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View Full Version : Hana Yori Dango & Mai-Otome piano sheet music request

April 27th, 2006, 05:00 am
Hello! I've been searching around for piano sheets for the following music from Hana Yori Dango [the live action drama...em...if songs from a live action drama of an anime series are not accepted here then please tell me if so] and Mai-Otome. I'd very much appreciate it if anyone could arrange them for the piano ^_^.

Mai-Otome: The Otome Advent by Yuki Kajiura

Hana Yori Dango Live Action: Mysterious Chocolate by Yamashita Kosuke

I'd be so grateful to have those two songs arranged for the piano!
Thank you for your time~!


May 4th, 2006, 12:09 am
Oh errrm, if possible--I'd also like seperate sheets for just violin for The Otome Advent :D

And now, I shall shoosh and pray that my request will be answered! x3
Thank you again!