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October 9th, 2006, 04:07 pm
i was board when i came up with the question, do i like it when the toilet seat is still warm after someone else used it, is it better for it to be cold. its kind of gross when its still warm but a cold butt isn't enjoyable either. so i figured i would ask you people.

October 9th, 2006, 05:10 pm
Erm.. just get a wooden one? *kinda thinks this topic is silly, but just had to say that*

October 9th, 2006, 05:56 pm
id rather have the furry covers on the seat...

October 9th, 2006, 06:06 pm
I would rather it be cold...warm gives me the "OMG WTF" feeling..

Hmmm...how bout furry wood?

October 9th, 2006, 06:20 pm
First off Ew...

Second off...


I'd go with a toiletseat cover, or something that buffers my butt from the seat.

October 9th, 2006, 08:49 pm
warm house = warm seat. so its no probs for me, ha ha ha ha ha.

October 10th, 2006, 01:32 am
disgusting, but cold because warm makes me feel like I fell in mud.

October 10th, 2006, 01:57 pm
the vaguely uncomfortable feeling you get when you sit on a seat that is still warm from somebody else's bottom is called shoeburyness We all experience this. Anybody who has read Douglas Adam's "The Meaning of Liff" would know that, but none of you have, so, yeah.

October 10th, 2006, 04:19 pm

XD its funny at a glance XD.

Well warm seat is welcome sometimes...change is nice I guess.

October 10th, 2006, 05:39 pm
Until you find that the person that sat on the seat before you had a STD and passed it to you...

October 10th, 2006, 06:07 pm
Wow. This is officially my newest repulsive thread on ichigo's.

With that said... whats an STD?

And THIS time tell me only if I want to know...

October 10th, 2006, 06:15 pm
STD = Sexualy Transmited Disease.

Dude thats a messed up (and you gotta admit kinda funny) way to get an STD...

October 10th, 2006, 06:43 pm
ew... I fell nautious

October 10th, 2006, 08:52 pm
Well, after 1.5 years of cleaning a public toilet when I was on standard stanatation duty at my workplace, you tend to find rather intresting things there. Blood, bacteria, fecies, and sexual organ discharge fluids (semen and mensis) have all made appearences in the bathroom. I can't imagine how EASY it would be to transmit ANYTHING to someone from a nice 98.6 degree toilet seat.

October 10th, 2006, 09:09 pm
But you can't catch STD's from another person by using the same toilet seat as them. That's a complete myth.

October 10th, 2006, 09:20 pm
-.- I don't think this topic belongs in General discussions its more like an everyday chatter one

and no offence but i find this topic very stupid

October 10th, 2006, 09:28 pm
maybe, but it seems to be a heated debate. no pun intended.

October 10th, 2006, 10:05 pm
Actually, it has been proven that your toilet seat is the cleanest place in your entire house. <----:huh:

Voice of Violence
October 10th, 2006, 10:36 pm
Actually, it has been proven that your toilet seat is the cleanest place in your entire house. <----:huh:


I think this is completly random. Lol. Ummm... cold is better. Warm seat is just discusting.

And catching STDs from a toilet seat seems... hard.

October 11th, 2006, 01:33 pm
I'd go with a toiletseat cover, or something that buffers my butt from the seat.

are u going to put on the cover each time u need to use the toilet?

October 11th, 2006, 02:26 pm
I honestly don't think about it too much :)

In general everything in my house is quite warm as my home is well-heated.

October 11th, 2006, 06:41 pm
why isn't there a neither button in the poll?

October 11th, 2006, 07:00 pm
Lol, I'm trying to move this to everyday chat, but my admin buttons ain't working. Did somebody steal my ban-wand again?
Oh, and I added the "neither" option in the poll. If you already voted.. erm.. too bad. Not like this is a life-or-death situation.

October 11th, 2006, 10:00 pm
Haha this is a weird topic. My house is always cold so >_> cold I guess

October 11th, 2006, 10:29 pm
are u going to put on the cover each time u need to use the toilet?

I do every times, minus the home tolet.

October 13th, 2006, 01:17 pm
why isn't there a neither button in the poll?

neither: does this mean you dont use a toilet seat or that you dont mind either?

October 15th, 2006, 08:59 pm
its means yes i dont care

October 17th, 2006, 04:13 pm
Actually, it has been proven that your toilet seat is the cleanest place in your entire house. <----:huh:

that depends largely on who's house it is! i would not like to think the toilet is cleaner than my bed................

:think: and i dnt think it's possible to catch STDs from a toilet either ......... unless..................................

