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November 5th, 2006, 10:35 am
Well, i dont really know what to say. He has killed many of his own people and never really gave a damn about it. He has been sentenced to die by hanging. My view about hanging is, its a cruel thing but does his murderous acts serve as a good enough reason for hanging. But, before this turns into a flame fest i will say, YES he deserves to die and a very horrible and painful one at that. But, once i think about it i guess my compassion kicks in and sees hanging as an extreme way of death... But, then i think about it more they could had took it to a whole new level such as beheading, stoning, burning him alive, ect... In a way i guess i never really gave theses things any thought. Upon hearding the verdit Saddam spoke out saying things like " GOD IS GREAT!" and "Long live the people and death to their enemies. Long live the glorious nation, and death to its enemies!". He is a man of dogmatic views till the very end. And due to those dogmatic view and actions he has a nice HOT place in hell (or whatever you belive in) for himself already made. I dont know if its a public hanging like in the old days but with this death there are still questions that remain. 1.If he is hanged in public, how will Iraq's people react? Of course if it public there would be a huge gathering and that sets up for a number of things to happen (will expain later its late and im sleepy). 2. Will this be the turning of a new leaf for Iraq as a nation? I hope with his death the people there can see that there is a new age apon them and that its time to shape up into a nation that supports itself. And with that happening we could bring our troops home sooner than later hopefully. 3. With his death, did all this shit Bush did to get him make it worth it? To me...HELL NO! I thought we were after Big Bin Laden so how did we get Saddam. We still have yet to find WMD. In the end I cant really put how i feel about this into word but i view this in one way, I hope Bush doesnt use this (Saddam death) as a scapegoat to take the weight off his shoulders for the events that have happened within his time as President. I will talk about this later once i get some sleep.

Neko Koneko
November 5th, 2006, 10:38 am
Saddam is a cruel dictator who ruthlessly killed thousands of people. He should have been brought to the international court in the Hague though, like most war criminals.

I'm waiting to see George W. there in 20 years btw.

November 5th, 2006, 10:50 am
LOL now that would be one for the ages.

November 5th, 2006, 12:09 pm
hmm.. as far as I know hanging isnt that bad if it all goes as planned, you fall and your neck snaps...simple quick and effective. Its when things go wrong that people asphixiate to death (I cant spell boo hoo).

on a side note, Mugen...paragraphs man...paragraphs!

November 5th, 2006, 03:50 pm
Meh, when I wrote this I was running off 3 hours of sleep and its kinda came sentence buy sentence.

November 5th, 2006, 04:36 pm
where is Mr. Hussein being held?

November 5th, 2006, 04:48 pm
That's where I heard about it this morning. Hanging.........it's an unexpected sentence. I mean, not the death thing but the hanging. Don't they do it by poison injection nowadays, or something? I try not to think about it much, so I'm not exactly sure. Wow, hanging...I guess it's about time, that thing with not a care for anyone but himself.

November 5th, 2006, 05:14 pm
Yeah, I know. On one hand, I'm not a big fan of capital punishment at all, but on the other, it's rather hard to defend someone like Saddam.

November 5th, 2006, 06:12 pm
In Britain it is illegal.

November 5th, 2006, 06:26 pm
*asphyxiation, Luis. :yes:

The only modern methods of execution I've heard of are: electric chair, lethal injection, gas chamber, firing squad, and stoning. So why is it hanging this time around? Are there some sort of guidelines to what sort of crime deserves what sort of punishment? I suppose they could be a bit more subtle about this, we're not barbarians after all; but I guess some people would beg to differ. Sure. He's this awful dictator who commited crimes against humanity, but if really hated him that much, we might as well just draw and quarter him. But lethal injection would be equally as effective, and on the plus side, it won't raise an international riotfest.
I haven't been following the news for a long time but I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here, for kicks, and try to support Saddam... but I just don't know enough about the matter. XD I would watch CNN, but they're awfully biased; and the only unbiased news station is supposedly BBC but I don't get that here. ..To the internet!
So does anyone care to refresh me on exactly what crimes against humanity he commited and under what terms he was accused? It's been half a year since I've debated anything.

