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Neko Koneko
July 14th, 2006, 10:23 am
Anyone watching the news about this? Those bloody Israelian bastards are starting all kinds of wars again, bombing innocent people for a reason that's completely not within proportions. I hate Israel, that fucking country doesn't even belong there, but after the second world war it was just created there by the allies because the jews had no place to go. Then those bloody arses started stealing land all around and now they are complaining that they're not very popular in the region and attacking everything they can, and building fences on the ground of neighbouring countries. And the stupid western countries don't do anything because of the holocaust 60 years ago.

Israel is a terrorist state. They are fucking arseholes and I have no sympathy for them. When they blow up stuff in Libanon or Palestina it pisses me off, when people in Israel die because of attacks I cheer for it.

July 14th, 2006, 12:29 pm
I disagree. israel has put up with so much shit and terrorist bombings, suicidal bombings and all this that when they retalliate or have had enough then they get portraid as the bad guys. I am in full support of Israel

Neko Koneko
July 14th, 2006, 12:35 pm
Israel was never supposed to be there. The country was created by the allied forces after the second world war. Right after that Israel built themselves an army and started stealing more ground from neighbouring countries, and because of THAT people are now bombing them. So basically they stole something, the people who they stole from are pissed but Isreal says it's their fault. That's just not fair. If they hadn't been stupid arses stealing other people's countries they now wouldn't have to put up with the shit you mention. It's their well deserved "reward" for their own past actions.

July 14th, 2006, 12:40 pm
hate to get all religious on ya and i in no way intend on turning this into a religious thread but israel is THEIR country because it was rightfully theirs from god. Israel was originally alot bigger than that but it's been cut down to a much smaller amount. as a christian i fully support the jews in their actions

July 14th, 2006, 12:41 pm
It really doesn't matter what you've been through. If you're commiting terrorist acts, then that's a problem. I don't know why people aren't doing anything about this. Holocaust, shmolocaust.

Neko Koneko
July 14th, 2006, 01:47 pm
hate to get all religious on ya and i in no way intend on turning this into a religious thread but israel is THEIR country because it was rightfully theirs from god. Israel was originally alot bigger than that but it's been cut down to a much smaller amount. as a christian i fully support the jews in their actions

Leave religion out of this. It has nothing to do with this. According to the religion of the palestina people it is their country so don't come with that utter bullshit.

Alfonso de Sabio
July 14th, 2006, 01:55 pm
hate to get all religious on ya and i in no way intend on turning this into a religious thread but israel is THEIR country because it was rightfully theirs from god. Israel was originally alot bigger than that but it's been cut down to a much smaller amount. as a christian i fully support the jews in their actions
This is a horrible justification. If God declared it to be their land, why didn't he make it so?

Neko Koneko
July 14th, 2006, 02:25 pm
And another one, if Israel can wage war for their religion then why is it wrong when muslims do it? (referring to muslim terrorists here).

Dark Bring
July 14th, 2006, 02:26 pm
Those bloody Israeli bastards are starting all kinds of wars again . . . Are you sure that it was the Israelis that "started it"?

. . . bombing innocent people for a reason that's completely out of proportions.Because invading Iraq as a response to 9/11 set a great precedent for disproportional retaliation (involving massive civilian casualties!).

. . . that fucking country doesn't even belong there . . . What exactly is this standard by which you judge if a country "belongs there"?

. . . but after the second world war it was just created there by the Allies because the Jews had no place to go.The Jews had plenty of places to go after WWII, and the modern country of Israel was created for entirely different reasons.

You see, in 1947, following increasing levels of violence together with unsuccessful efforts to reconcile the Jewish and Arab populations, the British government decided to withdraw from the Palestine Mandate. Not that we can blame them, of course. It was a dirty and ugly job that nobody wanted to do, like cleaning the toilet after a patient with explosive diarrhoea.

Then, the UN General Assembly approved the 1947 UN Partition Plan dividing the territory into two states, with the Jewish area consisting of roughly 55% of the land, and the Arab area roughly 45%.

Note that the Netherlands was one of the countries that recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states, with Jerusalem to be placed under international administration, and also subsequently voted for UN resolution 181. China and United Kingdom (wisely) abstained from this round of sordid business.

Following the adoption of the plan, Arab countries proposed to query the International Court of Justice on the competence of the General Assembly to partition a country against the wishes of the majority of its inhabitants. This was narrowly defeated.

