lead you in a complete circle?

nah, it was about how annoyed I was about having wasted a whole day on crappy assignments for nothing.

Life always goes in circles.. You're happy, then you're sad, then you're pissed, and then you're happy again. repeat loop until death.

RanT of the Day <_<

All that stupid assignment shit's done. Finally I can get some rest. or not, exams are next week plus.

I'm willing to bet my soul and everything else I own that lecturers plot to plan assignments all at once along with exams just before holidays to piss you off. Here's the definite proof: "We have holidays to give ourselves breaks after working our asses off for the exam"

nah, the exams are placed before the holidays for our inconvenience, I say. not the other way around.

May 24th, 2006, 01:59 pm
Just another thing:

RanT of the Day is a month old!

So far I've had 11 RanTs, making it a rough average of 1 RanT every three days. So many things to bitch about my life hm?

I was about to put up a statistic on the distribution of my RanTs by topic, but feh. Too lazy. Besides, its 2 am.

May 24th, 2006, 03:10 pm
I think the lecturers try to give us heart attacks with the stress they impose at this time of the year before we can even enjoy the holiday.

May 24th, 2006, 03:22 pm
I think they are all S&M lovers who like to watch their students squirm.

May 24th, 2006, 06:47 pm
Shadow... Stop reading S&M University. It's bad for your health....

And I don't find lectures all that bad; it's just the astronomic amount of homework they give you after a lecture that bugs me.

May 28th, 2006, 07:48 am
RanT of the Day (?)

Sweet, I'm awesome at Tekken. Regional finals of national champs today, I won it. Now.. 1/6 chance that I'll be winning a grand or so.. plus entry into world champs possibly coming up..

But then exams next week, first one on Wednesday. Fairly ready for it, but this is worth 20% so it could be better if I prepare more for it.

AH FUCK! What should I do? Study? Practice? Can't Save Both Of Them! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

Descision making. One of the hardest skills to obtain on the planet.

May 28th, 2006, 08:22 am
Well let's weigh this up: Tekken tourney = short time fame among a bunch of nerds Comp Sci Degree = Job, money, ability to hack Tekken and cheat your way to the top. But then Tekken = fun, study = so boring you end up playing Tekken anyway. Man this is a dilema

May 28th, 2006, 02:13 pm
Well let's weigh this up: Tekken tourney = short time fame among a bunch of nerds Comp Sci Degree = Job, money, ability to hack Tekken and cheat your way to the top. But then Tekken = fun, study = so boring you end up playing Tekken anyway. Man this is a dilema

exactly!! and as I said before, comp sci degree = piece of paper. They want people with a minute's more experience than someone with a piece of paper. My friend's a living proof of that, he get paid 30k a year for 1/2 year experience working there, with no college degree. After my degree, I'd still need 1/2 year experience before I get paid maybe 30k, by which time he'll have 2 odd years of exp and get paid 50k.

Also winning Tekken torny - chance to get known the business(as this is official torny) and this may prove more than useful especially if I'm looking for a career in that area. Either way, its good fun

The Real RanT of the Day (!!)

Ah fukkit, I'm sweet with my B+/A- for uni. I'll be sweet with 2nd or so at the torny. Why don't I get some sleep and have a life and ask my GF out? :lol:

May 29th, 2006, 06:55 am
The Real RanT of the Day (!!)

Ah fukkit, I'm sweet with my B+/A- for uni. I'll be sweet with 2nd or so at the torny. Why don't I get some sleep and have a life and ask my GF out? :lol:

Does that really count as a rant? Aren't you supposed to whine? You're standards are slipping my friend.

May 29th, 2006, 11:31 am
Don't expect me to make Ranty RanTs every time. I'm a very busy person and if you keep whining about how my RanTs aren't RanTy enough, I'll RanT about how you're making me Rant a RanTy RanT about your complaints to my RanTs


Anyway, no more rants (or anything for that matter) until I'm done with exams

May 30th, 2006, 11:43 am

Yeah that...

Oh well, you and your rants will be missed.

June 3rd, 2006, 10:29 am
Lol, and I only just discovered it after a long absence XD I remember Ran telling me about this awhile ago...

Good luck with your exams!

