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View Full Version : Marketing Compositions?

October 7th, 2006, 01:29 am
I went to the Sixth Annual Future of Music Policy Summit today and had a blast at some of the panels. One notable event was actually meeting both the music director and the composer of Splinter Cell's and its sequel's soundtracks. And the whole debates and discussions got me thinking a little bit about music composition.

Here are a few questions that I'll bring up, as a little discussion topics other than actual music critiques.

Do you plan on (or would you like to) sell your music compositions? Or would you prefer distributing your music freely? Or even offer the option of donating to fans?
How would you sell it? Digitally? On a record?
Would you consider selling away the rights to your music away (as in a deal with a record label)?
Would you envision using an internet distribution model like iTunes or one of the lower-cost distrubution labels listed at the end of this post?
How would you advertize your music? MySpace? Touring? Blogs? Other methods?

Here are a few distribution groups that sat at the DIY Online Distribution conference panelm whic could interest a few composers.


October 7th, 2006, 04:40 pm
Ah, we haven't had a new, interesting topic like this in a while!

Yes, I plan on making a CD one day. No, not with a record label. And I refuse to associate myself with iPod and iTunes (or any other big-company distribution labels)! =P As for advertising, I'd tell some friends, get them to tell their friends, then they tell theirs, etc. But I don't expect to sell much, because it's mainly for myself. So I won't be pushing the marketing at all. If I don't even sell one, I wouldn't care.

October 7th, 2006, 09:37 pm
yes you would...=)