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View Full Version : Shift_JIS Art

March 2nd, 2007, 06:51 pm
This could be moved into Graphics, but I'll leave that up to the Mods.

I'm interested in tracing/converting images into seperate images.

(warning: you will only be able to see the image if you have certain fonts installed.)

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I'm not very good at C+P them. I've tried installing AAEditor (http://aaesp.at.infoseek.co.jp/), but I keep getting an error that I am not able to make out. (the program is not english) If anyone can point me into the direction of another program or assist me in any other way I would appreciate it, thanks in advance.

(ITT shift_JIS art?)

March 2nd, 2007, 07:25 pm
I use the wonderful http://ascii.techhappens.com/index.php program. It was able to convert the following:


To this:

Color (http://ascii.techhappens.com/index.php?url=http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/1294/smallci6.jpg&quality=1&size=1&color=on&submit=Submit) — this one takes forever to load, btw.
no color (http://ascii.techhappens.com/index.php?url=http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/1294/smallci6.jpg&quality=1&size=1&submit=Submit)

you can get plain text, html, or even PHP (though html generally looks better, as it has font size control, but that kinda destroys the purpose of ascii art)

*is this what you're looking for?

March 2nd, 2007, 08:25 pm
Not exactly, although that is a nifty tool. Shift_JIS is similar but not the same as regular ASCII as it uses some japanese characters.

The image I am trying to convert is already in this format, but it's only a screenshot and I am trying to get the same thing. I don't want to trace the characters by hand because that would be time consuming.


March 3rd, 2007, 01:57 pm
I don't have the fonts on my comp. but I can briefly make out the picture of an anime girl holding.. a broom? Something like that...