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September 15th, 2006, 04:10 am
Video Google (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3064984200803032304&q=fantastic+planet) rescored with IDM
Video Google (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7336907273381038746&q=fantastic+planet) rescored with the Theosis Leviathan soundtrack

Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantastic_Planet)
IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070544/)
SciFi.com (http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue105/classic.html)

Fantastic Planet

Hailed by the sci fi scene, La Plančte sauvage [lit. The Savage Planet, Eng release as Fantastic Planet] is a trippy French animation film about a world where Humans are the pets and the Draag's are the giant masters. One human, which are called Om's in the movie, excapes "captivity" from his master and begins to spread knowledge he obtained while in captivity to other Oms. A rebelion is in the making.

Fantastic Planet won a special prize at the 1973 Cannes Film Festival. It is also thought to be a one of a kind animation feature, with an adult story [no adult situations though] and a serious matter.

I have yet to finish the movie. The link I gave for it is a silent dub with the creepiest music Ive ever heard, but its still a cool movie. The DVD is out, but can fetch a pritty penny to the seller. Now, speaking on the animation department. Its classicly animated [a duh] by french/czech artist Roland Tropor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_Topor) and plays a lot on surrealism. The animation is, not bad but its not super. It also isnt choppy. It is somthing of its own.

September 15th, 2006, 01:02 pm
Let me first say, the opening scene is NSFW (Semi-topless woman running around) until 3:20. Afterwords, the alien bodysuits have holes around the breast area; gender is hard to determine.

You really do like this don't you? It's too damn trippy for me. Especally with the scored music. I can't watch it all in one sitting. Though I do find the animation to be kind of amazing for the 70s.

September 15th, 2006, 02:04 pm
i admit its interesting but like M i couldnt watch it in one sitting. the music was a bit wierd even for my taste.

overal i wouldnt watch it again, some interesting thoughts beyond, that i didnt realy enjoy it

September 15th, 2006, 03:40 pm
Well, it is a rescoring with IDM, aka trippy dance music that ravers like [like moi]. The original was dubbed and had a jazz soundtrack.

I cant watch it in one sitting also, its a bit awkward. But still good.

September 16th, 2006, 01:08 am
......my God I never want to hear mention of this movie again. I couldn't even bear the first two minutes. What the heck is up with that music? Let's sue the music director! x_x
BTW it's probably because aliens are not exactly my cup of tea. Movies with aliens are just boring, UNLESS it's Men in Black. Then it's good. ^.^

September 22nd, 2006, 04:40 am
I just found another rescoring of FP, but I think the IDM one is better.

EDIT - finish. The ending is a bit sudden so it feels incomplete, but how the movie finaly ends is a bit... cool/puzzling.

Good movie though.