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View Full Version : Is there a program for windows similar to audio hijacker?

December 6th, 2006, 04:04 am
Is there a program that does the same thing as the program fro mac called audio hijacker? It's a program used to covert music from one form to the next. I need it to convert spc files. Spc's are basecally music ripped right out of a snes sound chip (I think). Anyways audio hujacker managed to convert the spc to a mp3 however it's only for mac. Is there one similar to it for windows?

December 6th, 2006, 11:05 pm
I know this seems like a crazy idea, but why don't you try *googling* it?


There you go; I did it for you. :rolleyes:

Also, to be extra helpful, here's a link to a thread detailing exactly how to do what you asked for. ^_^


Good luck; just remember that google is a mighty ally next time you decide you can't figure something out for yourself. ;)

December 6th, 2006, 11:24 pm
I've been there before and I tired that. It didn't work

December 6th, 2006, 11:32 pm
Aw, sorry to hear that. And in that case, sorry for suggesting you were too lazy to use google.

Andddddd, sorry I don't have an answer to your question. :heh:

Good luck! :3