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May 3rd, 2007, 12:44 pm

A new thread for new arrangements!

I have a question that only people who have a basis in musical theory might be able to answer. I recently completed this arrangement (rather an orchestral reduction) of a song, and I was wondering if anyone would take a look at it.

It's Allegro Cantabile from Suemitsu & the Suemith's album "The Piano It's Me" (Disc 2).

I'd like to know if my accidentals are right. The pitches are fine, but double sharps make me really doubt myself. Especially in measures 53-59: there's a modulation in G minor, I think. But it then goes into a small chain of modulations to return to C# major.


May 3rd, 2007, 06:02 pm
I haven't seen the show in question or encountered the soundtrack... I do however recognize that it's based on the theme to the first part of A Little Wedding Music (OK, OK, it's "Night", but you always play it at weddings...) among other things.

About the section you specifically asked about-
What looks to me to be the case is-
m51 = G# Major (hence, lovely double sharp Cs)
In the second half of m52 though, I would imply the next key being set up, making it a Bb chord. That way it will be set up like the other transitions like m26 etc.

Anyway, good job and good luck.

May 3rd, 2007, 10:06 pm
Edit: oops, there are more double sharps than I saw at first glance.

May 5th, 2007, 03:49 am
Ah, now that's some key signature there. Never heard this piece, but I like it. ^_^

May 6th, 2007, 12:09 pm
nodame cantabile? lol. I hear mozart everywhere.

May 8th, 2007, 03:27 am
Obscure songs are often ones that will astound you!

Anyways, I looked the piece over with people and fortunately there was a modification that made things a little better. Instead of C# Major, I switched it to Db Major, reducing the 7# key signature to 5b. It looks better than with double sharps, and it links well with the G Minor modulation too.

So here it is, for Nodame Cantabile fans out there (and it's going to be on josh's too, probably on his next update)!