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View Full Version : In My Dreams...

November 14th, 2006, 05:04 am
Ok, this is my second attempt. It is called "In My Dreams...", its for a contest that I found. This years theme is "Your Favorite Place", which is my dreams ^^;

Alto Chorus Voice
Bass Chorus Voice

Its my second attempt, and I think there is lots of room for revision, but I dont think i'll have this done by the dead-line. Just wanting to know if I have something going on here.

Ephemeral Visions
November 14th, 2006, 05:21 am
The beginning really grabbed me, had a real nice haunting dream feel to it. But as it gets more towards the middle, parts of it seem somewhat cacophonic. And there are alot of progressions that seem to resolve on a slightly jarring note. It's a great foundation though, keep tweaking it.

November 14th, 2006, 08:47 pm
You have a motif... But it's random. ._. I really don't know what to say other than it's random. Well, to put it in another word: it's a very incoherent piece that lacks melody, harmony, form/structure and musicality.

November 14th, 2006, 11:17 pm
Well the melody was not very interesting, it just kept repeating. Change the melody, keep the listeners interested. Keep working on it.

November 15th, 2006, 04:39 am
Thanks all for the feedback, as for Dot, well it sounds like you just said what I have is a mess of notes being played. So either i'm interpreting your words wrong, or you dont know your vocab XD.