Meeting in Cairo in November and December of 1947, the Arab League then adopted a series of resolutions aimed at a military solution to the conflict.

Thus, one could argue that the Israelis started it, or that the Arab League started it, or that the United Nations started it, or that Hitler started it . . .

Then those bloody arses started stealing land all around . . . The UN rejected all of the claims.

. . . and now they are complaining that they're not very popular in the region and attacking everything they can . . . Hmm, I've not heard any of that complaining. In any case, I would say that at this very moment, the armed Israeli response is still remarkably tame. When they start "attacking everything they can", things will be alot uglier.

. . . and building fences on the ground of neighbouring countries. The definition of "terrorist" would be useful here. If the neighbouring countries can't keep their terrorists from getting to Israel, then Israel will do if for them, free of charge!

And the stupid Western countries don't do anything because of the Holocaust 60 years ago.I think not. However, the Holocaust is a very useful excuse . . .

Israel is a terrorist state.And your country had a hand in its creation? Again, define "terrorist".

They are fucking arseholes and I have no sympathy for them.No on has sympathy for fucking arseholes, but everyone is someone else's fucking arsehole.

When they blow up stuff in Lebanon or Palestine it pisses me off, when people in Israel die because of attacks I cheer for it.Fair enough, everybody supports their own team.

Israel almost makes me wish that Hitler had finished his damn job because now those stupid fuckers are only causing more trouble in the bloody area.I am very certain that the process of Hitler finishing his damn job would save us a lot of trouble, because it is not us but our grandfathers or great-grandfathers that will have to deal with the Nazis.

. . . but Israel is THEIR country because it was rightfully theirs from God.Debatable. There is no proof if the Israeli God has higher authority than the Islamic God when it comes to real estate disputes.

EDIT: Pointing fingers is fun.

Guess what's written on those Israeli cannons?
And what about those Israeli subs and ships?
Blohm + Voß.
These are both German companies.

Neko Koneko
July 14th, 2006, 02:33 pm
I'm never going to believe Discovery channel again when they talk about stuff like this T_T;;

But, what I'm trying to say, mainly, is that Israel should give back the country it took. All of it, not a bit. They shouldn't build fences on other people's land, how would you like it if your neighbour built a fence on your ground? Israel is just giving everyone a big mouth, acting as if they are the king there (well, more like the dictator state dictating the countries around it). No wonder people are pissed off at them.

Dark Bring
July 14th, 2006, 02:43 pm
Yes, I agree that Israel should build their fences on their own ground, even if it is their neighbours' fault that terrorists are using their countries as a base of operations against Israel. The fishing Hezbollah is the reason why Israel is giving Lebanon hell.

I also agree the Israel should return the land to their rightful owner. However, like all real estate disputes between countries (See China-Taiwan, China-India, India-Pakistan, S. Korea-Japan, etc) . . . this is a Gordian knot, and the Alexandrian solution would be massive bloodshed between the involved nations.

July 14th, 2006, 03:25 pm
I know, Angelic. I also oppose Israel and think it's rather silly that people accept a Jewish state. Can you imagine the outcry if someone called for a White state? Can you imagine anyone feeling sorry for them if they set up in Africa and found themselves reviled there? Precisely what do the Jews need a state for that every other ethnicity or race doesn't, anyway? Isn't the point of racial equality that no race is given preferential treatment?

Neko Koneko
July 17th, 2006, 02:06 pm
Well, apparently it's officially a war now. Bloody Israelies, thinking they can get away with just anything. I feel sorry for the people who fall on both sides, but I still say Israel only has themselves to blame.

July 17th, 2006, 10:26 pm
The Jewish state was conquered in the 1st century, and had been around over 3,000 years before that. There was undeniably a land of the Jews. That's how the term "JEW" came about. It refers to a people of a reigon. The dominant religion of that reigon was Judaism, true, and consequentially most people from that area are of that same religion. But it's also an ethnicity. I am ethnically half Jewish, but I'm not religiously Jewish. Apparently, that means that Angelic wishes I was violently killed in a mass genocide. You know, since I deserve it for being born. My sincerest appologies, Angelic; next time I'll try harder to appease you.