June 6th, 2006, 10:42 am

Since Kou is away, I thought this rant by this weird but quite funny guy might fill in the gap for a while. He rants for 7-8 minutes. Heck of a rant...perhaps it IS Kou...*dun dun duuuuun*!

June 6th, 2006, 09:01 pm
In response to your first post. It's Murphy's law. Worse things happen between bad situations

June 10th, 2006, 04:57 pm
"If its possible that anything can go wrong, it will go wrong - at the worst possible time" - Murphy's law

June 12th, 2006, 12:58 am

Since Kou is away, I thought this rant by this weird but quite funny guy might fill in the gap for a while. He rants for 7-8 minutes. Heck of a rant...perhaps it IS Kou...*dun dun duuuuun*!

Unfortunately, I can't claim the credit :P

and I've disproven murphy's law. My brother being the living example. Too lazy to go into details meh.

Anyway.. exams next week, gah

June 12th, 2006, 03:09 am
Unfortunately, I can't claim the credit :P

and I've disproven murphy's law. My brother being the living example. Too lazy to go into details meh.

Anyway.. exams next week, gah


so no more rants ?

i took finals last week now promotion!!! yeah! (from JR> HIGH)

December 19th, 2006, 03:41 pm
RanT Of The Year :rukia:

Well Hello To You Too Over There

*Hey - I might get the axe for reviving a 6 month old topic but whad'ya know, its got my name on it and I figured I'd want to do something more dramatic than "Hey I'm back" on departures and returns. Plus there's lots to read and point and laugh at.

Nice to be alive after all. Although "living in some smokey city with really, really, really bad air while working pretty much 7(pm)/11(pm, the next day) everyday" is kinda hard to call "alive" but yes, greetings to you from the Great Land Of Uncountable Online Games and Almost-There Otakus(plus a small chunk of nuclear crisis), South Korea.

Employment stinks, I got RIF'ed from work (hey- they're downsizing, just like KGB. Or rather, there are 4 guys left working on their latest "project" and everyone else goes whoom~ out the window. That is, me and three other guys who usually sat around drinking coffee eating donuts while playing scorched earth), got rehired somewhere else not to code or compose crappy music but to generate "other" crappy content for our beloved semi-bumlike-otaku-tryhards-who-play-online-games-23/7.

And this time, I'm not allowed to shamelessly advertise my ass off! (Not like I did any advertising here anyway, since it ain't allowed)

Well, working on a MMOARPG is a lot simpler than a musical simulation game (like imagine BeatMania you see at the arcade - Yes I was giving a hand with an online version of that) Since this time, all I have to bother with is come up with fancy sounding item names like "Me*ty B*ood armor set" or "B Class B*am Sab*r" or even "C*lt Tr**per" (I'm not kidding, its almost like copyright infringement but I think we pass on the "its parody therefore not guilty" excuse here. Besides, you can't copyright *****saber or George Lucas would've sued Bandai)

If my job was only that simple. Now then I gotta balance all these equipment stats with existing items and sort their rarity out and etcetcetcetcetc....

In the end, I get all the bombs thrown at me. Either its too good, and therefore the players like it but other staff hate it (and want me to readjust), or its too crap and not only the players hate it, but it ends up being forgotten and my effort to create such content wasted. - That's life, you try to be friends with everybody, you end up enemies with all of them.

Ain't that the beauty~ the beauty~~ The breauty and the Otaku~♪ (...)

Moving on, since nobody likes anyone talk too much about their job, I DID get a good week to catch up on some anime. And yes I still don't get why fanboys and girls (ATTENTION: Angelic's definition of the forementioned, not the more literal meaning) think Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi's a worldwide phenomenon (not like I ever thought it was, but they did come up with a webpage of the anime in like 50 different languages)

Not only that, I finally caught up with the whole :bohaha: thing reading Bleach, I got to see how vulgar and censorship-pushing the last episode of Excel Saga gets, and thanks to my "Self proclaimed Kurz Weber's real life incarnation" brother, a very good healthy dose of near Hentai (and Doujin Dating Sim based) Anime, i.e: Shuffle (plus pretty much all of Navel's work), This mofo is my master (..it translates rather nicely into this I reckon), Maburaho (or was it Mahoraba? or was it Maburabu? OR WAS IT ALL OF THEM? goddamit, they're so damn confusing... or am I just imagining names?..)

