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View Full Version : Do you have an OffSpot?

April 18th, 2007, 04:01 am
Does anyone have a spot?

Offspot (http://offspot.com) is a social and sharing site for mobile video, ringtone and wallpapers. you can make your own, and upload, and sell them- and you get a percentage of the download. 99 cents or set your price- even to free if you want. You just have to make sure that your phone and carrier are compatible, and then you have a spot for free, and sell your wallpapers, vids, and audio on your profile. you could make cool custom anime wall papers, you just have to make sure that you aren't using copyrighted material. Draw your own! Great place for fan art, for sure.

you can link people your "spot." It’s your little store, and then people can buy and browse. It kind of looks like a myspace page so it's also like a little profile.

May 1st, 2007, 06:07 pm
My service still isn't compatible, but my friend just started an account: HERE (http://www.offspot.com/mangamonkey)
I like his Timothy Nero stuff, it's from his manga that he does.