The point is, Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus, a Roman emperor, in 70 AD. Historical fact. The Jewish nation had to have existed for Titus to conquer it. Then the Jews were exiled and moved out all over the world. Many stayed, however; in fact, in the mid-19th century, Jews were the majority in many cities in the area of Israel. So why did it belong to Arabs? The Ottoman Empire had control over it until it's downfall in 1922 when the British created their mandate over Palestine. However, those in power remained Arabic. By 1890, the Jews were the "absolute majority" in many cities in this area, including Jerusalem, because the Jewish families of Europe began moving back to join the Jewish families who had stayed there.

Why? Because of rampant anti-semitism in Europe and Asia. This anti-semitism came to a head in what's known as the Holocaust. The killing of 6 million Jews in Europe is hardly a thing to say "lolz I wish it wruz dcompleted so that isreal wouldn't exist lawl". It was because of this anti-semitism that the need for a Jewish country presented itself. If your race was being killed indescriminately for merely being part of that race, would you want to stay where you are? Would you want to face the risk of death merely for existing? No, you would move to a new place and fix your situation. Unfortunately, anti-semitism exists everywhere. However, Jews were not persecuted as much in America, and so many moved here. And many more moved to the Middle East, to places were Jews were the majority of the population. Namely, Israel. And so, in keeping with Truman's doctrine of "Self-determination," a policy which pretty much ended colonialism and created third-world countries, Israel was created as a country for the Jews. Despite Truman himself being anti-semitist, he helped convince other world leaders to help create the new country.

Immediately after the 1948 Declaration of Independence for the State of Israel (remember, this state was created with the help and support from the UN), it was attacked by Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, Iraqi, and Lebanese forces. Now, read over what I just said. Israel was attacked first, right after it's independence was established. The country was established with the support from the UN. And the aforementioned countries attacked it. Israel, despite only having been created for a very very short time, not only successfully defended their country, but pushed the attacking forces far out into their own land. This is how war works. This is how Israel was lost in the first place. The next major war, the Suez War, was started when Egypt sent guerilla forces into Israel, prompting a response from Israel, the defenders, and creating a war. The next major war, the Six Day war of 1967, came about by the United Arab Military command gathering forces along the Israeli border, while Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran. In response to the gathering of the Arab Military troops on the Israeli border, the Israelis launched air strikes, and eventually routed the forces. The next major war was the Yom Kippur war of 1973, in which - you guessed it! - the Syrian and Egyptian armies launched simultanious attacks on Israel, and conquered some of the Israeli land. Then Israel got it together and pushed them back. Next, during the Gulf War, Iraq, in an attempt to inflame public opinion, launched 39 SCUD missiles into Israel. The US persuaded Israel not to retaliate, but rather to co-operate with the US in deflecting the attacks.

Now, in all of the wars listed above, the Israelites were attacked first, with the exception of the shortest 6 Day War, in which Israel didn't wait to be attacked but attacked the forces which were assembled right outside of its border. Yet you persist that Israel starts "all kinds of wars"? And you call Israelites "fucking arseholes?" For what, trying to defend their own coutnry which was started with support from the UN in order to escape universal racism and persecution on an ENORMOUS scale?

All information recieved from Wikipedia. I suggest educating yourself by reading the bare facts and THEN forming your own opinions, rather than forming your opinions, spewing them out with no control, and then waiting for someone else to educate you.

July 18th, 2006, 03:09 am
I was going to say what you did Egmont, and now I will add a bit more.

Palastine wants their land back now. They want land that they lost after they attacked Israel in the 40's. It was an offical war (seeArab-Israel War on Wiki) meaning all land was up for game. Egypt current doesnt want Israel so close from what I hear, but they have their land legaly on the Gaza Strip also from a war. Palestine doent want Israel so close either, and Israel said they will leave but they didnt do it so fast so in true facts, Palestine attacked first, not Israel. All because of land that Israel has OFFICALY AND RIGHTFULY.

Israel should be there. Their ethnic group is from there and they have a legal country there. Before WWII the area was a British Colony. Afterwords Britian decided to leave and let Israel make a constatution and thus make themself an offical country. If you dont think Israel should be a country blame the Britian. BTW, if you should be mad at anyone, be mad at Palestine. They arnt even a country because they have no constitution. Its a rebel state if anything else.

A war isnt a war unless more then two parties are active in it. You cant just say Israel is blowing things up and they are the only ones. If it was true it isnt a war but an act of terrorism. Israel is just protecting their people and their land, and what ever they want to do in their land is fine by me as long as it doesnt hurt anyone good. If they want a fence, fine; beef up ocuntry borders, its all good.

