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View Full Version : How do i convert finale to .mus

February 14th, 2007, 12:18 am
as the title say. Is this possible if so how?

February 14th, 2007, 12:18 am
Finale IS .mus :P .

February 14th, 2007, 12:22 am
dang i ment midi not .mus.....does .mus play on window media player?

February 14th, 2007, 12:27 am
No. .mus does not play on Windows Media Player. To change from .mus --> .midi, you'll have to buy the $100 Finale Printmusic. ;) There's also a 30-day free trial download for it.

February 14th, 2007, 12:50 am
Or bug someone else who has the full version to do it for you.

And for the love of God, post in here next time (http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=1209). I swear, this is like the 10th time that has been asked. Someone needs to just make a converter. <_<

February 14th, 2007, 01:01 am
XD Probably won't happen though... Or Finale will run out of business and Sibelius will take over. :shifty: Which is an awesome idea actually...

February 15th, 2007, 04:40 pm
XD Probably won't happen though... Or Finale will run out of business and Sibelius will take over. :shifty: Which is an awesome idea actually...

I doubt Finale will run out of business because there's a free converter on the internet though :P

lighting gem 1992
February 20th, 2007, 02:56 am
You could always use Noteworthy . you can download a free version at their web sight. you can only save it like 10 times on the demo but it works. when you go to save it just click on the drop down and save it as a midi instead.

Lightning Gem.

February 20th, 2007, 03:22 am
Then he'd have to renotate it, though...

February 20th, 2007, 11:35 am
Well, looky here. I spoke too soon. There is a converter.

http://drsleep.newdoom.com/sound.shtml (Second one from the bottom.)

Now will people stop asking this question?!

February 25th, 2007, 07:35 pm
Well, looky here. I spoke too soon. There is a converter.

http://drsleep.newdoom.com/sound.shtml (Second one from the bottom.)

Now will people stop asking this question?!

I think it would be odd that Coda Music, the maker of one of the most used music notation programs, would use the same format file that Doom, a 1993 FPS designed for the 386, uses as its music file. There's a confusion in file extension naming conventions. If its any consolation, I tried it earlier today already. :( A .MUS file is an internal file type used by the Doom 1 engine, so naturally trying to push a finale file through it didn't work.

Been looking awhile today for a finale .mus -> .MIDI converter to no avail. I wish finale notepad gave a one time midi export just so i could get the work I already did out and stop using it.

The .mus naming issue has been very frustrating for finding a solution. Downloaded 4 apps and 2 chunks of c that all convert .mus to .midi but the wrong kind. :(

February 25th, 2007, 07:47 pm
So I did some research. Some people are claiming the finale .mus format is an xml file thats compressed. It's an Enigma Transportable File (which is encoded in ascii in the first line of the file.) Maybe someone here can figure out how to decompress it, possibly revealing xml. If thats the case i would be able to use the xml to make a midi convert in vb.

The .mus used by Doom (which is what all the converters i've attempted to use today use) is a completely different type of file.

February 25th, 2007, 08:02 pm
Oh. That you can do. In Finale Printmusic and higher dollar amount products, there's a "MusicXML" function. ;)