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View Full Version : [Anime] Gankutsuou - The Count of Monte Cristo

August 3rd, 2006, 12:12 pm
Gankutsuou - The Count of Monte Cristo
Mahiro Maeda

Wow. Simply wow. This anime took me by supprise. I downloaded way back when it was unlicenced, and I just decided to start watching it. The story is a modernized story of the Count of Monte Cristo, with some anime touches to it. Saddly, I have never read the book, so I cannot say how well it was transcoded to the anime screen. None-the-less, at the end of this anime, I was left drooling. The plotline was delivered perfectly, split into two very clear chunks. The characters were well defined, and everything seemed to have a purpose. My only complaint is that the love factor between Albert and Eugenie was a little underplayed, and the CG mecha (minus the kick ass spaceship) was un nessesary.

I'm a moth to a flame for this kind of anime.

The artstyle to this anime is very unique. Normally, hair and clothing has a solid shade of color; more accurately every anime uses solid or gradent shades on everything. This anime, instead uses a computer layer on their clothing, hair, and the backdrops in scenes. You WILL notice it instantly. It takes a while to get used to, but once you do, every other anime you watch thereafter looks very, very dull. The OST is a psudo-opera/rock/techno, and flows well with the plot and characters. By far my favorate track is "Kaishou". I found myself putting it on loop for about an hour.

I deem the anime well worth purchasing, and certainly worth the watch. *get's the M stamp*

Home (japanese) (http://www.gankutsuou.com/)
ANN (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=4194)
AniDB (www.anidb.info/1868)
AnimeNFO (http://www.animenfo.com/animetitle,1465,eaehir,gankutsuoh.html)

Licensing: Geneon Entertainment (USA), Inc. (http://www.geneonanimation.com/)

On Sale:
Direct (http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/catalogmgr/f3HDVxwpHkt4srXM9e/browse/category/17/2956/0)
Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_st/104-7371623-6529510?keywords=Gankutsuou&page=1&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3AGankutsuou%2Ci%3Advd%2Cn%3A404276 %2Cn%3A517956&sort=titlerank&x=11&y=3)
OST (import) (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006TPGDQ/104-7371623-6529510?v=glance&n=5174)
Anime Status: 24/24 [complete]

Special Awards:
http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/7750/10602ix6.jpg (http://forum.anime-reactor.net/viewtopic.php?t=17458)
Albert was a boy who had been born to a noble family in Paris. He made a journey to the moon with Franz to escape from their tedious lives. On the moon, he met a millionaire calling himself the Count of Monte Cristo.

The Count lived a life of splendour in a rich hotel, with beautiful women waiting on him and strong men guarding him. Albert was fascinated by this Count who seemed to know everything, and the two became friends. Albert eventually invited the Count to visit him in Paris.

The Count`s past slowly resurfaces, to the greatest displeasure of everybody involved.

Madame, Messieurs, bonsoir...

August 8th, 2006, 02:01 pm
Count of Montecristo's animation simply is amazing...I didn't let a single episode fly by without me watching it after I saw the first episode in Animax...lol