July 18th, 2006, 07:21 am
This just shows how history repeats itself. Why do people get so angry at it. History will just be history.

July 18th, 2006, 06:30 pm
I dont think history repeats itself. I dont know why people say that though...?

I dont think people should get mad at wars. I know war isnt good but for some situations its the only way out. I mean, look at the Iraq war right now. All those hippies and a bunch of French people are like "America is stupid. Bush should pull out of Iraq because its bbbaaadddd". Its not that simple. We did not create the problems there, it was Britian (oohhh, look, Britian agian) who made things bad after they started a war and then just left the area. ITs not like the American governemnt just though "oh, lets go randomly to a country for no reason". Troops were sent there with good intentions and the few bad apples ruin the image of the mission. You know how many countries have went to Iraq then pulled out? American troops are still there, standing in the streets like targets handing out text books to students and food to families.

I had to say that because I was trying to show that war isnt totaly bad. Out of the pain the suffering there is still good. War isnt jsut for fun, there is good intentions in the end and beginging. WWII was bad, but in the end it changed the world for the good greatly (as an example). The thing with Israel might possable do the same thing. Its not like they are the only ones at fault and the only one blowing things up.

July 19th, 2006, 01:10 am
I dont think history repeats itself. I dont know why people say that though...?

I dont think people should get mad at wars. I know war isnt good but for some situations its the only way out. I mean, look at the Iraq war right now. All those hippies and a bunch of French people are like "America is stupid. Bush should pull out of Iraq because its bbbaaadddd". Its not that simple. We did not create the problems there, it was Britian (oohhh, look, Britian agian) who made things bad after they started a war and then just left the area. ITs not like the American governemnt just though "oh, lets go randomly to a country for no reason". Troops were sent there with good intentions and the few bad apples ruin the image of the mission. You know how many countries have went to Iraq then pulled out? American troops are still there, standing in the streets like targets handing out text books to students and food to families.
I had to say that because I was trying to show that war isnt totaly bad. Out of the pain the suffering there is still good. War isnt jsut for fun, there is good intentions in the end and beginging. WWII was bad, but in the end it changed the world for the good greatly (as an example). The thing with Israel might possable do the same thing. Its not like they are the only ones at fault and the only one blowing things up.
__________________________________________________ _________________________history doesn't repeat its self? Yes it does. All wars can be sumed up in to two words: Money/land gain.

July 19th, 2006, 02:08 am
I don't know why anyone would get mad at the Jews in the first place. I mean it's not like they had a lavish history over the millenia. I'd be mad to XD. I mean first your a slave to Egypt, then you have to defend your home country from hordes of ancient militaries, then after a short time of prosperity Persians, Greeks AND Rome come and conquer you accordingly. After your religious main temple is destroyed your cast out in a great Diaspora. After generations of alienation you suffer the Holocaust (which was utterly evil in all its aspects) and then you come back home, generations later to find someone else living in YOUR homeland that you felt you were promised. And now the Jews have to fight battle after battle with the neighboring countries in a bloody feud to take back the home country. I sincerely think they deserve that land.

Also, on a side note antisemitism is a branch of racism, and racism is just stupid.

July 19th, 2006, 10:45 am
You forget slaves to Babylon. ;)

July 19th, 2006, 01:46 pm
I read a little of this thread and someone is actually promoting the Holocaust! :what: I agree that the turmoil in Israel should've of been avoided but jeeze, to go so far as to say wipe off the Jews from the face of the planet? I personally believe that the Jewish people should take only the land they were promised (maybe adopting the borders of Solomon or King David?), but they don't deserve death. Haven't enough ancin people died out because of violence?:(

Still Angelic is right; the Israelites should not be taking land from other Arabian nations. But you know this is NOTHING new. America is built upon French, British and Spanish colonies. Native American countries have always been stepped on and plumaged, from Africa to Australia. Imperialism was practiced not too long ago and pretty much makes all major European hands bloody. I'm just saying don't criticize the Israelites when most of us lived on stolen ground.;)

What it basically come down to is (We are the proud Jewish people, this land is our birthright) vs. (we were actually BORN here so screw you all). The Jewish PEOPLE have actually lived there longer than the Palestine, but since there were all kicked out by Rome for a long period of time, the land became the Arab’s. So basically should the land go to the people who were born there, or to the people whose ancestors lived there the longest?:think:

July 19th, 2006, 05:34 pm
This just shows how history repeats itself. Why do people get so angry at it. History will just be history.


"Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it."

July 19th, 2006, 09:15 pm
Still Angelic is right; the Israelites should not be taking land from other Arabian nations. But you know this is NOTHING new. America is built upon French, British and Spanish colonies. Native American countries have always been stepped on and plumaged, from Africa to Australia. Imperialism was practiced not too long ago and pretty much makes all major European hands bloody. I'm just saying don't criticize the Israelites when most of us lived on stolen ground.;)

WtF. They didnt take land like a kid stealing a babies lolly. There was a war, they won thus they can keep all the land they want.

Before, a little over a decade I think, Israel was getting out of the Gaza Strip because the Arab contries around it wanted them to. Yet later they were bombing Israel because it wasnt fast enough or somthing. Same thing is happening right now. Its like having your neighbhor rake your yard and as he is doing it you throw rocks at him.

Not right man, not right.


And I guess history does repeat itself... Should have thought a bit more on that.

July 22nd, 2006, 09:29 pm
Anyone watching the news about this? Those bloody Israelian bastards are starting all kinds of wars again, bombing innocent people for a reason that's completely not within proportions. I hate Israel, that fucking country doesn't even belong there, but after the second world war it was just created there by the allies because the jews had no place to go. Then those bloody arses started stealing land all around and now they are complaining that they're not very popular in the region and attacking everything they can, and building fences on the ground of neighbouring countries. And the stupid western countries don't do anything because of the holocaust 60 years ago.

Israel is a terrorist state. They are fucking arseholes and I have no sympathy for them. When they blow up stuff in Libanon or Palestina it pisses me off, when people in Israel die because of attacks I cheer for it.

you seriously need to lay off the hating and swearing on Israel. Israel is not a terrorist state. The terrorist at Lebonan has two israel soldiers as hostage. The Lebonan forces tried to disarm the terrorist; but failed in doing so. If you want to do the blaming; blame it on Iran for supplying the terrorist with weapons. The U.S are pretty much pissed at iran in doing so. Iran might have nuclear weapons but we're not sure.

The best choice would be Lebonana and Israel to corporate with each other and do something about the Terrorist them selfs.
This is WAR they're having; Lebanan is protecting its borders; Israel troops are going to attack the terrorist; and the terrorist would protect them selfs. A 3 sided battle.

July 22nd, 2006, 09:41 pm
Iraq has one of those machines that spins uranium to pure it or somthing. My teacher says the only reason to have those is to make nuclear weapons.

July 23rd, 2006, 12:48 am
Iran has been working with North Korea in nuclear development. There were Iranian scientists in North Korea during the test bombing. If they don't have bombs, they're pretty close to developing them, I would think.

July 23rd, 2006, 08:16 pm
People need to learn that mass destruction doesnt mean nukes and only nukes though. Biochemical weapons are of mass distruction and count as them. I do think Iran has/had them. Iraq even.

July 24th, 2006, 06:22 am
^ thats true. but Nuke's has alot more impact than just mere bombs etc.

July 24th, 2006, 08:32 am
Well, as long as people die, it doesn't fundamentally matter how, just how many, unless we're talking about long range effects. However, even in that case, it's still similar.

Neko Koneko
July 25th, 2006, 03:26 pm
I think it's funny that people seem to think that just because those poor jews have had such a hard time throughout history they have the right to start wars whenever they please.

Well, the situation isn't really changing, Israel is still at it and so is Hezbollah (SP). I wish they'd stop and start negotiation again, maybe with some international peace force keeping guard. I've learnt a few things about the situation and I guess Israel does have a point in attacking Hezbollah, but right now I think they've made their point and they should leave it to an international peace force, instead of just randomly bombing people's homes and all x_x

July 25th, 2006, 03:34 pm
at the same time it's like the americans are saying. as much as they wish for peace and a ceasefire they know that they cant because hezbollah would just use it as an opportunity to re equip themselves and get themselves better prepared for the next time.

if 2 people get into a fight and its over in 1 punch the loser could later gather himself together get re inforcements or whatever and think yea it was luck. i have improved myself i'll show him what im made of. i'll make him sorry.