Neko Koneko
November 5th, 2006, 08:18 pm
In Britain it is illegal.

In most civilized countries there is no such thing as the death penalty anymore. America doesn't realise yet how primitive a punishment it is.

November 5th, 2006, 08:21 pm
for people like saddam death is a gift. we are sending him to his God

Neko Koneko
November 5th, 2006, 08:32 pm
That's bull. No one has the right to take another person's life. Not Saddam, not the goverment, no one.

November 5th, 2006, 09:26 pm
pff id love to see him rot in a cell till he dies, with only a shithole a slot for food. no sunlight, no going outside, no visitors. restraints so he doesnt kill himself. now thats a fitting punisment. death sentence is for quitters.

November 5th, 2006, 10:39 pm
There is going to be SO much fihgting going on in Iraq...It makes me so pissed off to see how one man over the span of the years could turn it into what it is today. But, what if we never went to war with Iraq, I wonder how the events of the world would had played out? I hope that are troops are safe and that they come home soon.

In most civilized countries there is no such thing as the death penalty anymore. America doesn't realise yet how primitive a punishment it is.

Yeah it is kind of a thing looked down apon by afew but i guess with prison space at a all time low we need to make space...aleast thats how some people see it(not me).

November 6th, 2006, 12:54 am
In most civilized countries there is no such thing as the death penalty anymore. America doesn't realize yet how primitive a punishment it is.

But how do you punish one that does such atrocities? His life means nothing to any anymore; Death penalties are only as primitive as the person arguing for the dictators life.

But, as a human being and as a living creature thats not on the bottom of the food chain, he deserves to live.

And with the spiffy new update to Firefox I can find all the spelling mistakes in peoples post :D watch out world, here I come!

Dark Bring
November 6th, 2006, 01:35 am
Death penalties are only as primitive as the person arguing for the dictator's life.You really need to explain to me the rationale behind this statement.

November 6th, 2006, 05:38 am
It isn't fair for anyone to master over who dies and who lives. But, if a person commits a murder (or in this dick-tator's situation; mass slaughter), that person has already broken that rule. I don't think that person deserves protection from the moral-law of 'not killing the killer'.

I'd say let the fucker out on the streets for the families of the victims to crush him to death.

November 6th, 2006, 06:32 am
Guys guys, the easiest solution is torture. I'm dead serious here: you don't kill him, yet you punish him at the same time.

November 6th, 2006, 06:33 am
It isn't fair for anyone to master over who dies and who lives. But, if a person commits a murder (or in this dick-tator's situation; mass slaughter), that person has already broken that rule. I don't think that person deserves protection from the moral-law of 'not killing the killer'.

I'd say let the fucker out on the streets for the families of the victims to crush him to death.


IDK..I see both sides..I mean, if they let this dude rot in a cell for the next 20 years people are gonna complain so they just "put him out of his misery" if they kill him people are also gonna complain..

I dont understand why he's going to be hanged instead of executed another way...but I guess I see the US's POV (I also see where angelic is coming from...)

November 6th, 2006, 12:05 pm
I've been a supporter for "cruel and unusual punishment" for people like this. It just seems to make sense to make him suffer a deal before dying.

Neko Koneko
November 6th, 2006, 12:20 pm
Death penalties are only as primitive as the person arguing for the dictators life.

Are you calling me primitive?

November 6th, 2006, 05:30 pm
But how do you punish one that does such atrocities? His life means nothing to any anymore; Death penalties are only as primitive as the person arguing for the dictators life.

If you were to imprison someone untill their death, surely they can do no more of the attrocities? Prison isn't just about punishment - that is but an element of it. The other elements include keeping us safe. Killing him would do so, but it is doing what he did to others: surely this makes us as bad as him? No, he should be imprisoned, not killed.

