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Neko Koneko
December 8th, 2006, 11:42 am
On a Dutch site I often visit they have Feauteaufuck (photofuck) Friday, meaning you use Photoshop (or whatever program you prefer) to edit an image according to their rules. So far I participated two times.

First entry:
In the Netherlands we have a new radical political party called "Partij voor de vrijheid" (Party for freedom). They are basically very anti-islam and would rather get rid of all muslims in this country. The site offered an image and we had to edit it. Here's my result.

The text at the bottom reads "for a quick deportation of all your Muslim trouble". Please note that this is my view on that political party, not my view on Muslims. The woman in the image is the second person in the party (the number 1 is already often made fun of) and basically that's the stock image we got. I added the Nazi references and the monocle, just because I could.

Second entry:
Second one was about thinking up a non-existant product. Referring to the dead of a Russian ex-spy in England after he got poisoned with Radioactive Polonium in a sushi bar I made this image.

Note that the brand (Dr. Putin) is based on the German brand Dr. Oetker, which actually creates pizza and stuff like that.

Third entry
This week the Dutch minister who's responsible for asylum seekers, Rita Verdonk, has been removed from her position because a majority in parliament disapproved of her ways. She is considered very harsh (Iron Rita) and would rather just send all Asylum seekers back to where they came from, reason for the left winged parties in the Dutch parliament to object to what she does. Of course, her being sent away had to be photofucked =p

The top title says "Rita sees possibilities in new government policy" and the text bubbles say from top to bottom "Ah well, at least I can marry my Hassan here now", "What you say?" and "Nothing deer". The mill in the background points out that it's in Holland, and the idea behind it is that under Verdonk's rule "Hassan" would have been kicked out of the country, and now she's marrying him.

I personally think this is the worst of all my photofucks yet, but I thought I'd just post it here anyway, though I doubt many of you are interested in Dutch politics XD

Anyone out there who ever edits pictures like that? (Instead of always making sigs and wallpapers and such). Please share ^_^

December 8th, 2006, 11:57 am
Lol, those are pretty funny.

I think I should get into this a little bit.

December 8th, 2006, 01:50 pm
hmm...we should organize one of these on here.

Good work Angelic, I like the 1st one better (although the monocle looks kinda weird to me)

December 8th, 2006, 11:15 pm
lol, those are awesome XD
I love the "From Russia with Love" one

maybe we should organize something like that

December 9th, 2006, 01:02 am
I got the impression that someone was posting pornography when I saw this. XD

Those look pretty fun, though.

December 9th, 2006, 02:01 am
Hmm...the thought of Angelic posting pornography is kinda hard to imagine

December 9th, 2006, 04:33 pm
Lol. I like the sushi one best.

Neko Koneko
December 9th, 2006, 05:03 pm
lol, those are awesome XD
I love the "From Russia with Love" one

maybe we should organize something like that

If we can find enough people who're interested XD

December 11th, 2006, 01:59 am
Haha that's funny.

Sushi needs more cowbe...I mean, gaussian blur! =D

December 11th, 2006, 02:41 am
If we can find enough people who're interested XD

I am.

I find those very well made, the Nazi paraphernalia on the lady is seamlessly put on. Nice.

Neko Koneko
December 14th, 2006, 11:58 pm
New one up (in first post). Not a very good one though.

December 17th, 2006, 03:24 am
Did you misspell dear as deer on purpose? Insiders joke?...

December 18th, 2006, 04:50 pm
Hmmm, I'm too lazy to do any of these, but I'll give you some advice anyway.
For the first one, her shadow and monocle are way too obvious, they kind of kill the image. The nazi band and badge are pretty well done however.

For the second one, the glow effect is too strong, and doesn't look like its actually casting any light - more like you sprayed green on the picture...which is basically what you did, so that's understandable. Doing glow effects is an amazing pain in the ass though, so you get points for even trying. :heh:

For the third one, the people look pasted on the background for some reason. I'm not sure why; I guess their perspective is probably off with the rest of the picture/they're too big or small for where theyre standing. Really, this isn't a fault of yours, because I can't even tell what's wrong with them by looking at them. My brain just raises a red flag when I look at them is all. Also, the girls face looks pasted on, because the color of her face is totally different than the color of the lower part of her body. I uhm...changed the color of her face a bit, so you could see the results.


Mine isn't perfect either, as I only spent five minutes fixing it(mine looks kind of like a ghost, if I wanted to avoid that, I would've needed to take some time to do some real painting on there. XD ), but I hope you can at least see the difference. Make sure when you cut and paste things around, you make sure they're the right colors and have the right light sources. I used the Screen blending mode to lighten her face, just for future reference.

Anyway, it's nice to see people messing around with photoshop. I enjoyed all of your pictures; they were all pretty funny, especially the crazy looking, grinning nazi-lady. I just figured I'd throw out some tips for you to make them more believable next time. Keep working at it, a little practice fixes a lot. Good luck! ^ ^

December 19th, 2006, 04:45 am
I think all the obvious slap-n-glue looking stuff was done on purpose by Angelic.

January 17th, 2007, 09:56 pm
I cast....

Good news Angelic, I finally noticed what was wrong with your Windmill people:
They're a bit too tall. Their eyes should be about where the girls chin is now. XD

January 18th, 2007, 11:55 pm
The sushi one could have a bit work done on the radioactive sushi color, but it was still hilarious. Kudos!

Zero X
January 27th, 2007, 08:09 am
Radioactive sushi.... :blink:
I wonder if someone eat it... :think: