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View Full Version : Help picking a song!

March 3rd, 2007, 12:57 am
Hey all,

It's the time for me in grade 12 music class again where I pick a song and have a month to learn and perfect it on an instrument of choice, mine is the flute. I like to have a song thats a little challenging, but I can master it in the given time, which is 3 hours per week, for four weeks.

The problem is, going through my books of music, I've either done the song already, or it's too easy.

Songs I did last month: Fukai Mori (Inuyasha), and Akatsuki no Kuruma (Gundam Seed)

I have no idea how to rate my level...both songs were fairly easy for me...but then again, I kind of play by ear (I like to have the music to keep track of where I am, and key changes and the like, but if I know the song, I pretty much play the notes to whatever I hear in my head...)

I guess what I'm asking is....

Any suggestions for a flute piece? :heh:

March 3rd, 2007, 02:01 am
Have you tried Mozart-Flute Concerto or Mozart-The Magic Flute.All very good music.

March 3rd, 2007, 09:53 am
never played any of magic flute, but both Mozart Flute Concertos are fairly advanced. especially to learn in a month.

you could look at the 2nd movement of Concerto 1, which is easier.

other suggestions- Faure- Sicilienne
Ravel- Piece en forme de Habanera
Debussy- Syrinx

hazarding a guess at your level from the songs you mentioned i would probably go with the Faure. the other two are harder pieces in case i underestimated.

March 4th, 2007, 01:21 am
Oh, to rate you level.

Professional-Can sight read fairly fast and shows real emotion when playing.(Putting your heart into it)Playing and not caring if you mess up but playing for the spirit of the composer
Intermediate-Starting to love your instrument and detetmined
Good Beginner:Determined to learn
Beginner-Can just play, guesses while playing and has very low emotion and plays as if it is only to please someone or for something other than the music.

^^ Hope this helps!

March 4th, 2007, 01:10 pm
Flight of the bumblebee? There's also an arrangement of "Satarelle" (sp?) for Flute and Piano, and it's a tough piece. :\ Requires some weird leaps, and fluttertounging.