November 6th, 2006, 06:02 pm
I've got my own opinions on this, but I share some with a few people here. He did dominate people, taking their freedom from them, he did kill many people but we can't look over the fact that he is a human like an other and in my view, when he was in power there was many more alive than there is now.

November 7th, 2006, 11:26 am
They don't have to feed him anymore and hear his voice. Killing him is an easy way to end the chapter in history.

November 7th, 2006, 02:15 pm
They don't have to feed him anymore and hear his voice. Killing him is an easy way to end the chapter in history.

If you think so, but what about those who would die for him back at his home. Once they know hes dead won't they be more angry than they are? Killing someone is not the answer in this case... it will only make matters worse than they are today. I wonder whose more to blame between him and Bush. Bush invading their country not only for "freedom" but for the oil and then killing hundreds of inocent people and still today they are still killing away.

November 7th, 2006, 02:36 pm
For all the guys who ask why they hang him and don't use, for example, the electric chair...
Saddam himself insisted, that he doesn't want to be hanged. So I guess it's a punishment for him. You see, wicked as he is, he considers himself an honorable man and in Iraq only lowly criminals, thiefs and the likes are sentenced to death by hanging.

November 7th, 2006, 05:06 pm
That was quite a harsh and unexpected punishment for him. I thought that they might place him in a prison for life.

November 7th, 2006, 06:22 pm
All I kno is that he is getting hanged, and he is gonna die. Thank god, for what he has done he desirves to die.

November 7th, 2006, 06:39 pm
I often wondered how we would be judged as America when we lose. There is no individual person for us to blame as a democracy =/
I think we should let Saddam go. He isn't in our jurisdiction and it isn't our place to judge... Hey... a little more blood can't hurt us. I support war since it furthers many agendas that have to be dealt with
Every country has its skeletons... I mean the US in WWII killed hundreds of thousands of civilians through firebombings of Japan. Does justification of killing allow us to get away with larger quantities? I understand that history is written by victors, but what happened to our sense of pride as a country... we should recognize those dying on both sides, regardless of our differences. The only time we can kill with the least guilt is to kill someone who is absolutely sadistic, and only so because he/she is not reflecting their beliefs or life. Being purely homocidal I mean =/

November 7th, 2006, 06:58 pm
i vote that we put saddam in a giant catapult and have a pack of american gunmen shoot him as he flies. you know, like those clay disks.

November 7th, 2006, 07:00 pm
if you want to make him suffer, bury him alive.
pesonaly i would like the monster to be locked up for life.

November 7th, 2006, 07:27 pm
If you were to imprison someone untill their death, surely they can do no more of the attrocities? Prison isn't just about punishment - that is but an element of it. The other elements include keeping us safe. Killing him would do so, but it is doing what he did to others: surely this makes us as bad as him? No, he should be imprisoned, not killed.

Pluse it takes too much money from other poeple to keep them in prison I say we slowly electrocute him until he dys but instead he is going to be hung crap!

November 7th, 2006, 07:48 pm
:no: you are horrible :no:

It costs, at a maximum 100 million a year to hold him? Amercians spend 130 times more money on chocolate a year. WHats more valuable? Chocolate for a year? Or saving 130 maximum security personelles lives every year?

Just reflect on that next time you stuff your face.

November 7th, 2006, 08:02 pm
you do alot of study on this stuff dont you?

November 7th, 2006, 08:03 pm
crap i dobbled posted sorry i tryed to add more stuff to my first one]

November 7th, 2006, 08:05 pm

totally unneccessary...

Dark Bring
November 7th, 2006, 08:06 pm
This thread is now a Let's Think of Unusually Cruel Methods to Execute Saddam! thread.

Additional reading materials can be found below for your exquisite pleasure.

November 7th, 2006, 08:06 pm
whats is unneccessary?
but I think we should not hang him but slowly torcher him cut cutting, shocking, beating, and more evil stuff.
Blood bath again? hand cuff him make him drink gasoline and set off some elecric impulses into his ___

November 7th, 2006, 08:11 pm
you double posted just to add


I want you to completely read the FAQ. You have no idea how to post in these forums and it is annoying me. If you don't stop spamming and continue to hold a complete disregard of the rules then everyone will begin to ignore you.