whereas if when its over in 1 punch and the guy goes in to absolutely blitz the bastard and knock seven bells out of him making sure that he cant get up and do anything and make sure that when you walk away you got that guy off your back. that guy who lost would now think shit we took a severe beating and we lost way too much. can we afford to try it again. so long as the risk is small there will always be possibilities. if the risk is too great then the chances of it happening are small. so basically israel are now blitzing the bastards making sure that once everything has been finished hezbollah would be in no position to strike back and would be too scared to try it again in the future

July 25th, 2006, 05:49 pm
hehe, bush sent in relief funds and aid to lebanon, whats really gonna be funny is when Bush sends in troops to push out the Israelies. I wouldn't be surprised if secretly America got the hezbollah into political power just so that the Lebanonese could destroy them. Also, want to know why we aren't sending anymore troops into Iran and Iraq? Cuz Israel is gonna bomb the living shit out of them for us.

Ming, maestro of music
August 8th, 2006, 03:00 am
OMG!! LOOK AT ALL THE SWEAR WORDS!! *covers younger brother's eyes and push him outside, then lock the door* Sorry, my younger bro up there...

To tell the truth this is the first time I've seen so much racism in my life. It makes me feel grateful for Malaysia know...

Anyhoo, the ones at fault are NOT the normal civilians. It is the !@#$#%%^!@%$^#*%)!@#@^$#%&!@^!@*! politicians :bleh: :mad: who use any excuse they can find to grab more land. I find it ironic that the "Holy land" for both the Jews and the Palestines has become a battleground.

And angelic...ummm... I'm VERY afraid of offending you now, but, ummm, you could have hurt a lot of people's feelings by typing those remarks. You could also be giving a bad impression of yourself. DON'T GET ME WRONG, I'M NOT SAYING YOU'RE EVIL!!!!! I'm just saying, y'know, that maybe you should just tone down the bad words...?

Sorry if I'm offending anyone... :cry: (Especially the admin!! Did I mention you've got a really cool avatar and a really cool web-site and how I love it?!)

August 24th, 2006, 02:53 am
Wow such anti semitism, racism, and swearing. This is really sad especially when i see the admin writing such remarks.

You should be careful with waht you say angelic, im sure there are people who feel the exact opposite of your views and that if they shared their views in your fashion that you would be deeply offended.

Everything you said just reminded me of the iranien president saying that the jews "should be wiped off the map" and that he was dissapointed the germans didnt finish them off.

I am deeply offended by your remarks (even though you probably dont care and would probably tell me to die or something) and once again, coming from an admin, i find it just plain SAD!

August 24th, 2006, 02:55 am
Even so, everyone is intitled to their own opinions as long as they are shared in a way that harms no one.

And hurting someones feelings dont cound as harming someone.

Neko Koneko
August 24th, 2006, 10:46 am
Wow such anti semitism, racism, and swearing. This is really sad especially when i see the admin writing such remarks.

You should be careful with waht you say angelic, im sure there are people who feel the exact opposite of your views and that if they shared their views in your fashion that you would be deeply offended.

Everything you said just reminded me of the iranien president saying that the jews "should be wiped off the map" and that he was dissapointed the germans didnt finish them off.

I am deeply offended by your remarks (even though you probably dont care and would probably tell me to die or something) and once again, coming from an admin, i find it just plain SAD!

To be honest, I'm feeling more sympathy for a country like Iran than Israel. Iran has always been there, after all.

The reason why the middle East is so instable is not because of Iran, or Lebanon, or Hezbollah. It's because of the USA and Israel. Those two countries are the only reason terrorists attack the west.

August 24th, 2006, 11:01 am
It's impossible to understand the situation unless you live there.

Everyone keeps claiming everything, blaming the other side: two soldiers kidnapped - yes, but there were patroling non-israelian territory (so i hear). Israel has had terrorist bombings for the last ten years, keep blaming Palestine; Palestine - same story only vice versa. Who the hell do I believe?

CNN - always takes US stance; BBC - good; but whats the point of arriving late and showing destroyed buildings and weeping villagers. Some say that 10 min ago Hezbollah was using that same building as an Operations Center; Who the bad guy, why is he the bad guy all depends on what country you live in and what newspaper you're reading.

Taking sides without knowing the truth - not me.

