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View Full Version : Spirited Away Giftie

January 18th, 2007, 09:31 pm
I drew a little picture for my good friend. She asked for it...and I tried to make it look well for her. Do you think I did a terrible job? It's supposed to be Haku from Spirited Away, but for some reason he just does not look like him except for the clothes...

Do you think I should give it to her?

*smiles* Thankies for looking...


piano misstress
January 18th, 2007, 09:35 pm
That picture you drew was really good. What were did you use to make it?

January 18th, 2007, 09:39 pm
Oh really? Thank you so much~! ^__^ *hugs you*

I just used Photohop for it... ^_^


piano misstress
January 18th, 2007, 09:45 pm
Well it's still good. I couldn't make a desent looking picture on a computer program if my life depended on it. I have some art on here if you are interested in seeing it. If you are let me knkow and I'll tell you where to find it if you don' t know where to look already lol. Again good job though. *hugs back*

January 18th, 2007, 11:22 pm
Well, all I see wrong is that his neck is too long and that the nose could've been better. Other than that, great job. I'm sure your friend will like it. ^_^

January 18th, 2007, 11:53 pm
It looks somewhat like Haku. Some proportions and other stuff are kinda weird, but it's still really good. I need to go take some drawing classes..... >_>

January 19th, 2007, 12:43 am
I thought so too... I draw necks kind of long by accident. x__x

Thankies Marlon! ^___^ *hugs*


It looks somewhat like Haku. Some proportions and other stuff are kinda weird, but it's still really good. I need to go take some drawing classes..... >_>

Mew, I knew it. ._. I thought Haku looked a little bit possibly shorter than that? And his suit looks weird too... o_o

Mew, thankies for looking at it though. And for telling me what's wrong with it so that I can fix it next time... ^_^ *hugs*


MOD EDIT: Please don't double post.