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View Full Version : Some sheet music request

September 23rd, 2006, 01:14 am
I am looking for some gindam seed sheetmusic. i looked on googlebut i couldn't find it so here are my requests.

Name of song: Realize (Gundam seed opening 4)
Name of anime/game it comes from Gundam Seed
i couldn'tfinda midi and i don't want to post the mp3 so look on youtube.com and type gundam seed opening 4 andthere is the song.

Name of song Vestige
Name of anime/game it comes from Gundam Seed Destiny
Go to youtube.com and type strike freedom andclick the top video, the song is like in the backround.

Name of song: One winged Angel
name of anime/gameit comes from: Kingdom Hearts 2, final fantasy 7, kingdom hearts

I hope someone can like compose at least one of my requested songs.I need the songs in pdf or gif since i don't know how to look at .mus

September 23rd, 2006, 03:05 am

I don't know about Realize, but I'm sure you can find sheets for it.

I did a Vestige "beta" transcription that's on Josh's Anime Music Collection (which means that I'll correct it someday when I have time). But I just realized that Parasoul did a really good transcript of it on his website, so you might want to google that (the link is listed somewhere on Josh's website, too).

As for One Winged Angel, I think I saw a transcription of it on the forums, in the "Compositions" subforum. You'd most likely get a sheet if it there, or by PMing the sheet's creator (use the "search" function of the forum!).

Hope this helps!

September 23rd, 2006, 03:39 am
are you sure you searched thoroughly? I swear I've seen all three of those about 4583706 other palces... *goes off to search* *be back later*

here's the link to Vestige at parasoul: http://parasoul.enko.net/sheets/anime.php
here's the link to Vestige from josh's

Seriously. You can One-Winged Angel like... everywhere. Look for it man!! It's like 4586749 other places on this forum and even more places on the great vast interweb. -O- Serach the forum or Google. *so easy*