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View Full Version : Eyes On Me (Angela Aki Version) [OHPLZHELP]

March 30th, 2007, 10:31 pm
Now that I've (hopefully) got your attention ... XD

I have until this upcoming Tuesday morning before I leave for school to find sheet music for Angela Aki's cover of Eyes On Me (originally performed by Faye Wong for Final Fantasy VIII). I would very, very dearly love to perform this for a chorus showcase (the theme is Love and War, guess which I picked). I cannot find the sheets anywhere that is free; I do not have time to order the booklet with her version of Eyes On Me in it.

You're probably all wondering why I can't operate off the version on Ichigo's -- I sing Aki-san's notes, because they are more comfortable for me and more in my tonal comfort zone. I tried to back it against the arrangement for Faye Wong's version, with positively disasterous results.

Please, please, I am begging -- anyone that has it, please scan it for me. Or, alternately, if anyone thinks they can transcribe it for me, I would be happy to get the file to you lickety-split. I'm pretty well desperate.

October 13th, 2007, 02:24 pm
does anyone have angela akis version of Eyes on me ??
please please give it to me