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View Full Version : Mana stone of the wind for flute

July 27th, 2004, 01:45 am
I just started learning flute not long ago (aka: noooooob) and i'm just curious...

For the song "Mana stone of the wind"
which could be found at "game"---->"secret of mana" on this site

....is it possible for flute to go that low? :heh: the lowest i can get to is a "middle C"

fingering chart anyone?

July 27th, 2004, 02:28 pm
ehh... sorry, duno where to get fingering chart, and my printer has a problem, but yea... the flute can reach the b lower than middle c (depending on your flute, cos those with 3 keys on the last segment can, but those with 2 can't)... just press all your fingers down, except for left hand last finger, and for your right hand last finger, press all the keys on the 3rd segment of your flute. like, you know.. the flute has 3 parts? yeah, the last few. and blow reeeaal slow. muaha.
flutes rock.

August 7th, 2004, 07:52 pm
blow real slow huh? Ok i'll try that :heh:

Thanx lots :P

August 7th, 2004, 08:00 pm
i think middle C is the lowest note on a flute

August 13th, 2004, 03:39 am
Yea..it just depends on the type of flute you have. The flute had 3 octaves (mebe a fourth, but I cant remember). So for floutests you can reach low C, but on some flutes is uber hard (i cant do it on mine)

August 13th, 2004, 10:06 am
The flute range is from middle C up three octaves. The piccolo is pitched an octave higher.