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November 6th, 2006, 07:51 pm
I was bored sunday so I made some sigs. Hope u like them.






[Sig in progress]

November 7th, 2006, 01:03 am

Yea, tone that width down a bit there buddy, and do something with them--even put in text!

November 7th, 2006, 04:23 pm
Ya I kno they suck, but there my first ones. And hey I'm learing to use Gimp good, so yhea I will improve in time :D

November 8th, 2006, 08:53 pm
When resizing, only use either:
- Crop (cutting out the part you want), or
- Shrinking proportionally (never make an image bigger)

November 8th, 2006, 11:19 pm
Spoon and Mazeppa took the words right out of my mouth! I strongly agree you should tone down a bit (a lot) there with the width, crop only what you need and stretch the pictures proportionally. Now I know that's not going to fill up the appropriate space for the sig (which is probably what you're trying to get at here), so if you've got some empty space to fill up, add a background, some text or maybe even more pictures (as background graphics). But don't go making a collage, seeing as that would be cluttered and no good; so you're gonna have to make sure it's still clear what the focus is on.
Remember, sometimes less is more!

November 9th, 2006, 02:12 pm
Ok thanks, I will do that next time.

Thanks for the advice/help :D

November 10th, 2006, 01:35 am
I thought you did a good job on the 5th avvie, it's really clear, good quality~ ^^

November 11th, 2006, 03:52 pm
I thought you did a good job on the 5th avvie, it's really clear, good quality~ ^^

Thanks ^-^

November 13th, 2006, 07:54 pm

http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j98/Xetrox4/Anime/NiwaAv2.jpg http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j98/Xetrox4/Anime/NiwaAv.jpg









Ok how are these?

November 13th, 2006, 08:06 pm
Like night and day. While there's still room for improvement, they are far better than your first batch.

November 13th, 2006, 08:08 pm

Can you tell me what you don't like about them?

November 13th, 2006, 10:20 pm
Oh now that's much better! ^^ I want to make this post a bit more worthwhile than "OMG SO NICE" so here's a little of my critique:
The first two DNAngel sets are quite nice! However, in the first one you spelled "secrets" wrong in the sig! And the avatar seems a bit lacking, I suggest you could have centered in on the face, otherwise the picture is too small and there's no real focal point. In the second DNAngel set, you still seem to have stretched the face in the sig just a tad too much. And in the sig: the magenta background clashes awfully with the colour scheme of Daisuke's face, and this does matter quite a bit seeing as you had blended the two together.
The Death Note ones are quite nice too! But the first, third and fourth sig could use some work in having the text block flow to the picture. It seems a bit too cut and pasted with pictures placed on there just like that. You could try adding some sort of graphic/border-type thing encompassing them that continues into the text block (if any of that makes any sense to you, =P it didn't make sense to me after I read it a few times). Blending might not be so good for the first and third, the pictures are too small for that. For the fourth sig I suggest you invert the colours for the text block so that the black from the far right of the picture flows straight into the text. I, personally, think that would be a good solution. And the three Death Note avs seem a bit distorted and you could have done a better job cropping them.
The second last set's sig has the issue with that clashing magenta background again. And the way his portrait in the sig is just cut straight off like that is a bit, erm, what's the word..? shoddy? I don't know. "Imperfect" was what I was going for but it just doesn't seem right in the context.
And the last sig is very nice, I like it much! ^^

Hehe.. I'm sorry if it seems I was being a bit over-critical. I can be a regular arse sometimes; especially when it comes to art, I'm a perfectionist. No hard feelings, this really is an improvement! ^_^ You're on your way.

November 13th, 2006, 10:31 pm
The font used was difficult to focus on, not because of the face, but because of the background layer. Rather than placing it at center, I'd place it in the lower left-hand side. Also the render used was a little too small (A trait that I, myself, am known for). Other than that, it looks pretty nice. Colors stand out, the render is clearly presented.

The avatar is okay, but the overall color levels were not used properly, giving it a dark grey overtone. Also the signature clashes the red color with an ultra-violet background. Separate, they work nicely, but when you place red on a pseudo red color, it usually don't turn out so well. Also the render was stretched. Not much, but enough to notice.

They tend to be very plain and somewhat unappealing; predominately from the lack of grays or color. Try using a generic gradient blend process (ie draw a black and white linear gradient, then switch mode to difference and then draw several thousand on top of that gradient.) The last one is the best of the group, though it is blurred. I'd take the bottom layer and complicate it somehow. I'm not sure what, but they all need a bit of complication.

Princess Princess (I think...):
Avatar looks really bad with the pure white background, and the jagged cheek. The signature suffers from the same ailments, add a chopped hairline. It'll be difficult to repair this one, seeing how there isn't much of a picture to work off of. You'd have to re-render the hairline out and let me say, IT'S THE DEVIL! The cheek is fixable though.

Your best sig of the bunch. Though I would never picture Ed with wings, it is calm, clean, and clear. The only fixing I would do is bring up the colors from Ed's render (via levels/curves).

November 13th, 2006, 11:39 pm
Princess Princess (I think...)
Nope Gravitation. That is Shindo.

Your best sig of the bunch. Though I would never picture Ed with wings, it is calm, clean, and clear. The only fixing I would do is bring up the colors from Ed's render (via levels/curves).

Ok seriously I didn't kno that was Ed. I just found some random pic on my computer and I used that.

November 16th, 2006, 12:27 am
Good Job man~

Improvement it good for the soul *nods*
Do be careful when cropping something or using cropped images to complete it like the DNA angel one, Daisukes hair is chopped off~

November 18th, 2006, 12:31 am
Lol, it's all cropping and resizing.

(No offence, my critisism)

Personally, I'd give them 1/10.

You cropped them good.

November 19th, 2006, 05:35 pm
>_< man that's harsh lol

he's learning... LEARNING... man

November 22nd, 2006, 02:21 pm
Man--I'm a critic. In Music AND GFX Art.

Soez, it's teh interw3b.