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View Full Version : need a slow song?

October 11th, 2006, 07:11 pm
Okay, There's this scholorship for playing the piano and many people compete for it. I want to join in and try to get it but it has to be two CONTRASTING pieces of music and they both should probably give the audience WOW kind of thought.

Well my first piece i'm almost done with is The Fantasy-Impromptu by chopin. I can't find a good contrasting piece...i was thinking a slow song since that one is fast but i'm still not sure. Can anybody help?

October 11th, 2006, 08:55 pm
why did you put a question mark in the title as if you were offering; yet you are clearly requiring assistance?

October 11th, 2006, 11:10 pm
well, if the first peice is a fast song, then mabe u should go for a song thats an in between, like a medium. Or u can get a song thats semi-medium semi-slow. dont take all hope on my opinion.

October 11th, 2006, 11:15 pm
try moonlight sonata :) thats pretty slow

October 12th, 2006, 12:22 am
^Obviously not the 3rd movement :heh: .

October 12th, 2006, 12:47 am
Moonlight is a bit simple isn't it? This is a competition and a scholarship is at stake. Is there a list of music you have to choose from? That's how most competitions work. If you can get your hands on that, which shouldn't be too hard, then the only thing left to do would be find one you like.

October 12th, 2006, 01:19 am
the Adante Spinato from Chopin's Grand Valse Polonaise (Brillante?) I think is nice. Slow? Uh, Adante, so yea. :P

It's also good for competition I think, I haven't seen the sheet music for it, but it seems class A Material to myself.

October 12th, 2006, 03:57 am
Etude 3, maybe Rondo (though its kind of fast, it is very melodic), Moonlight Sonata, Londonde, Nocturne, Liebest 3, Trumerei, Chopin's Arbesque; there are a lot, and these are my personal choices. All are slow (save Rondo) and have good musical lines.

October 12th, 2006, 11:51 am
Lol, composers name? It just seems like your mentioning these off of some keyboard.

October 12th, 2006, 09:02 pm
thanks again everyone,

@sir jaso - I should've put my title better to say something like can someone help me find a slow song? but it works anyway, it shouldn't take too much time off of people's lives..lol

@WolfGoddess - Moonlight sonata is a bit too easy since many people will probably be playing polonaises, etc.. thank you though, it leads me into thinking about a beethoven song that could be used.

@KaitouKudou - The rules of the game are: You play 2 pieces both ending in less than 12 minutes. (not each, but the performance alltogether) It can be any two songs that are judged by professionals that can pick out any wrong notes/missed notes/tempo, etc.

@Mazeppa - what part is the adante spinato? I'm listening to yundi Li play the entire polonaise on youtube...is it that middle part? that's crazy if it is! might be a bit too long though:heh:

@CaelenVasius - I know chopin's op9 no1 nocturne, the 2nd sounds like i might do it though, i forgot about that well known one. What rondo and etude 3?