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View Full Version : Kingdom Hearts - Traverse Town

October 7th, 2006, 01:06 pm
This is my request for the Piano-Sheet music of "TRAVERSE TOWN" from Kingdom Hearts.. Can you please add it to this site?:)

October 7th, 2006, 01:26 pm
By the way, I´ve got another question to you..

Do you know any music-titles, that are as good as Hikari (kingdom hearts), To Zanarkand (Final Fantasy X) or Canon in D?..

Sorry for this english, but as i already said I´m noch english :heh:

lighting gem 1992
October 8th, 2006, 12:00 am
By the way, I´ve got another question to you..

Do you know any music-titles, that are as good as Hikari (kingdom hearts), To Zanarkand (Final Fantasy X) or Canon in D?..

Sorry for this english, but as i already said I´m noch english :heh:

haha you're english is better than most people's here.

I really like Peacful days from Chrono trigger and People imprisoned by destiny
from Chrono Cross and also Meteor from gundum seed . Meteor is at
and I think the chrono ones are at www.squaresound.com if not let me know I have a whole bunch of other places to find them.

also you can find Traverse Town at http://www.pianothemes.com/index.html

hope this helps and happy playing

Lightning gem

October 12th, 2006, 08:00 pm
haha you're english is better than most people's here.

I really like Peacful days from Chrono trigger and People imprisoned by destiny
from Chrono Cross and also Meteor from gundum seed . Meteor is at
and I think the chrono ones are at www.squaresound.com if not let me know I have a whole bunch of other places to find them.

also you can find Traverse Town at http://www.pianothemes.com/index.html

hope this helps and happy playing

Lightning gem

hahaha :lol: That´s just like in german Forums.. English people´s german is better than the german of some germany people.. xD

Thank´s a lot!!