November 7th, 2006, 08:15 pm
you do alot of study on this stuff dont you?

you double posted just to add

I want you to completely read the FAQ. You have no idea how to post in these forums and it is annoying me. If you don't stop spamming and continue to hold a complete disregard of the rules then everyone will begin to ignore you.

okay I will do it right now.

November 8th, 2006, 12:39 am
Hey hey hey, let's not get carried away here with our violent imaginations. We're supposed to be discussing:

1.If he is hanged in public, how will Iraq's people react? 2. Will this be the turning of a new leaf for Iraq as a nation? 3. With his death, did all this shit Bush did to get him make it worth it?
Not "Cruel and Unusual Methods of Execution" or even "How should we kill the damn bastard?", however more entertainment that may be. ..xD

So let me start:

1) Well, believe it or not, there are a considerable amount of Iraqis that love Hussein. A publicized execution would raise riots between the Iraqis divided of mind, resulting in more senseless violence and civilians throwing rocks and flaming whatnot at each other from barricades. This is all completely possible, especially if you have ever seen what soccer/football fans are capable of after a game. Hahaha! So think of what could happen after a publicized execution of an international-scale war criminal and dictator. Though I very much doubt they would publicize it though, seeing as that would be completely unreasonable. Not to mention barbaric, disgusting and unbecoming. You want your kids exposed to a real death? I sure don't.

2) I don't know how to answer this because I don't know enough about it, but I can say this much. I'm not sure if Iraq was democratic or not, but if they weren't, there's a possibility that after his death, Iraq will become a democracy or at least a non-democratic government that cares enough about their rights and freedoms. This can open their citizens to more rights (especially for women and/or children) and more public services provided by the government; all of which sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.

3) Yes and no. Meaningless slaughter of innocent masses (on a large scale, in this case) should never be an excuse for anything. One of Bush's reason to invade Iraq was to "liberate and free the Iraqi people" which is, of course, bullshit. He decides to go around freeing them by beating the living crap out of them. That. Does not make sense. At all.
BUT! Perhaps there might have been other ways to go "freeing" them that didn't involve genocide (pardon me if I'm using the word wrong); but they would all most likely need to include the cooperation of Saddam himself. And getting a mad dictator to cooperate is no easy task.
So, perhaps, maybe it was the only way to free them from his regime. And it was probably better in the long term (please notice how I bolded it, I don't want you silly people accusing me of supporting slaughter later so, Pay attentions you dicks!) otherwise Saddam would have continued his ways for who-knows-how-long; but it was definetely not better in the short term. Right? Right.

That's all I have to say for now, so: Goodnight and Good Luck.

November 8th, 2006, 01:07 am
he did kill many people but we can't look over the fact that he is a human like an other

Obviously, we can overlook that =P

1) No normal human does what he does (e.g. some of us have been calling him a monster, and I think that it is a fitting description), and 2) Since when does being a human mean you automatically deserve to live? I say we have to earn that right. And you do that by not killing others.

November 8th, 2006, 01:24 am
Obviously, we can overlook that =P

1) No normal human does what he does (e.g. some of us have been calling him a monster, and I think that it is a fitting description), and 2) Since when does being a human mean you automatically deserve to live? I say we have to earn that right. And you do that by not killing others.

Even if you are a tyrant over your lands, due to your nuture. In addition, who are you to call him a monster? Yea, he has killed many, but like Methodx said, there are many people that praise him through religion. I'm not going to say my opinions here about Saddam, because I don't want to offend anyone, but I truely think some people have too much a "fantasy-based" imagination. On a different note (not really), if I'm not mistaken, he is being hanged because that is Iraq's consequences. So that means, America isn't going to hang him and you can blame Iraq or Saddam himself for creating a law that consists of having a "cruel death" (according to some here).

