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August 22nd, 2006, 01:34 am
Hi all! I'm new here and I've really enjoyed what you guys have wrote! So anyway, how do you upload your files? I usually use Finale and the computer really sucks at playing the notes :heh:

August 22nd, 2006, 03:43 am
Ok, time to be a citizen of Ichigos.

Anyway, welcome to Ichigos. :lol: Hope you enjoy it here, anyway..

When reply or posting, there's a little paper clip in your tools for posting. Click that and you can see a list of what you can upload, and how much size that file can be.

Hope you understand this, really simple concept. ^.^


August 22nd, 2006, 07:05 pm
like this?

August 22nd, 2006, 07:06 pm
yay I did it! anyway it's my 1st work with Finale... (it's impossible for me to play it in real life otherwise, I had to let the comp play it hehe...)

August 22nd, 2006, 07:48 pm
It's not bad :) I see what you intended, even though you still lack the experience to put those thoughts onto the score. It sounds random at times.
For example, I don't understand why you put a dissonance in the first bar of the LH and doubled the b.
The beginning of the piece definitely lacks harmony, because you used perfect consonances to carry it most of the time (unison, fifths and eighths), they are less harmonious than imperfect ones (thirds an sixths).
Here's a quote from "The Study of Counterpoint", although your piece is not written as contrapuntal composition it still holds truth.
"[...] The imperfect consonances, then, are more harmonious than perfect ones; [...] Therefore, if a composition of this species, having only two parts and being otherwise very simple, too, should contain very many perfect consonances, it would necessarily be lacking in harmony. The rule concerning the beginning and the end is to be explained in this way: the beginning should express perfection and the end relaxation. Since imperfect consonances specifically lack perfection, and cannot express relaxation, the beginning and end must be made up of perfect consonances.."

You can disregard the part about the beginning and the end if you want, because your piece isn't meant to be a contrapuntal one, but I advice you to let the beginning sound "fuller".
Another thing that bugs me is, your change from the slow/calm tune to your faster part, it sounds rather random.

Hmm, my final words: It doesn't really sound like a "Battle Royale" to me, but keep working on your compositions, it can only get better :)

P.S: I always wanted to write a post like Gnomish! haha

August 22nd, 2006, 08:22 pm
wow thx! although I couldn't really make sense of all the musical jargon you used... anyway I'm still a newbie here so gotta keep on learning!