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View Full Version : Princess Princess [for piano]

January 7th, 2007, 09:50 pm
There are two / three songs from Princess Princess that I reallly want to play.
I don't know the name of the songs.

I'm looking for piano sheet music for
A song that was played like 3 time in the first one or two episodes.
It was a really cute song.

And a sadder slower song that was played oftenly.
[First time I heared it was the Yuujirou's Past Episode. x______x; ]
And if it helps.
On youtube Episode 8 part 1 pretty much has that song playing through out.

In the last few minutes of epi 8. Another song plays and is so cute.
If you have that song, I'd be great. *w*
It's like sweet but sorta sad.
I'm sorry. I'm not being specific enough. ;.;

I'm sorry, I don't have much information. x_____x
Please and thank you very much!

January 8th, 2007, 11:02 pm
I'm not sure which songs you're talking about as I haven't seen this anime myself, but I've finished two transcriptions-- they'll be up on my site this week :)