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August 12th, 2004, 01:21 am
I got to thinking, there's a Legend of Zelda thread so why not a Metroid one? So here it is. Basically just discuss anything Metroid the new games or the old classics.

I guess I'll start off by providing a link to a few new movies (http://media.cube.ign.com/media/499/499105/vids_1.html) that were released today of MP2:Echoes. Both the trailers show off the updated graphics (not that there was much to complain about in the first Metroid Prime) and Samus' new polished model. They also show off the more in-depth story and the new multiplayer mode. I also like the slideshow of MP and MP2 art. Kind of shows how much artisic work goes into a game.

Anyway, get to talking about these masterpieces.

August 12th, 2004, 02:36 am
Anyone else get to view the alternate ending in Prime? :) It's really cool.

August 12th, 2004, 02:58 am
Which one? There were three. The 79% and under ending, the 80%-99% ending and the 100% ending. I've only ever seen the middle ending but I'm working on getting the 100% ending before MP2 comes out.

August 12th, 2004, 11:21 am
i did :)!!! the evil hand...

Kerris Eras
August 12th, 2004, 11:37 am
Hmm, read some stuff about the Metroid series. I can say it's got my attention. :yes: Now for some detailed evaluation on which game I should get first . . . any tips ? Pity the classics on SNES and NES are out for me.

August 12th, 2004, 12:51 pm
Metroid: Zero Mission!!! great game...so...great...kinda easy though, but it is very fun, considering it is a remake of the first metroid.

I didn't really like prime...i dunno...the gameplay just didn't suit me...i got to a part on Talon IV where i just started searching for some kind of map...or something...dunnno.

but every 2D metroid i've ever played i've loved a ton, especially Super metroid (snes) there was little story...but it was less linear than the 2 metroids for GBA.

August 12th, 2004, 05:37 pm
@ Dark Bring

If you want to get into the metroid franchise I'd say play Super Metroid. There are very few games that are anywhere near as good as it, 2d or 3d. If you don't have any access at all to an SNES. Even if you have to borrow it it's worth it.

I'd suggest picking up Metroid Prime because it really is an awsome game and a very true translation of Metroid into 3d. Just be warned that if you are really into FPS's, MP is ot an FPS. It doesn't have dual-analogue control, its monsters respawn and it has lots of platforming. That said, if you're willing to get over some original controls and the old-school feel it has some of the best bosses and creatures around and in true metroid fashion there isn't another game that beats it in level design. Also, included is the original NES metroid so how can you go wrong. I believe you need to hook up metroid fusion and have a finished Metroid Prime game in order to unlock the original metroid but if you can find a copy of Fusion you can also unlock the Fusion suit in MP. It's purely aesthetic but it is pretty cool. If you're also looking for an unorthodox storytelling manner and a fairly deep backstory and story MP has that if you want it.

I would suggest going for Metroid: Zero Mission before Metroid: Fusion though. Fusion, while an excellent game, won't give you a completely accurate feel for the franchise. For the majority of the game it's extremely linear and helps you too much. It's still got the awesome level design and gameplay but it isn't classic Metroid.

August 12th, 2004, 09:44 pm
Originally posted by Elite666@Aug 12 2004, 05:37 PM
If you want to get into the metroid franchise I'd say play Super Metroid.

Yes definatly the best of the metroid series, its damn hard to get a copy thought, on e-bay you can only find the cartidge no box or instructions so far ive not seen any auctions for the version that came with a guide makes me kinda feel sorry that I got rid of my snes :mellow:

Kerris Eras
August 13th, 2004, 01:15 am

Asked around and now there's an SNES waiting for me in a few hours. :shifty: Hopefully he'll dig up a Super Metroid in his storeroom as well . . . mwehehe . . .

But I guess I'm being too greedy. Time to see if my investment in the local gaming stores has paid off . . .

November 4th, 2004, 06:33 pm
Considering how close it is to Metroid Prime 2's release date now seems like a good time to ressurect this thread.

From what I've seen MP2 is looking to be even better than the first and it's pretty much a given that it will sell in the millions. The graphics have been tweaked just enough that there isn't any of the slightly blurry textures that were found in MP and the game looks completely gorgeous. Really, after the first game it would be hard to improve on gameplay that much but there's reportedly going to be far more morph ball puzzles and just more intelligent puzzles in general. The game is more difficult than MP and has been said to run about 30 hours which is admirable for an exploration based game like Metroid.

What has me really interested lately though is the viral marketing for the game that Nintendo is putting on. This site (http://www.channel51.org) and the two sites linked to at the bottom are similar to what Microsoft did with 'I love bees' for Halo 2. It's disturbing in a few places where the sites brush with reality, especially in the Athena Aeronautics Blog.

Also worth mentioning is the site found here (http://www.ilovegees.com) mocking the Halo 2 viral marketing. It appears at just about every conceivable variation of Ilovebees.com like Ilovegees.com and Ilovebeasts.com. It may not be an effective marketing tool but it's damn funny.