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View Full Version : Bleach Whooo!!

June 26th, 2006, 05:43 pm
Hey guyz this is the first thread I think for Bleach, I know there's another but thats a survey. First of all, Yeah BLEACH IS AWSOME!!! And for you that don't know, Bleach is made from THE SAME PEOPLE AS NARUTO!!! It's a later anime than Naruto, It's pretty cool. If you haven't watched it try wathing on youtube.com. Now a I wanna ask a question... When is the English version of Bleach releasing?

June 26th, 2006, 06:37 pm
Okay... Now that there are TWO threads created fresh for bleach, you've made me get up off my ass and find them...

Please, do a search for the thread before you create a new one. It keeps the board clean.

If not, then browse the thread section by hand (which is better because some people don't get the concept of creating a thead with just the manga/anime name in it's title). If you do this, please set the display settings properly. They're located at the very bottom of the page that holds all the threads. Set the "From" varible to "The Beginining". Magically the Anime and Manga section of the forum goes from one page, to nine.

Bleach (you even posted in this one recently.... :sigh: ), Bleach, and more Bleach

June 26th, 2006, 07:02 pm
Poor M always has to lay down the law...

June 26th, 2006, 07:40 pm

Mys thread was last night... more recent than this one!


and it has a poll too...
do the admins clean up the board?

June 26th, 2006, 07:54 pm
Yes, with brooms and mops.