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December 15th, 2006, 02:55 am
Hey guys. I've been enjoying this site for over 2 years now. And decided to join the forum now. Well I was wondering what it would take to teach myself clarinet. I am intrigued in playing a new instrument and I've tried out many instruments and I've narrowed it down to cello, clarinet, or harp. Obviously it will take hours of dedication. 2 hours of violin everyday :lol: So I am ready to add on an hour or 2 for whichever instrument I am decide. I taught myself how to play piano as well as guitar. Not as proficient in those as violin but I am not too interested in piano or guitar. So if you guys could tell me which one you think would be easiest and how I should go about acquiring that instrument and start it that would be great =D Cheers! Off to English homework :heh:

P.S. I was thinking of doing the chinese instrument Erhu but that would be super hard to teach myself.

December 15th, 2006, 03:15 am
In my early years of instrumentalship*, fellow bandmates have informed me that beginning to play the clarinet is actually rather easy. But later on it gets harder to play higher notes and other things. (For the flute, it's the opposite. Starting out is hard, then afterwards, it's easy.)
I'm not quite sure about the cello or harp, but everyone discourages me from learning the violin and/or cello etc., because they are apparantly difficult to get the hang of. 'Coz if you suck, there's no helping it. You will sound like crap. And I know this. I just spent three hours of my life listening to 12 year olds attempting strings. I hurt in my mind. But if you are good at it, you will sound damn sexy.
Harp..? Harpists are rare in this world. I don't know much about them, but I don't think it should be hard. I think I recall recently spotting a harpist on the forum. I will look for him/her later.

Well, since you already know piano and guitar, you're pretty well off. Those are the two most played instruments (in my side of the world at any rate). I wouldn't worry too much about learning anything else.

P.S. Erhu is super awesome. :)

December 19th, 2006, 01:01 am
The hardest thing for trying to teach myself to play clarinet was getting it to work :heh: . But it gets easier over time, with some practice. (I'm can play a 7-year clarinet piece perfectly, and I've only been playing for 3-4 years!) As you progress... it does get harder if your tongue is big >.< (like mine), because it is a bit harder to get a good tone, and double tongue (which I can't do, so I single tongue really fast).

December 23rd, 2006, 01:24 am
Thanks guys. I am probobly gonna get a clarinet for christmas :lol: Happy Holidays ^_^

December 23rd, 2006, 06:28 pm
I've thought about taking up the clarinet myself, actually. I hear that if you get good on it, then you can also learn the saxophone fairly easily.