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May 26th, 2006, 11:00 pm
Anybody know how I would go about recording what i play on my piano? (It's not a keyboard, baby grand?) Something that would give clear sound that i could upload to the computer. any ideas?

May 31st, 2006, 07:49 pm
Well this is a great problem to record the piano sounds without getting too much noise around...
What I did in the beginning was recording with a radio K7 recorder with microphone integrated. After, I recorded with my mp3 lector/recorder. But still the recordings are in bad quality. I recently tried to record (play piano + singing :sweat: ) myself with my Creative Zen Nano Plus, and it's horrible to listen, because when the sounds saturates, the recordings saturates totally!

What I can recommend you is to keep your computer near your piano, and record what you play with the micro of your computer. Sometimes the integrated micros of laptop computers produce average quality.
Basic computer micros (long with a thin surface for recording) requires themselves to be nearby the instrument, but records with enough good quality.
You can listen to me playing Fake Wings (.hack//sign) at the guitar: http://sodaorat2.free.fr/public/index.php5?action=DownloadFile&fileid=129&category=SHEETMP3
the quality is average, I recorded with a basic computer micro, and I put the micro near the resonance case (is it the good translation of "caisse de résonance" in french? :heh: ) of the guitar.
You judge yourself of the quality ^^

Anyway, the best is to buy an electric piano and record the sound with the computer via the line out! :)

June 2nd, 2006, 11:42 pm
Wow, I'd say that's really good quality, and good playing! thank you for the reply, that helped tons. And..... that has made me want to play guitar! :lol:

June 3rd, 2006, 09:25 am
Hehe! :lol:
When you have recorded your songs, post them in the "Post your recordings" post in the same section :)

Well good luck^^

June 3rd, 2006, 09:21 pm


June 5th, 2006, 12:21 am
what mic do you have?

June 5th, 2006, 10:58 am
I don't remember the mark of the microphone since I put all in the garbage except the mic ^^

It's something similar at this:

But not the same design, something simpler :)
Let's say it's a "desktop microphone"

June 5th, 2006, 02:48 pm
Get a cheap external Soundcard, An OK program (good for recording Audio Files) and then get an exceptable mic. (Mic + Soundcard would be the bigger of the things for quality)

EDIT : Now, I have higher tecq stuff. SONAR v 4.0.0 (Home Edition) with a good Sony Mic and Edirol AudioCAPTURE for Soundcard.