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December 1st, 2006, 12:28 am
ok here is the scenario: you have been locked in solitary confinement for a month. you no longer remember anything about your best friend or your significant other. based on ONE DAY, you must chose who you will see everyday for the rest of your life and....who you will never see again how would you choose? could you ever be sure? does it depend on the person? answer this question and explain your reasoning.

EDIT: for the love of tuna, don't question my wording just answer the question! you must choose between your best friend or your significant other.

Little Arrow
December 1st, 2006, 12:42 pm

December 3rd, 2006, 08:55 pm
Mt brain hurts from thinking @_@.

December 3rd, 2006, 09:20 pm
If you were in solitary confinement for a month, you would probably be mentally unstable so you wouldn't be able to choose. If you don't remember anything about your best friend or significant other, you wouldn't remember them at all DUH! so little arrows' choice is pretty silly because she wouldn't even know that person was her BFFL.

December 3rd, 2006, 09:28 pm
Family will never hurt you, freinds can, freinds can be made easy, easy as they can ditch you or hurt your fealings.

December 3rd, 2006, 10:40 pm
At first, it sounded pretty apocalyptic to me and I got down to thinking hard; but after I mull it over a few times, I find it's not that much of a tricky predicament.

you no longer remember anything about your best friend or your significant other

Just one person? Score!

you must cho[o]se who you will see everyday for the rest of your life

You didn't specify that you never got to see anyone else, so you're simply asking who would you like to see everyday. If you don't remember anything about the above* person, seeing them everyday would be pointless unless they're the kind of person that you can become great friends with all over again. Then that would be it.
And seeing my family every day of my life would get a bit icky.
There's no one that I would really want to see everyday. I need space from every little thing sometimes. Unless you mean "seeing" as in "stalking"-seeing; rather then the "see" that I interpreted as "going up to them and having a full conversation and maybe some coffee afterwards".

who you will never see again

You didn't specify, so I would pick a random schmo, whom I know the name of, but I don't really "know" them. So their sudden disappearance wouldn't affect me (and I probably wouldn't even have noticed).
I'm silly. I really am.

December 4th, 2006, 12:16 am
If you were in solitary confinement for a month, you would probably be mentally unstable so you wouldn't be able to choose. If you don't remember anything about your best friend or significant other, you wouldn't remember them at all DUH! so little arrows' choice is pretty silly because she wouldn't even know that person was her BFFL.

i just mean you don't remember any previous fights or good times. you just know that the person means something to you. its like you remember a presence, but no specific details.

December 4th, 2006, 08:45 pm
couldn't you just choose seeing everyone, that way you can't lose? I mean you don't have to talk to them or anything according to your rules. You could just bump into them.

December 4th, 2006, 09:48 pm
Well if they both won't mean anything to you, you'll have to realize the reason why you are special to them or why they're special to you in the first place. Some people are only special because of a shared moment or a romantic gesture that made them overcome differences that would otherwise keep them apart. Sometimes personalities just click. Lingering feelings and choices are hard to choose >> I think I'd stay with the one I love because your friend is just someone that you share interests and goals with. Those memories you can kind of remake, and as a guy you never admit your friend means more than the person you love XD

December 8th, 2006, 04:30 am
i will go with.....significant other..sorry best friend =p

December 8th, 2006, 03:16 pm
Family will never hurt you, freinds can, freinds can be made easy, easy as they can ditch you or hurt your fealings.

I'm sorry but I have to disagree.

Also...why cant your friend and significant other be one and the same?

December 8th, 2006, 07:39 pm
significant other.

Reasoning: Even those love can last a short time, so does a friendship, even to the deepest connections. Atleast you have someone who loves you more than a friend next to you. You can get another best friend easily.

Dont mind me, I'm probably high.

December 8th, 2006, 08:52 pm
I'm sorry but I have to disagree.

Also...why cant your friend and significant other be one and the same?
actually they could =] so win win for you haha