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View Full Version : Songs for Bass Clarinet

May 5th, 2006, 01:17 am
I'm looking for a song to play at my teacher's year-end concert, either as a duet or as a solo. Hopefully something to showcase the bass clarinet, especially those gorgeous low notes! (I thought I saw another bass clarinetist while browsing the forum, but for those who don't know, the bass clarinet is basically an octave down from the Bb clarinet.) So, most of what sounds good on the clarinet will sound good on the b.c. Any suggestions? Difficulty shouldn't be an issue. I'm partial to music by Yoko Kanno, and something jazzy or a little unusual would be fun, but really anything you want to recommend would be greatly appreciated!!

I am brand new, so I'm sorry if there was another thread like this or another place I should post. I searched, but I'm notoriously bad at finding things...

Thank you!

May 9th, 2006, 01:50 am
Well, a nice bass clarinet part is of course Cat Blues (I think thats what its called, its been a while) from Cowboy Bebop. There isn't the diverse range for bass clarinet that there is for clarinet, so you may be in trouble there. However, as you said, clarinet music on the bass can sound good as well. I'll have a think about it and see if I know any pieces that are suited to it ^^

(By the way, I'm probably that other bass clarinetist :P)