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View Full Version : Completed: Haruhi episode 14 piano ending

July 9th, 2006, 04:14 am

Okay, I finished transcribing the short piano song at the end of Haruhi Suzumiya No Yuuutsu's final episode. I'm posting it here for those interested. If any of you want to hear it, you'll have to wait a little, since I didn't make a midi file of it yet, and it'll take a little more wait until I actually have time to create one.

This song is played for about 15~20 seconds at the end of the last episode of the anime series Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu. Transcription took from 30 minutes to an hour since the song is so short. I tried to stay as accurate as possible, not arranging anything. The song is simple to play and quite emotional.

Give me your comments on this so I can further improve my transcription!

edit: go to post number 3 for the final version of the sheet music

July 9th, 2006, 08:46 am
no midi file??????? man you suck :bleh:

hahah nice 1 man it seems you and i have same taste in transcription music but i haven't started this 1 as i obviously still haven't finished the other. Since i know you got good transciption skills i know that this was done well. but yea thanks i was actually hoping to learn this so thank you ^_^

edit- lol ok you got a small transcription error. on the 4th and 13th bar the 4th bass note is supposed to be c you've made it as a d. your doing good so far man

edit 2- bar 16 bass should start after the 1st 2 notes of the treble

apart from that you did a perfect job B)

July 9th, 2006, 11:55 pm
Thanks a bunch! You really have a great ear to recognize these mistakes!

Okay, so I'm posting up the reedited version of this transcription. The mistakes mentioned earlier were corrected, and I numbered the measures, just for better reference.

So here's for Suzumiya Haruhi fans, and also for those who are looking for something short and sweet ... and easy to play! Remember the pedal!

edit: I added the MIDI file of it for everyone to hear