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View Full Version : [REQUEST|piano]Tori no Uta

December 2nd, 2006, 11:11 pm
Yes, I found a copy of it on Josh's anime site....it's not the version I'm looking for.

I've also searched on the internet, but the only sites that I've found are in Japanese, which I can't read...

I have an MP3 of the song if needed. PM me or somthing.

-'Tori no Uta' (piano version ...there's two piano versions, josh has one, and this is the other)
-Music by Key (from the anime Air)

So, basically, I'm asking for a transcription of above MP3. Thanks in advance. Not posting this in the piano solo topic....c'mon, will anybody actually see it there? :\

December 3rd, 2006, 09:24 am
Can you use .ove (Overture) files?

There's one in the anime sheet music thread at Gamingforce, but it's in .ove format


btw, why am I 'Mason High School Bands' here (http://lpstudio.frih.net/lpremix/links.html)? ^^()

December 6th, 2006, 07:47 pm
Well, it was kinda a hassle to sign up.....thanks for the link

hmm...looks like i gotta fix my links page....copy and paste...forgot to change....

now my next challenge is getting overture 0_o...