Thankfully enough, my sanity decided to save itself by mercilessly beating down every Tekken player I see in any arcade in this nation. (Although I don't see how this is related to Otaku Contamination Process, or the OCP)

So yeah, Finally out of Uni for (the greater justice and) good, it almost looks as if I gotta go back in for another degree to help the global warming. (get it? haha.. this is what they call Oyaji gag. Put that pickaxe down and please spare my life)

And all of this, before my visitor/working visa runs out and I'm drafted into the Korean National Military Force (... course I won't. I've got a different passport from those goons that get dragged in from USA for dodging conscription)

Hey, life is good and there's nothing stopping the endless parade of disaster. Especially since Friday's going to be my end o' year big spending day - that means a Piss 3 plus a 360' and a wee~, ya dig?

December 21st, 2006, 02:06 pm
RanT? Monodrama? Soliloquy? Just a little something extra

Thanks for all the heartthrobbing welcome. :mellow:

Yeah that's right, the 24 of you who read the new post but still never bothered to say a word. I've been off for like 3 months dammit!

(... just kidding btw)

Its still pretty sad, being forgotten and all. Yeah my activity's been dwindling constantly over the years down to the occasional visit, but meh. Can't be helped.

Ahh.. Yes. Many things trouble me. Small, insignificant worries all building up a tremendous stress that is getting harder to bear. You see, once a great man said "A problem too big to handle by itself can be split up into many smaller problems, which then can be adressed one at a time until the whole matter is resolved" Except.. he probably didn't expect the big problem to be made out of 2 x 10^65535 smaller problems which, solved one by one, is too insignificant and inefficient to help resolve the problem.

Of course, there is the cheap and dirty way out to solve a very big, fat, juicy, chunk of the problem - Money. Mullah, Cash, $$, 'The Lubricant', etc..

And I've got LOTS of it (.. for someone who doesn't have to worry about the whole dwelling/family upkeep fees) AT THE MOMENT. Only for now, soon to be gone, never to come back except by means of hours of hard labour.

and THIS gives me MORE to worry (well.. not really, but to procrastinate at least) about. Where to spend it? Should I invest it in the 3 big computer entertainment consoles as I had previously planned? Upgrade my computer specs to beyond that of a CRAY? or take a more mature approach and invest it in a bank for 'future needs'? (or throw a massive party? who knows..)
Since I can't be bothered to write down a list that's bigger than the Internet (which won't happend since the moment I post this such list, it WILL become the internet and hence internet will always be a little bigger than my list?)
I'll just cut it short here.

Bleh, the headache. Life would be so much simpler if I was a girl.. All I'd have to worry about would be 'what to wear for today' or 'which clothes should I buy'

(...If you got any problems with the last paragraph, don't shoot me, shoot my stereotyping evil alter ego. You know.. they always say you've got an evil twin somewhere... oh wait, I AM the evil twin :shifty: )

December 21st, 2006, 04:34 pm
-shoots Kou's stereotyping evil alter ego.-

jk Kou.

December 24th, 2006, 02:46 pm
RanT of the Christmas Day :yawn:

"Our Quest is Vain~"
"We're all doomed~~"

Who remembers Balder's Gate II? XD

Negative attitude and lack of motivation. Now THAT'S what keeps the world going.

Yeah, recently I've been engaged in a series of copy paste Q&A with an admin of some other game(.. not technically supposed to play the one I make, so meh)

He keeps pasting back the same useless reply that has nothing to do with my question. So I just copy paste my question again and again and... this has been going for like 3 weeks now.

We're both lacking in motivation to take a proper initiative and resolve the matter? NO Y*U F*****G B***H T**S IS V**Y I*******T M****R A*D WE A*E B**H T****G H**D TO S***E T*E P*****M!!

... seriously, you're not supposed to take me seriously. <- Yeah this statement too, has no meaning <- And this one <- and this <- and..

For (true)

system.out.print "<- and this";

.. that piece of code's been running ever since the 4th moment of my birth. (get it?)

