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View Full Version : What do you usually name your game characters?

February 3rd, 2007, 05:32 am
Title says it all about the thread. When you have to name your own characters/summmons/pokemon/gummi ships/whatever, what do you usually name them?

Pokemon Emerald: My character's name is Padme (Star Wars reference) and here are a few of my pokemon:

Blaziken: Gustav
Mightyena: Puppy
Ninjask: Jennifer
Swampert: Charles
Ninetails: Nelson
Sunkern: Reilly
(note the last three) Also, sometimes I name the pokemon their japanese name (I named my Celebi "Serebii"[ignores all the "holy crap she has a Celebi"s])

Kingdom Hearts: In the first KH, when you name your ship at the beginning of the game, I called mine "Allhailme" XD. In Chain of Memories, my main deck is "Masamune" and my other deck is "OMGWTFBBQ"

Final Fantasy: I usually keep the original names, but the first time I played FFVIII I named Squall "Tsukasa" cause I was obsessed with .hack at the time. I also have a list of my aeons from FFX:

Valefor: Hawkeye
Ifrit: Frank
Ixion: Henry
Shiva: Hotlips
Bahamut: Radar
Anima: Trapper
Yojimbo: ColPottr
Magus Sisters: Original names

Yes, they're all M*A*S*H characters...

Zelda: First playthrough I always name my character Link. After that, the names can range from Jordan (my name) to Mr. Dingle (can't remember where I got that...) In one of my games my character is named "Link..."with the three dots at the end...and I've even named him "Zelda" in OOT once...

Zelda: What's your name? Zelda? That name seems familiar!


February 3rd, 2007, 11:18 am
I ussualy leave character names the same, I did use Luis once in pokemon, but I left gary on there, all my pokemon had their original names.

Infact I've only really named my characters in MMORPGs (GW and WoW) where its been 2 friends names for GW, ananth, hawq, and a friends name in WoW.

Changing names confused the heck outta me.

February 4th, 2007, 01:57 am
I used to name my characters Dainn, because I was obsessed with Boktai 2, and I thought it was a good name, but then I changed it to Shiro. I usually name my characters after obscure things and stuff like TKDarkness (MS char&crap), Hizashi (Blastoise, I dunno where the hell I came up with that.....), Darkness (Pokemon), Amelia (I think it's a good name..... >_>), Rakku (Summon Night 2..... Meh. Anyone wanna guess which anime it's from?), and so much more.....

February 4th, 2007, 02:20 am
I only use my real name in the Zelda series. And as I bet the game over, me and my brother usually do Seth II or like my last time playing OoT, Seth XI. :heh:

February 4th, 2007, 02:23 am
Mat was my pokemon name. I've always liked that name plus its my brother's. Zelda: Just have to go with Link. Other games I've used some rp names (Hee, I'm a theif), but that was only for fable. My MK profiles are just sondagger since you don't really get a specific character to name.

That's all I can think of.

February 4th, 2007, 08:20 am
If i use other names for characters it tends to be from people in my family and the pets i own.

February 5th, 2007, 03:59 am
I use friend's names, my names, family's names or just names from TV shows that I like... I once named all my Pokemon DBZ characters.

February 5th, 2007, 08:01 am
i'd change the main character's to mine, but mine is almost perfect becuz Dan just owns...technically it's Daniel but Dan in games is better

February 6th, 2007, 09:48 pm
I used to name my characters after my name..... >_> I gave that up though.

February 7th, 2007, 01:52 pm
for the pokemon series, i always named my character gary and my opponent ash :heh: he's one of the most annoying anime characters ever, in my eyes..

atm, i play browser games only and i always call myself amalia, satania oder trinity. trinity is my nickname in all those chatrooms and messengers, too.

February 9th, 2007, 07:24 pm
I came up with a new one..... Ryuuken..... sounds more like a clan name though.....