Quote from Jewish expat in Newspaper: "Maybe not the others, but R***** was the one country that we all expected to Understand us. You have been experiencing the same thing in C***** with kidnappings, bombings, and war"

Neko Koneko
August 24th, 2006, 02:10 pm
And Russia has, just like Israel, brought it upon themselves by claiming territory that is not actually theirs to take =P

August 24th, 2006, 03:56 pm
I feel more sorry for Israel. They have been there for such a long time, as a country or not. Their ethnic group has been there for thousands of years. Now the surrounding countries want them out of their land, like the Gaza Strip.

And then theres the total idiots. I cant remember who it was but some person/group said Israel shouldnt use such a big defensive force because its not fair. How the hell are you going to win if you dont use a bigger force?

And Angelic, I dont know why you keep saying they have land that isnt theirs. A country keeps the land they win in a war, you know.

August 24th, 2006, 04:59 pm
Sure, but what is their motive that drives them to war over the lands? If their reasons are mediocre then winning lands over war is pretty stupid.

August 24th, 2006, 05:06 pm
The wars didnt start over land.

... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War)

But even so anyland won can be kept. The obvious thing to do is keep it.

August 25th, 2006, 09:16 am
And Russia has, just like Israel, brought it upon themselves by claiming territory that is not actually theirs to take =P


I think 1577 is long enough to guarantee ownership...

August 25th, 2006, 01:57 pm
All wars can be sumed up in to four words: Money/land gain/religious beleif.


Neko Koneko
August 27th, 2006, 01:42 pm

I think 1577 is long enough to guarantee ownership...

Not really. It's only rightful if the people really want to be part of Russia, otherwise no country has the right to claim another country.

On another note: the people who say I can't swear and such because I'm an admin, you have a point, but please do keep in mind that I'm a human and that I have emotions just like you, and Israel just pisses me off. The whole middle east pisses me off and so does the US. Let's not start about North Korea and those fuckers in the Chinese government. They all piss me off. Why? Because they are fucking retards who look for conflict and not ways to solve them.

August 28th, 2006, 12:41 pm
I think your more mad at the Isreal government than you are at the Jewish ethnic group.

August 28th, 2006, 03:37 pm
Coyote's right: no one has a right to blame/hate a whole country or nationality because of their (stupid? incompetent?) government's actions.

Problem is, you're so good an admin that people start to forget that you're human - it seems more likely that you're an AI created specifically for this forum and difficult job (jk).

...but it's not a country, it's a (hmm... community? nation?) where a certain part of the population fights for independence using extremist methods. It never was a country per se (i think). Anyways, off topic and almost over. Most of them have already layed down their arms.

Neko Koneko
August 28th, 2006, 05:06 pm
Yeah, you guys are right, I stand corrected.

Apparently the support for the Israelian government is weakening within Israel, so I wonder what'll come next =/

August 28th, 2006, 06:34 pm
Then theres Hexbollah. They are just a terrorist group saying they are a government party.

*friken messed up man! :stoned:*

Neko Koneko
August 28th, 2006, 06:59 pm
Actually they are a government party and they are in the Lebanon government. Same for Hamas being in the Palestina government.

Ming, maestro of music
August 29th, 2006, 10:34 pm
I don't know which side started this whole Israel versus Palestine, but I think maybe the whole thing could have been prevented if both parties just take a time out to discuss things. Okay, maybe they shouldn't have captured those 2 soldiers, it might have been a mistake on the soldiers part. And then Israel could just calmly discuss things out with Palestine. BUT the problem is that (p.s this is what I think, so please DON'T get offended...) Israel has always tried to win back MORE land from Palestine. They ALSO want to get back at them for all the bombings and the like. What better excuse for a war when Palestine takes two of your soldiers prisoner. I don't know whether there was a religious motive in this as well, but because of two selfish governments who refuse to think logically and act like macho meat heads, people in BOTH countries are suffering. And it's not only that. The war has created a chasm between Muslims and Jews. The Muslims think that the Jews are rotten, Jews think that Muslims are jerks. Everything is connected, and if the situation continues, there might be a full blown war. (And don't tell me UN can stop it. They couldn't even stop THIS one!!) It'll be the crusades ALL OVER AGAIN...

August 29th, 2006, 11:53 pm
Actually they are a government party and they are in the Lebanon government. Same for Hamas being in the Palestina government.

Then theres Hexbollah. They are just a terrorist group saying they are a government party.

*friken messed up man! :stoned:*

Lolness on a stick. I did word it werid though.

Neko Koneko
August 29th, 2006, 11:54 pm
They're not a terrorist party saying they're a government party, they ARE a government party.