Yes. laziness is what keeps the world going. See? If the admin was a hard working motivated person and gave me a proper answer, Then I would've been satisfied with it and no further correspondence would've been made. Then since he had nothing to answer, the admin would be out of work. Economy would freeze just a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny little bit and....

Again, ramble on useless forever

That was written in a new type of programming language called Kou. I wrote it because I couldn't be bothered to process through the processing process to write a beautiful piece of Java that is logically equivalent to my statement written in Kou.

From Sloth comes Glory and Advancement and Progress.
                                  - Kou

January 4th, 2007, 01:57 pm
RanTs of the Day (?!)

I've been making a lot of arbitarily offensive, occasionally considered humourous, brain seizure causing, and mostly lightmannered piece of so called essay literature lately. (Like the ones at Porno Mats thread)

Well a couple of them are worthy of being RanTs, and so since I can't be bothered removing them and rewriting them here or copy pasting, I'll just link them :mellow:

Well.. Its true that 'Asians' are like all psycho and too good at gaming in general but... (http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=322060#post322060)

Aw come on. Who cares if someone serves a Dog, a Cactus, a Bangal Tiger or even small starved Somalian children at a restaurant? (http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=322058#post322058)

January 9th, 2007, 12:09 am
< is Asian
Likes playing games
Can't beat the korean games for 8 year olds.... ;____;

January 12th, 2007, 07:45 am
RanT of the Day :yawn:

Sigh.. a proper RanT is due around now but then I've used up all my energy showing tanonev that

A ) no, he can't join the n00bkillers group in ichigos
B ) he chose a wrong target
C ) Picking a professional to a fight in his own field of expertise, while himself is just a dabbling amature, is probably not a good thing
D ) now I'm forever going to think of him as a fool

Hell even RD's worst argument, with his sad and incomplete cases was more convincing then this. And he was dueling against me, M and Dark Bring at the same time. Look at how mature he is now. (not like I'm saying we did it but :mellow: )

I tried my best to not to start a personal fight but since he decided to take me on on pretty much everything I've posed recently, I'll kick his sorry ass a little more here. (If anyone thinks this isn't fair, read my very first post on this thread. Now I'm RanTing about an individual called tanonev on this forum)

FFS such quotes like "You can't beat Kou or Mies in an argument" and similar didn't appear out of thin air! (.. its buried a long way back in general chat)

He's called me a LightningSage(well it's meant to offend me but it seems to be more offending to poor lightning. Insulting multiple people to get at one, yeah real good one). I haven't forged shit to make a material evidence to support my opinion. This guy can't even tell the difference between fact and opinion now.

Out of curiosity, I checked his profile. Age 19. What The Fuck. You're not supposed to be this dumb at 19! What the hell have you been doing at college, dope and drink?

You DON'T throw in IRRELEVANT information to attack a THEORY. Against my initial post that PS3 is going to beat Xbox360, because - have a look a Jap market, its bigger and more important (if you don't get it too, don't sweat it. go read the spoilers in my latest posts). You don't come out of nowhere and say "that's bullshit, American market is bigger because it sells more"

Load of crap! Objection! Blasphemy! Where is this man's intellect?! In his hurry to protect his nation's pride (I can understand.. you arrogant Americans love having American as No.1 everything.. including Stupidity), He forgot that my "claim" lies elsewhere and started to attack me personally out of nowhere.

Well I tried to reason with him. This is obvious for anyone who's REALLY interested in the gaming market. "Don't be too near sighted. Think" Well he took that as an insult. Maybe it was less insulting if I threw the elementary facts at him in the face and go "TAKE THAT YOU N00B! AND DON'T DARE TO POST HERE AGAIN CUZ YOU'RE A NOOB"

.. oh well, so the matter's settled (I think at least). If he throws a proper case now.. maybe he can salvage what little respect I may have left for him.

Sucks how I'm being called out to a dinner invitation now. this RanT's unfinshed.

January 12th, 2007, 08:06 am
Seems like tenonev had been pwned.

January 12th, 2007, 12:57 pm

... yeah. He's kinda got on my nerves. That's not easy to do. But then after a very nice full course meal, I'm in the forgiving mood.