February 9th, 2007, 09:40 pm
I would use Kurisu, Atticus, Hiei, Exdeath, Daggeron, or Amaki

February 12th, 2007, 03:38 pm
for the pokemon series, i always named my character gary and my opponent ash :heh: he's one of the most annoying anime characters ever, in my eyes..

atm, i play browser games only and i always call myself amalia, satania oder trinity. trinity is my nickname in all those chatrooms and messengers, too.

I think english Naruto is the most annoying.

As for names, I usually leave them the way they are.
My Harmonic Dissonance name is Arik, from a story I'm writing. (though he's only an elf, since my system is different from HD's)

Dead Panda
February 13th, 2007, 12:22 am
I usually do it in triplets.

Dead Panda
Ketsueki Panda
Pink Panda

March 5th, 2007, 04:42 am
When I played FFIX, I thought Dagger was about the dumbest name ever...so I named her Hotlips.

Divine Shadow
March 7th, 2007, 04:06 pm
Sometimes I like to name my characters Marth (from fire emblem) or Fayt (from Star Ocean 3). I just really like those characters and their names are cool.

March 7th, 2007, 11:04 pm
Camillia, Meer, Sarkurah.

If I play the game a second time, I enjoy naming my character(s) after the antagonist to mix up the plot.

March 8th, 2007, 12:37 am
droneal since it's an anagram of my name
or aznanimedude...since i use that name everywhere XD
or if we're not talking mmorpgs...
just droneal XD

March 8th, 2007, 12:50 am
In Pokémon, I named my character my mother's name. :)
I also named my Pokémon things like
Fatass (It was a Snorlax.),
JFK (John F. Kennedy; I was feeling nostalgic),
Fatfuck (It was a Jigglypuff.)

and Figaro... Chyea.

Neko Koneko
March 8th, 2007, 06:46 am
I called my Snorlax Dicky Dick, after Dikkie Dik (http://jufmiranda.punt.nl/upload/dikkiedikboek.jpg)
Other than that I usually just used stock names.

In Secret of Mana I called the main character "Dick", since he was a guy and me and my friend were in a silly mood. The blonde girl became Blondy and the Sprite became Thingy, because we had no idea what it was in the first place.

March 8th, 2007, 11:39 pm
O_o You all are so cruel.....

I usually name my pokemon after related moves (usually Ninjutsus or Japanese names), something involving darkness or dark, or something completely random that I think fits. Like my Salamence. HellBuster. >_>

March 20th, 2007, 10:02 am
Well, I don't usually nickname my pokemon but the names what I usually like to name my character in Pokemon (and in other games) are Andrew, Gary, Kira, and other names from the japanese anime shows...

Lost Rain
March 22nd, 2007, 03:20 pm
Well, I normally stick with names the first time around. But sometimes, 'Tidus' becomes 'Jock Man' and Yuna becomes 'Village Bike'... it's great.

(BTW, I really liked Star Ocean 3. I still name characters after Fayt and Cliff!)

March 22nd, 2007, 07:18 pm
Heheh, Secret of Mana started how I name my game characters. I named the main character JAMES after me, the girl was called SUE after my grandma (she played through the game with be because she's fucking awesome. :3 ), and then my grandma named the sprite thing PUTZ...because it acted like a jackass and she didn't like it. XD

So yes, my main character's name is always JAMES in any game. All caps, because Secret of Mana didn't have lower case letters and I love that game more than most of my family. X3

Eh, actually, my name is JIM in the zelda games. I guess I love zelda enough to separate it from the other adventure games I play. My name is still in all-caps though.

March 22nd, 2007, 08:08 pm
I haven't played pokemon in a long time.
I name my self on Zelda games Shadow.

March 25th, 2007, 10:33 pm
Sometimes I just keep the original names. Namely in Zelda games. >_>

The Silv
March 28th, 2007, 04:03 am
I use the name Silv for Pokemon, and pretty much everything I need a name for. Although Pokemon is one of the last few game series' that's been sticking with me. I try to come up with original names for Armored Core as well. Though I can't remeber what my last character's name was.