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View Full Version : INNOCENT VENUS- Venus 4Hands

January 13th, 2007, 07:10 pm
Does anyone know where I can find the sheet music for "Venus 4Hands" from Innocent Venus? you can hear the piano piece here:

I've been obsessed with this song!!!!

January 18th, 2007, 12:32 pm
Well I guess here would be the place to request the song. Though I think you'll have a tough time finding someone willing to transcribe this one ... it's really hard to do!

Like its title says, it's a 4 hand piece, meaning it was written for TWO pianos to be playing at the same time. Now, how transcribers will differentiate the 4 hands is going to be tricky, especially because there is absolutely no difference between the timbres of the instruments (all pianos, of course!). Finally, add to this obstacle the difficulty of actually finding the notes for this heavily dissonant and harmonized piece and you have an A-ranked difficulty piece to transcribe/arrange.

I'll decline this one (and anyways, I'm trying to finish up pieces that have been accumulating digital dust in my folders), but I'll congratulate beforehand anyone who attempts this and does a decent job with the song!

January 18th, 2007, 01:08 pm
You know what, I actually watched that anime and was fascinated by this piece for a bit. Now I believe this was made as a duet as per the two characters playing in the anime so that's how I'll attempt to transcribe it... unless anyone knows for sure that two pianos were used in this.

April 27th, 2007, 03:58 am
Thank you for your response. You know there is one I think that might be simplified, which is here:

April 27th, 2007, 08:03 pm
Oh, I actually did about a minute of the 4 hands version but I'm not going to continue it. I can post the MUS later if you'd like. It's on my computer back at home.

June 8th, 2007, 01:52 am
I can't believe nobody transcribed this! @_@ It is a very nice composition and I realy hope someone finishes transcribing it... or starts doing it.

Nytol MAN
October 24th, 2007, 08:47 am
I really hope someone has the guts to take this challenge... I practice piano regularly but I still suck with music sheets ( I mostly play by ear) but I really want to learn this piece.

October 24th, 2007, 09:29 am
i did a bit of this a few months ago... but i don't think i will finish it any time soon. even though the transcribed bits are far from finished, maybe it is best that i upload it here so anyone interested can have a look. ^^

Edit: decided to finish it off somehow. will be uploading soon.

Edit2: having a bit of a cold today... cant hear well at all, but it is sort of finished. (maybe it will sound rubbish when i get well. >o<) btw i dont have a piano here so i dont know what the score actually sounds like - it is especially difficult with this song. (remember Jin trying to figure out the notes in ep5 or so^^")

anyway the score has been uploaded to my website: http://sperion.web.fc2.com

March 12th, 2011, 07:50 pm
Actually I play piano and 4 hands refers to it as a duet piece

March 12th, 2011, 08:07 pm
Actually I play piano and 4 hands refers to it as a duet piece