Okay so I've called him an idiot for the first half of my RanT but we both know he isn't. He just totally missed point and fired a wrong argument at the wrong direction. Hey, people make mistakes. I made a mistake assuming that he'd figure it all out if I told him to think deeper. I guess it could be insulting to a self-loving person of reasonable intellect, but then I do hate throwing down the hammer of wrath on undeserving people who made a simple misinterpretation, rather than just being dumb by nature. People learn from mistakes, and well, that's how we get smart.

Getting along is a beautiful thing. By getting along, I mean we don't have shooting wars. Ichigos would be a better place if we didn't resort to screaming with bold and CAPITALS and even worse, Size 14 to make each other understood hm?

:music: Life is a piece of shit, when you look at it. It just makes you want to swear and curse~:music:

February 13th, 2007, 06:24 am
I miss Kou's RanTs

February 13th, 2007, 07:40 am
I think he doesn't have internet connection right now.

October 13th, 2007, 12:51 pm
The Greatest RanT of My Life So Far .....representing possibly all people just over 22 and under 23

Time passes.

ok too short.

People are born, grow old, and die.

zoom in.

Yeah this thread's a year and a chunk old, and I've dug it out of a 8 month long cryostasis.

...ctrl -

So now I've got a piece of paper that says B.Sc (comp sci), half of a piece of toilet paper that says B.A (music - come back finish ur degree dood!)
and had a year and a bit of random travel around the globe working in the industry crap experience.

sometime during May 2003, I've decided to sign up at Pro-Eva forum and figured I'd hang out take some boredom off me.

Now tis' Oktober MMVII[/stencil], and after going back and forth between Korea, Japan and New Zealand i'm sitting back at my old old old home where I grew up to be an ass and in fact, find myself in a similar situation to how I was 3 years back. 1st year uni student, too much free time and not enough money. Yeah I decided I hate working, and on a whim signed up for a music degree and half way through its composition course.

Taking a quick look around the (piss tiny) lecture theatre, most of the time I see kids who would've been crying for mommy to read him/her a fairytale storybook when I was busy trying to finish my calculus homework. Yeah, it feels like a generation gap, but then I'm only about 1/5 of their lifetime older. (hey - at one point in history I was like, 5000000000000 times older than them! they caught up fast :mellow: )

Adulthood. The thing that separates freshmen who're just beginning to enjoy getting pissed all night and get laid, and those who're sitting at the back trying to join in on the fun but finding themselves left out because we're learning to be cautious with who we sleep with, or at least how much we drink. That and the fact that we stopped bothering to count our ages past 20.

No seriously, I can't remember how old I am now, at least without proper reflection.. sometime 85.. yeah so I'm 22, right? or was it 23... jesus, addition fails me.

Yeah at around 18 I got to vote, so that was something to keep counting, then at 20 I was allowed to gamble. But the bonuses stopped there and its just like level ups in D&D. Level 20 is a level 21 is a level 22 is a.... level 60, who really cares, its that +7 magic sword of asspwning (.. or in our real life terms, the flashy sports car and a 5 bedroom house on the suburbs with a double garage) that matters now.

And yeah, once that viewpoint changes, suddenly I'm a different guy and.. I'm OLD. I sound like that post graduate wanker who was trying to impress the 1st year chick with his B.Com degree. Or the assistant lecturers trying to get their masters, only bothering to answer our "stupid, mindless" questions because s/he gets paid $20 an hour to do so.

I've learnt this crap in psychology actually, I was expecting it to hit me sometime during.. maybe my 30's, but to feel so LAME........

As life just happens from the time when it was gross to kiss girls and hang around one, to times when it was impressive to have a crappy 20 year old Japanese import, to the time when it was necessary for you to have a girlfriend in order to not be left out, heck now half my friends are MARRIED. A couple of them are even legitimate fathers (..... face it, New Zealand has like 2nd highest teen pregnancy rate in the world and honestly, I don't think we(the old guys) at fault. So all those illegit fathers are.. I guess they're eventually legit)

I don't even have the aggresive fire I had with me anymore. I.. can't complain about the things I used to, looking cool means in control and not bursting out irreversible and unparriable insults during a verbal(or physical) warfare, and.... I guess I'm RanTing about me getting over twenty.

