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View Full Version : Song : Path Seeking

Kai Sulkus
May 19th, 2007, 01:13 am
This is something I put together a few moths ago, it's an Instrumental build up to the first track with vocals. Which, obviously wont be included even by the means of an oboe simply because I'm lazy and I don't think I can get the kind i want to work with Midi.

Anyhow, I'm using a string ensemble as simply Synth in all the songs for this 'Album'

I'll write a bit more about what it is when I finish it and put it up so you can all give it some critique and whatnot, but for now it's basically a Ambience/Thrash Metal/Proggy/Digital sound for a concept story.

The entire thing is more a Book to music rather than an album, there are two tracks designed to have talking over them (A prologue and an epilogue) as well as this instrumental.

With any luck it'll be worth a listen. 8]


May 19th, 2007, 02:50 am

AKA, please use English and not text talk. You will be treated with much higher respect if you use the proper spelling and grammar of the language.

Kai Sulkus
May 19th, 2007, 07:36 am

AKA, please use English and not text talk. You will be treated with much higher respect if you use the proper spelling and grammar of the language.

I just thought it might be pretty funny if I joined this forum and gave everyone the impression I had the mental capacity of a cheese sandwich.


May 19th, 2007, 04:33 pm
And yet not really THAT funny. BTW, I can't figure out how to download the mp3...

May 19th, 2007, 05:36 pm
Hrmrm. I think it's only streamable.

Kai Sulkus
May 20th, 2007, 12:37 pm
Ah well, always funny for me. I never had anyone else in mind. 8)

May 24th, 2007, 06:55 am
Etheral Lullaby 01 Path Seeking
Nice work with the strings in the beginning behind the guitar work. I really like how the piece seems totally different when the drums and bass come in and finally electric guitar.
The piano part in the middle seemed very random to me. It sort of worked, but some of the notes didn't seem to fit in with the guitar.
The synth work is really cool in that one section.
The ending work on the guitar is cool, but the song just seems to leave you hanging.

Overall the song was pretty good. It was repetitive in some places, and reminds me alot of a rock song. It sounds like the song is more of an accompaniment rather than an actual song. A part feels missing. Good work though... and try to put it up for download next time, so more people can hear it.

Kai Sulkus
May 31st, 2007, 01:55 pm
Haha. It's actually an instrumental build up that links with the first track. That's why it feels incomplete.

It's repetetive simply because it's building a bit of anxiety. At least that was the aim.

Etherea* by the way, haha. 8] The L's on vacation.

I'll try and sort making it downloadable, but for now I don't want anyone to have it, when the whole thing's finished I'll put it all up.

It's almost done now, one song and an Epilogue to go.

Instead of having a laugh with n00b speak I'll explain next time. It was late and I was tired. That's my defence and I stand by it. 8)

Nehoo, thanks for checking it out. \m/