November 8th, 2006, 05:12 am
Are you calling me primitive?

No no. I worded it all wrong. I meant in the context of those hippiest "were all pure at heart" people and those who think things happen for a reason, which I doubt you are.

I don't really know what to think on the topic of capital punishment. On one side, what is to do with the person? He needs to pay for what he did, and he did the unthinkable act. On the other hand, you condone capital punishment is no good because it gives room for "justified" killings, which some may take in their own hands. This is really silly, but after watching this preview of a soon to come Oprah episode about people confronting those who killed their loved ones, people aren't the monsters others label them. Sadam isn't the sobbing type obviously, and he is trying to give excuses to what he did, but he wasn't born with thoughts of dictating and killing, was he? Who is to blame? He could have easily not do what he did, but obviously he didn't, probably meaning he was pushed into thinking that his actions were okay at some point.

: /

Neko Koneko
November 8th, 2006, 10:13 am
Obviously, we can overlook that =P

1) No normal human does what he does (e.g. some of us have been calling him a monster, and I think that it is a fitting description), and 2) Since when does being a human mean you automatically deserve to live? I say we have to earn that right. And you do that by not killing others.

1) By our Western standards maybe. Humans are naturally quite violent creatures.
2) Nobody has the right to take a life though, and no one has the right to judge on that level.

edit: and that includes any God or Allah that might be floating around IMHO

November 8th, 2006, 12:57 pm
1) By our Western standards maybe. Humans are naturally quite violent creatures.
2) Nobody has the right to take a life though, and no one has the right to judge on that level.

edit: and that includes any God or Allah that might be floating around IMHO

You are right Angelic, humans may be voilent creatures by nature, and no one has the right to take the life of another person, but what sadam did was something horriable. So I think he should be put to death. And the only way a person should be put to death if they have killed many people. (ex. like what sadam did)

November 8th, 2006, 06:35 pm
I find it odd that to punish murder we commit murder.

"People say it is wrong to kill, so guess what we will do now"

November 8th, 2006, 07:23 pm
I agree.

Whats IMHO?

Neko Koneko
November 8th, 2006, 08:38 pm
In My Honest Opinion.

November 9th, 2006, 02:17 am
1) By our Western standards maybe. Humans are naturally quite violent creatures.
2) Nobody has the right to take a life though, and no one has the right to judge on that level.

edit: and that includes any God or Allah that might be floating around IMHO

1) Yeah, by nature, we are indeed quite violent. But most of us have learned to suppress it, haha.
2) True, but guys like him don't understand that. As for taking away his life as punishment . . deep down I know he should live, but meh. In the end, I guess it's easy for me to say "let him die" because I'm not the one who will actually hang him.

November 9th, 2006, 07:31 pm
So, if it is too much money or time, you simply kill him?

Thats disgraceful.

November 10th, 2006, 09:36 am
Money and time has nothing to do with it.

November 11th, 2006, 02:30 am
So, if it is too much money or time, you simply kill him?

Thats disgraceful.

it's not about money and time but about all the people he has killed. I doubt you will still say he should be let to live if your family members and friends were killed/tortured by him. the people who suffered by him all just want justice
so i say he deserves to die

November 11th, 2006, 02:58 am
There is a possibility though, that by hanging him, he could be called a god like figure. Knowing how susceptible the minds of the middle east can be to rumors. Rumors that may be spread by supporters of the Saddam regime. People may think of it like another hanging of Jesus Christ. But that would be thinking on a radicle side, I believe.

November 11th, 2006, 03:44 am
hmmm But jesus christ was crucified and besides someone mentioned before, hanging is an extremely dishonourable way to excecute somone

November 12th, 2006, 10:31 pm
On top of that is highly torturous, which isn't right.

Watch Trigun, people.

Voice of Violence
November 12th, 2006, 11:05 pm
Blood Shed = Blood Shed

Justice = Justice

Blood shed ≠ Justice

If we kill him, then we'll get attacked by his crazy supporters. I say we lock him up tight. Killing him will lead to more killings.