October 19th, 2006, 05:08 pm
i have decided that i like the cold toilet seat. in the morning when i need to get up, a cold blast on the bottem can help one awaken.:sweat:

October 21st, 2006, 01:25 pm
hahahaha! glad to know u've 'decided' XD

Neko Koneko
October 22nd, 2006, 11:40 am
Actually, it has been proven that your toilet seat is the cleanest place in your entire house. <----:huh:

unless you miss the hole in the middle XD

May 31st, 2007, 10:31 pm
In my own house, warm.
public, I wouldn'y know. The event has never arrisen. Suppose i'd hover.
Being a guy is so much better.

June 1st, 2007, 02:57 am
Neither just as long as there is one, down at the local student union the toilets are goddamed metal

June 2nd, 2007, 12:56 pm
Ew. Can we say room temperature? Cold isn't comfortable, and warm is -well, it just reminds you that someone's been there ahead of you.

June 2nd, 2007, 08:14 pm
In China, it's just a hole.

You aim.

Neko Koneko
June 2nd, 2007, 10:44 pm
And then you miss... XD

June 2nd, 2007, 10:45 pm
God, I hate those damn things. x_x And they always stink so badly!

June 3rd, 2007, 05:00 am
I've always wondered how you would flush those things.

June 3rd, 2007, 08:15 pm
^ You see, I asked my father...

...And he said that, most likely, they would just scoop it out for fertilizer.

And the worms in there usually indicate that it's good.

June 3rd, 2007, 08:45 pm
O.O I thought you just pour water down to it would drain out.

June 9th, 2007, 09:59 am
warm toilet seat=stinky toilet :(
furry toilet seat=my bro will pee on it x_x
cold toilet seat=no ones been on it :lol:

June 18th, 2007, 11:31 pm
for some reason i think this topic should of closed along time ago lol.

June 19th, 2007, 03:23 am
Sadly, you don't have a choice in the matter :)

Tuna Fish Riot
June 19th, 2007, 08:39 am
Cold all the way... I live in a dormitory so I don't find it amusing when I go to our shared bathroom, sit down and find it warm. I'm okay when the toilet seat is warm at home though. Family is ok. @_@

Mourning Glory
June 30th, 2007, 10:54 pm
Warm at home and the homes of people I know well. I tend to avoid public toilets, but if I had to choose, I'd go with cold.

It's bad enough thinking about all the dirty, nasty people who have sat on that toilet without knowing that someone was on it recently enough for the seat to have retained their body heat. :\

June 30th, 2007, 11:04 pm
Cold all the time FTW.

June 30th, 2007, 11:05 pm
I prefer to use those nifty toilet seat covers whenever they're provided in the public washrooms or else I cover the seat with toilet paper...'Coz I don't know how clean other people keep their asses. So I've never really noticed if the seats were warm or cold. oÔ
At home, I still find the prospect of sitting on a recently used toilet somewhat unsavoury.. So I would have to say, cold all the way.

July 1st, 2007, 12:20 pm
Nest builder XD

July 7th, 2007, 06:16 am
Definitely cold. My butt, like most butts out there, is usually warm. So cooling it down a bit is always nice. Plus, who wants to use a recently used toilet seat? Blah!

July 8th, 2007, 12:08 pm
The seat isn't always warm because it was recently used. Maybe in public yeah, but what guy would park there cheeks on a public toilet :\

Mourning Glory
July 8th, 2007, 05:02 pm
Don't Asians have warmed toilet seats now?

I'm not sure, but I think we touched on when we were talking about bidets in my French class.

Foreign bathroom habits and all that.

July 8th, 2007, 08:05 pm
LOL. Just sounds like a breeding ground for bacteria :\

September 22nd, 2007, 05:17 pm
I dont understand the point of covers in a private home. Its just a cover will still be warm or cold.

September 24th, 2007, 09:35 pm
Furry covers aren't cold young padawon.

September 25th, 2007, 01:20 am
Oh god not this topic again - _ -

neither, because cold sucks and warm has an icky feeling to it.

Sunny Kimiko
September 29th, 2007, 12:33 pm
STD = Sexualy Transmited Disease.

Dude thats a messed up (and you gotta admit kinda funny) way to get an STD...

Actually, they're now called STI's or Sexually Transmitted Infections..

September 29th, 2007, 08:18 pm
Or illness.

My nurse heath teacher says that many health providers and instructors replace the word disease with illness or infection, for the sake of kindness and political correctness. I think its retarded.

September 29th, 2007, 08:41 pm
My guess was that both disease and infections exist to be spread. Some are clearly disease while some are simple infections.

September 30th, 2007, 12:22 am
I don't care what you call them, they are both the same thing that people don't want to get.

Personally STDs sounds better than STIs, mainly just because it flows better.