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View Full Version : Completed Transposal: "The Roost"

June 26th, 2006, 07:13 pm
I finished transposing "The Roost" from Animal Crossing: Wild World onto the Alto Saxophone. I've attached it to this post. :P

It's my first one I did completely by myself!

June 27th, 2006, 05:54 am
Actually, I'm having a particularly difficult time with this, if you don't mind helping me play it. I seem to have a hard time keeping up with the "A. Sax 2" line (which, yes, I will be practicing as much as possible every day, but I have a kanker sore so it hurts a bit.) and when I try to record it in GarageBand, it is always all out-of-synch. I'd like to use GarageBand's internal metronome, but I don't know what BPM to put it at. Nothing really seems completely accurate, and it's beginning to frustrate me. (Yes, the metronome is set to 6/8)