I don't mean to bring religoin into this, but: what would Jesus do?

November 12th, 2006, 11:11 pm
But if you lock him up, we'll still get attacked by his crazy supporters trying to free him :mellow:

Voice of Violence
November 13th, 2006, 04:03 am
But that's why we lock him up in a secret place!

... No, you got me there. x_x Dang it. It still doesn't seem right to kill him...

November 13th, 2006, 09:23 am

Voice of Violence
November 13th, 2006, 12:50 pm
Fuck Saddam. We should make him go through every kind of torture that he has put other people through. Then we wed him to a 500-pound woman.

XD Okay, that was really funny. Well, I laughed at least.

November 21st, 2006, 11:09 pm
Fuck Saddam. We should make him go through every kind of torture that he has put other people through. Then we wed him to a 500-pound woman.

Poor you, I won't debate about this, but other than pointing fingers at someone open your eyes and look what he really did then look at the world and the injustice that goes on all around the planet.

November 22nd, 2006, 02:51 am
Hey hey hey, let's not get carried away here with our violent imaginations. We're supposed to be discussing:

1.If he is hanged in public, how will Iraq's people react? 2. Will this be the turning of a new leaf for Iraq as a nation? 3. With his death, did all this shit Bush did to get him make it worth it?
Not "Cruel and Unusual Methods of Execution" or even "How should we kill the damn bastard?", however more entertainment that may be. ..xD

So let me start:

1) Well, believe it or not, there are a considerable amount of Iraqis that love Hussein. A publicized execution would raise riots between the Iraqis divided of mind, resulting in more senseless violence and civilians throwing rocks and flaming whatnot at each other from barricades. This is all completely possible, especially if you have ever seen what soccer/football fans are capable of after a game. Hahaha! So think of what could happen after a publicized execution of an international-scale war criminal and dictator. Though I very much doubt they would publicize it though, seeing as that would be completely unreasonable. Not to mention barbaric, disgusting and unbecoming. You want your kids exposed to a real death? I sure don't.

2) I don't know how to answer this because I don't know enough about it, but I can say this much. I'm not sure if Iraq was democratic or not, but if they weren't, there's a possibility that after his death, Iraq will become a democracy or at least a non-democratic government that cares enough about their rights and freedoms. This can open their citizens to more rights (especially for women and/or children) and more public services provided by the government; all of which sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.

3) Yes and no. Meaningless slaughter of innocent masses (on a large scale, in this case) should never be an excuse for anything. One of Bush's reason to invade Iraq was to "liberate and free the Iraqi people" which is, of course, bullshit. He decides to go around freeing them by beating the living crap out of them. That. Does not make sense. At all.
BUT! Perhaps there might have been other ways to go "freeing" them that didn't involve genocide (pardon me if I'm using the word wrong); but they would all most likely need to include the cooperation of Saddam himself. And getting a mad dictator to cooperate is no easy task.
So, perhaps, maybe it was the only way to free them from his regime. And it was probably better in the long term (please notice how I bolded it, I don't want you silly people accusing me of supporting slaughter later so, Pay attentions you dicks!) otherwise Saddam would have continued his ways for who-knows-how-long; but it was definetely not better in the short term. Right? Right.

That's all I have to say for now, so: Goodnight and Good Luck.

I hate quoting myself but, I'm tired. Might as well leave well enough alone, seeing as we've got a nice discussion going. Kinda. Sorta. Not really. Sorry if I'm being an ass. But I made such a long post that went so ignored.

December 14th, 2006, 07:49 pm
I think Bush is just as bad as Saddam.

Did they ever find the weapon of mass destruction that they said that saddam is hidding?

December 14th, 2006, 08:23 pm
They didn't find anything, last I heard anyways.

December 14th, 2006, 08:25 pm
that's their reason for invading right? what an irony since they have weapons of mass destruction themselves.. hahah