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View Full Version : Final Fantasy X-2 request...

April 18th, 2007, 07:08 am
Can anyone tell me where to find the sheet music for the introduction music to Final Fantasy X-2? I don't know the name of the song, all I can tell you is that it is played during the opening credits, just before the main menu, and it is a piano solo. Sorry to be so unclear. If I'd known what is was called, I would have found it already. Appreciative thanks for any help.

April 20th, 2007, 04:32 pm
The piece is called eternity memory of lightwaves. I played it for music assessment at school.

I can't find the link anywhere. As soon as tomorrow morning comes, I'll find my sheet music and find the link for you. Try looking for it just in case I can't help you further. All the best learning to play it and finding it. :D

EDIT: FOUND IT!!! http://www.ffsymphony.net/games.php?game_id=13#sheets

Just click and download eternity and print off each individual sheet. All the best learning it