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August 7th, 2006, 09:19 pm
...is this mic. on? -tap-
TES- oh. You can hear me. O.o 'ELLO! :heh:

This is where I'll be putting all my compositions/arrangements.

Most will be in a .mp3, or .wav turned .mp3 format, and I warn you in advance that my recording equipment is not... really recording equipment. I use a Gateway2000 microphone that came with this Computer I'm typing on right now and a nifty little program, called Audacity that I use to record. It also can be used to layer my voice and such, and I do have a particularly BAD sounding piece which I tried that out on several years ago. I might put it up sometime.

If requested for sheet music on any of these things, I will have to kindly decline, for... I have not the time to try to figure out what the heck I'm playing exactly. O.o You see, I never really count out when I'm playing, so it's often times just... improvised timing, with memorized notes. xD Yay laziness, and the patience of a hyperactive seven year old! I WILL however, provide lyrics for when I sing, because I know I can sing extremely soft.

Important Notes:

A. Yes. My piano is out of tune. Hush. I can't help it. >.o
B. I know I tend to overhold the damper pedal sometimes. A lot of sometimes.
C. When doing layering, understand: I'm a freshmen in highschool. xD I don't know or understand many things, and when I do, I usually get bored with them very fast. Hence why I use Audacity for recording purposes.
D. I am not recording in a soundproof room. If you hear a lawnmower in the background of some song, I did not put that in there just for effect. O.o Family Livingroom. Not private work studio (however much I wish it was)
E. My counting is usually not precise. When I play, I play with the heart. O.o But I don't listen to the spaces between which it beats.

F. Please for the love of all that is good and decent, critique me, based on what you hear me PLAYING, and how I play it.

More to be added when I think of them. xD
First thing I'm going to put up here, is a piece I posted up here a few days ago. No, I have not editted it, but I figure most haven't heard it, and it's just something I wanted to put up. xD Because I'm proud of the way I improvised it.
Note on Work:
This was an improvisation piece at first. What I did was have certain little snippets of things that I wrote and liked, and then I decided, THROW EM TOGETHER!! and see what madness came out of it. However, when I recorded them, I put no order to how I planned on having them enter the piece. As I was playing yes, I came up with improvised transitions for each little snippet, and then near the end was like "screw it, I'll put some vocals in" and quickly thought of something to sing and went with it.

My Heart is a Sanctuary
My Soul is a Vassel
My love is eternal; forever
My heart...

purelyimprovisation.mp3 - 1.97MB (http://www.zshare.net/audio/purelyimprovisation-mp3.html)

August 7th, 2006, 09:33 pm
There is one other thing that I would like to post up here for tonight, that I (once again) recorded a few days ago, the same day I recorded Purely Improv. O.o I had planned on putting it up, but my internet went down.

In any case, this was my instrumental rendition of Simple and Clean, from Kingdom Hearts. Sorry again, for the pedal, I tried to keep it lighter this time, so it's not as bad. I think. >>
After listening to 3 different version of Simple and Clean (the Original, Ichigo's arrangement, and Squaresound Forum's Josh Barron's beautiful arrangement of Hikari) I found that although I liked them, where one was lacking, the other filled, but never both. So, I took the original, listened to it SEVERAL times, and came up with my own version of it. I realize this is not exact, but I believe it better portrays the aspects of the song.

It's supposedly in the key of C/Am, but my piano probably made it sound... O.o lower.

Here was the result! If anyone would like to attempt sheet music of my own arrangement, feel free. xD I give permission, so long as you stick my user/name on there somewhere. Feel free to critique.
simple and clean.mp3 -1.76MB (http://www.zshare.net/audio/simple-and-clean-mp3.html)

Ming, maestro of music
August 8th, 2006, 12:09 am
That ain't half bad!! But I think your playing it a bit too fast. And try to get finale notepad or something so we get to hear it without the changed keys. (Dude, you SHOULD get your piano tuned!:nono: Don't just leave it like that!)
Sorry if you got insulted...:cry:

August 8th, 2006, 12:27 am
In my first post, I believe I adressed the reason of why I cannot put my works down on paper. ^^; Or finale, for that reason.
"I have not the time to try to figure out what the heck I'm playing exactly. O.o You see, I never really count out when I'm playing, so it's often times just... improvised timing, with memorized notes. "

