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View Full Version : I need help please!

July 29th, 2006, 08:29 am
I wanna write my first compostion. I have all the tools and knowledge...just no ideas:heh: Basiclly, I'm inspired to write a comp. but no idea where it should be aimed towards. Any tips or inspirational things to get me started?

July 29th, 2006, 11:33 am
Listen to your favourite songs, and think to yourself what it is in those pieces that you like. Use those ingredients and think of a song :)

July 30th, 2006, 12:41 am
I've found that many good ideas have come to me through improvizing. Granted I'm still not very good, but improvising a bit can help start a seed idea to get me started.

July 30th, 2006, 04:41 am
I would just suggest not to wring out your brain to get ideas. Try to get them to flow (i.e. by listening to your favorite music). ;)

What's Her Face
July 30th, 2006, 06:48 am
If you have a piano and know a bit how to play it, sit down and play around with some chords.. try to hear where you want the music to go, and try to play it. It's hard at first but you learn how to follow what you hear.. if that makes sense. Make some sample recordings of yourself.. listen.. add to them.. improve.. experiment :D Maybe even start with just two chords that you like back and forth, then create a melody for it.. once you get the hang of improving with it, add another chord/ make a bridge or something. Don't give up if you get stuck or frustrated.. just move onto another song or do something else, then when you want come back to it later if you feel inspired again. Never let music become a chore. :}

July 30th, 2006, 06:56 am
I have a piano and can play it so I'll try that^^ thanxx beautiful singer lady

July 30th, 2006, 06:57 am
I would just suggest not to wring out your brain to get ideas. Try to get them to flow (i.e. by listening to your favorite music). ;)
I get ideas in my head constantly but they never fit in with the song >.<

July 30th, 2006, 04:28 pm
I get ideas in my head constantly but they never fit in with the song >.<

Then try to seperate them into what sounds good with each other and what doesn't. Always remember that the mind is usually not a "crap-music" creating machine. :)

July 30th, 2006, 06:39 pm
If you always get ideas in your head, just write that down and save it in your computer. Perhaps they may not fit into a song you're working on currently but I'm sure they are good future reference. The ones I manage to write is usually because I thought of a good way to connect two or more ideas into a good flowing music...most of the time.

My advice, if you get an idea, write it down, save it. Once you have enough of them and you go over them, the links will come naturally to you.