I was first around you people (or at least the ones that were around before me, like Angelic) when I was 16. Back then that was the average age of the forums. Now that I've became what's the internet equivalent of a 30 century old mummy dug up on a pyramid hidden 5km beneath the surface of the Earth,maybe I didn't leave this place just because I was getting busy (.. I still had enough time for other places) maybe it's like natural selection, the old ones just fade away while new faces constantly pop up to keep the place alive.

HELL NOW I SOUND LIKE A GRANFATHER ON DEATHBED.FUCK. (.. I suppose I'm still young enough to say that word aloud on public, for now)

Okay, this is depressing me, and maybe all of you who are secretly over 20 behind your supposed "I'm a 15 year old girl who likes to have a nice time" cover identity. So I'll stop this aimless RanT that drifts in the arbitary flow of depression, anger and whateverthehell emotion I may have room for. Hell this doesn't even sound like a RanT or me anymore.

On a slightly more positive note, I'm still younger than that weird creepy guy that sits in the front row with a fedora hat trying to look forty instead of fifty. Maybe that counts as something. :mellow:

Coming Next - (Provided I don't get banned for depressing half of us) RanT about the price of PS3!..... Yeah, I've broke mine, but I don't want/can't afford/would never buy it for the same price. Put the damn thing down Kutaragi!

October 13th, 2007, 02:16 pm
Last time I checked, depressing us all wasn't a bannable offense


And anyway, I'm not 22 for just over 2 1/2 years ;)

And next year, I get to be older than most of my own classmates at Uni (albeit only a year older) so I really shouldn't laugh.

October 19th, 2007, 04:47 am
The Greatest RanT of My Life So Far .....representing possibly all people just over 22 and under 23

Time passes.

ok too short.

People are born, grow old, and die.

zoom in.

Yeah this thread's a year and a chunk old, and I've dug it out of a 8 month long cryostasis.

...ctrl -

So now I've got a piece of paper that says B.Sc (comp sci), half of a piece of toilet paper that says B.A (music - come back finish ur degree dood!)
and had a year and a bit of random travel around the globe working in the industry crap experience.

sometime during May 2003, I've decided to sign up at Pro-Eva forum and figured I'd hang out take some boredom off me.

Now tis' Oktober MMVII[/stencil], and after going back and forth between Korea, Japan and New Zealand i'm sitting back at my old old old home where I grew up to be an ass and in fact, find myself in a similar situation to how I was 3 years back. 1st year uni student, too much free time and not enough money. Yeah I decided I hate working, and on a whim signed up for a music degree and half way through its composition course.

Taking a quick look around the (piss tiny) lecture theatre, most of the time I see kids who would've been crying for mommy to read him/her a fairytale storybook when I was busy trying to finish my calculus homework. Yeah, it feels like a generation gap, but then I'm only about 1/5 of their lifetime older. (hey - at one point in history I was like, 5000000000000 times older than them! they caught up fast )

Adulthood. The thing that separates freshmen who're just beginning to enjoy getting pissed all night and get laid, and those who're sitting at the back trying to join in on the fun but finding themselves left out because we're learning to be cautious with who we sleep with, or at least how much we drink. That and the fact that we stopped bothering to count our ages past 20.

No seriously, I can't remember how old I am now, at least without proper reflection.. sometime 85.. yeah so I'm 22, right? or was it 23... jesus, addition fails me.

Yeah at around 18 I got to vote, so that was something to keep counting, then at 20 I was allowed to gamble. But the bonuses stopped there and its just like level ups in D&D. Level 20 is a level 21 is a level 22 is a.... level 60, who really cares, its that +7 magic sword of asspwning (.. or in our real life terms, the flashy sports car and a 5 bedroom house on the suburbs with a double garage) that matters now.

And yeah, once that viewpoint changes, suddenly I'm a different guy and.. I'm OLD. I sound like that post graduate wanker who was trying to impress the 1st year chick with his B.Com degree. Or the assistant lecturers trying to get their masters, only bothering to answer our "stupid, mindless" questions because s/he gets paid $20 an hour to do so.

I've learnt this crap in psychology actually, I was expecting it to hit me sometime during.. maybe my 30's, but to feel so LAME........

