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View Full Version : KH 2 - Afternoon Streets

September 21st, 2006, 07:15 pm
hi there!

is there anybody who can help me, maybe? i found this midi at squaresound.com. i like it very much. and it would be great if somebody help me. :heh:

oh by the way... some time ago, i read that somebody was looking for the "mickey mouse club march" on piano.
well, here is it:

thanks in advance!

September 30th, 2006, 06:56 am
ok ima help you out here 1 go to google and type midinotate musician once you find it download it. from then on every time you get a midi file ANY midi file it will go to mnm instantly and show you what your hearing in music format. yes you are going to have to transcribe but LUCKY it does it for or with you follow these instruction and you shall have no problems

October 1st, 2006, 03:09 pm
Thank you! :)