As for the piano, the tuner who I'd always go to and has known this piano for longer than I have (belonged to my great grandmother, and he'd tune it for her back then) has passed away due to Cancer, I believe. I know of no other local piano tuners, and I currently am I bit... tight on funds. O.o My parents procrastinate and refuse to call. You think after two years of yelling and literal crying for my poor baby that they'd get a tuner. ^^; but no. And I tell you, I still cry when I hear how badly it sounds compared to other pianos. >.<

And I'm not insulted at all. ^^ I appreciate all comments and criticism. As long as it's...somewhat constructive. >>; I know I can have my moments where everything I play sounds extrememly dull, bland, and crappy.XD

Ming, maestro of music
August 8th, 2006, 01:19 am
Wow, you've got an antique piano!! That's SOOOOOO cool!! However, it would last longer if you got it tuned ASAP!! Cuz my friend told me her friends piano couldn't be tuned anymore because it was so rusty and she had to get a new piano.

And sorry about the finale thing, I'm too impatient too read everything...

Another comment on your song is that actually it's too short. And is it Simple and Clean or Hikari? There are differences.

August 8th, 2006, 01:49 am
Really? I'll tell my parents that. Maybe that'll speed up the tuning process. xD Thank you. Yes, the piano is an antique, I guess you could say. I have no clue how old it is exactly, but it has to be at least 40 years, I'd assume.

Yes, I'd have to agree that there are differences in Simple and Clean and Hikari that I first did not know of. Until I was informed by Josh Barron. XD
Don't feel bad about the finale thing either. I skim through too many things for my own good. For instance, the books I'm supposed to be reading for school...>>;

But it IS Simple and Clean.

August 8th, 2006, 03:57 am
You're not the only one sad. I LOVE my Acrosonic, but I need a key repairs (string broke thanks to my 'Hammer-Klavier-Imperovation') and it needs (every key is) down a 20th sharp-but it sounds ACCECPTABLE for me as of now, though I want a Pearl River Grand (5'3") for me to move up first.

August 8th, 2006, 11:19 pm
Key repairs? My, you must've really been banging on it. O.o I've never had a string break, and I tend to... really hit it.

However, there had been a time this year that we had a party thrown out our house.. >.o and a bunch of little kids started banging on my baby, and loosened the strings up. O.o it sounds worse than ever, and I swear if it wasn't for my restraint, I would've strangled on of the kids. >>; I'm not very good with children..
Every key, the same as mine. ^^: I'm not sure of the number, but it's flat, I'll tell you that much. However, I find that last octaves on each end of the piano are the worst out of tune, and are definitely more out of tune than the rest of the piano.

As for mine... its a Gulbransen Student Console, cherry finish, (unfortunately) non-ivory keys, and eh.. upright. However, during a visit to my brothers' college Dorm, I had the chance to play the grand piano in the lobby (which, although I nearly broke down crying at the awful shape the keys were in... several were missing the plastic encasings over top, leaving nothing but wood), and I have to say... O.o beautiful sound. Absolutely gorgeous, in fact. I also had another chance to play a grand piano at a local university for some judges from another College. ^^ Sounded beautiful, though I felt rather bad for dropping my guitar in shock when they said I was going to play on it. xD

I don't believe that I'll be getting another piano, despite how much I long for an intune SOMETHING with beautiful tone. ^^ So, I'll have to love my antique, and find a tuner. >> Hearing you two has only made my determination to find a tuner stronger. xD I believe I'll be calling the local music store tomorrow to find one.

August 10th, 2006, 05:17 am
Not key repairs-string. And I guess if you hold down the pedal for a long time and also hit it HARD it breaks too.

August 10th, 2006, 03:31 pm
I love that improvising! It's obvious you have a feeling for what you're doing. I'm a bit curious what chords and stuff you used in that song.
I'm looking forward to any of your future work =3

August 14th, 2006, 01:29 am
You mean in PI? XD they aren't really chords. Simple patterns, like AEA, GDG.. that sort of thing. >.> though it differs, I guess.. thank you ^^

and from holding the pedal down too long. O.o; eh.. remind me to get out of the bad habit of holding down the pedal for too long... >.< bad, bad wolfie!!