As life just happens from the time when it was gross to kiss girls and hang around one, to times when it was impressive to have a crappy 20 year old Japanese import, to the time when it was necessary for you to have a girlfriend in order to not be left out, heck now half my friends are MARRIED. A couple of them are even legitimate fathers (..... face it, New Zealand has like 2nd highest teen pregnancy rate in the world and honestly, I don't think we(the old guys) at fault. So all those illegit fathers are.. I guess they're eventually legit)

I don't even have the aggresive fire I had with me anymore. I.. can't complain about the things I used to, looking cool means in control and not bursting out irreversible and unparriable insults during a verbal(or physical) warfare, and.... I guess I'm RanTing about me getting over twenty.

I was first around you people (or at least the ones that were around before me, like Angelic) when I was 16. Back then that was the average age of the forums. Now that I've became what's the internet equivalent of a 30 century old mummy dug up on a pyramid hidden 5km beneath the surface of the Earth,maybe I didn't leave this place just because I was getting busy (.. I still had enough time for other places) maybe it's like natural selection, the old ones just fade away while new faces constantly pop up to keep the place alive.

HELL NOW I SOUND LIKE A GRANFATHER ON DEATHBED.FUCK. (.. I suppose I'm still young enough to say that word aloud on public, for now)

Okay, this is depressing me, and maybe all of you who are secretly over 20 behind your supposed "I'm a 15 year old girl who likes to have a nice time" cover identity. So I'll stop this aimless RanT that drifts in the arbitary flow of depression, anger and whateverthehell emotion I may have room for. Hell this doesn't even sound like a RanT or me anymore.

On a slightly more positive note, I'm still younger than that weird creepy guy that sits in the front row with a fedora hat trying to look forty instead of fifty. Maybe that counts as something.

Coming Next - (Provided I don't get banned for depressing half of us) RanT about the price of PS3!..... Yeah, I've broke mine, but I don't want/can't afford/would never buy it for the same price. Put the damn thing down Kutaragi!
But I guess that means it was a good rant, heheh.
Edit, read it. I'm totally not going to feel like you do when I'm 23ish. I hope...

October 23rd, 2007, 12:43 pm
Coming Next - (Provided I don't get banned for depressing half of us) RanT about the price of PS3!..... Yeah, I've broke mine, but I don't want/can't afford/would never buy it for the same price. Put the damn thing down Kutaragi!

RanT of the Day

Now wait a minute.. In the last few days (..searching the net for confirmation and finding no more than what I already have)
I've found semi solid intelligence that Sony is INDEED looking at another price cut. More importantly, there is a close-to-adamantine-solid info that Sony have looked at the Korean market with interest, contemplating it as a possible test market for its HD TV broadcast on demand service(since well, its close to Japan, and the internet connection there is legendary) which may launch with an exclusive 80GB model. Sony's hoping this will give an edge to PS3 in its epic battle against Xbox360, as well as pushing for bluray to be the next generation media.

I know for sure that Kutaragi has mentioned plans of a 3rd model a long time ago (..like a year hell)

But now this is pissing me off.

The moment I decide to RanT about its damn prices, They make leaks like this and make my RanT completely lose all of its momentum?!

Either way, both are still industry speculations/rumours whether they're from rock hard sources or not. And so this rumour is threatening me to affect my decision on whether I rebuy a PS3 or scream screwit and move on. Some stupid words would could've been the work of a phisher (..DC inside has a lot of excellent ones, capable of forging official government documents for their jokes).

Even if the PS3 IS to lower its prices once again, its still going to be a lot more expensive than Xbox360, not to mention this new 80GB model is going to be probably more expensive than the 60GB is now, and thats what EVERYONE will have to buy soon in order to enjoy PS3's functions, to da maxx.

So more waiting.. and waiting.. while all my blurays weep waiting for a new console to run them.

But then... Disgaea 3's coming out on PS3... soon.

*Waves white flag and heads to nearest store*

October 18th, 2008, 02:21 am
RanT is almost a year overdue :whistle:

October 18th, 2008, 03:15 am
you dug this out of nowhere

October 18th, 2008, 09:25 am
They end up in General Chat now days. I skip them yet here I am in the borth place of such tripe :\

Neko Koneko
October 18th, 2008, 09:30 am
No reason for reviving old threads.